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Presentation on theme: "Religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religions

2 Top White Margin of Page 11
SS7G8c. : Compare and contrast the prominent religions of SW Asia: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

3 Page 11 on the 1st line: Religion- A faith or belief system that explains human relationships with the universe.

4 What do these symbols mean to you?
Sketch the following symbols below on page 11 (above the middle hole punch) of your ISN. Write a sentence or two about what these symbols mean to you.

5 Judaism  Symbol: Star of David  Founder: Abraham

6 Judaism  Name of Followers:  Number of Followers:  Jews
 14 million

7 Judaism  Origins When: c BCE  Where: Middle East -Israel

8 Judaism  Important Facts:  Focus is more on this life than the next
 God: One God (called Adonai or Yahweh)  Beliefs: Obey God’s 613 commandments and live ethically  Focus is more on this life than the next  Holidays: Bar/ Bat Mitzvah, Passover, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah

9 Judaism  Diet: No pork or other non-kosher foods  Main Sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform  Israel is only country where majority  Holy City: Jerusalem

10 Judaism  Holy Book: Tanakh  Sacred Language: Hebrew
Torah (Old Testament)  Sacred Language: Hebrew

11 Judaism  Building: Synagogue / Temple  Leader: Rabbi
 Holy Day: Saturday

12 Christianity  Symbol: Cross  Founder: Jesus Christ

13 Christianity  Name of followers:  Number of Followers:  Christians
 2 billion followers

14 Christianity  Origin:  When:  Where:  C. 30 CE  Middle East

15 Christianity  Important Facts:
 God: One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit  Beliefs: All have sinned and are thereby separated from God  Salvation through Jesus Christ by faith; eternal life  heaven or hell  Practices: Baptism and Communion

16 Christianity  Holidays: Christmas, Easter
 Main Sects: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox  Holy City: Jerusalem

17 Christianity  Holy Book:  Bible -Old and New Testaments

18 Christianity  Building: Church  Leader: Minister, priests, pastors  Holy Day: Sunday

19 Islam  Symbol: Crescent and the Star  Founder: Muhammad

20 Islam  Name of followers:  Number of Followers:  Muslims
 1.3 billion

21 Islam  Origin:  When:  Where:  c. 622 CE  Middle East
- Mecca, Saudi Arabia

22 Islam  Important Facts  Paradise or hell  God: One God (Allah)
 Beliefs: Submit to the will of God, to gain access to paradise  Paradise or hell  Practices: Five pillars of faith: Declaration of Faith, pray five times a day, give to poor, Make pilgrimage to Mecca, fast during Ramadan (a month of spiritual renewal)

23 Islam  Diet: No pork or alcohol  Holidays: Related to the pilgrimage and Ramadan  Main Sects: Sunni (90%) and Shia (10%)  Holy Cities: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

24 Islam  Holy Book:  Koran (Qur’an)  Sacred Language:  Arabic

25 Islam  Building: Mosque  Leader: Imam  Holy Day: Friday


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