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Total Faculty by Status and Gender,

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Presentation on theme: "Total Faculty by Status and Gender,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Faculty by Status and Gender, 2015-16
Dental Assisting (N=153) Dental Hygiene (N=199) Dental Lab Tech (N=10) Total (N=362) Count % Full-Time Women 350 97.0% 1,063 92% 13 30% 1,426 91% Men 11 3.0% 93 8% 30 70% 134 9% 361 1,156 43 1,560 Part-Time 313 82% 1,739 84% 10 2,062 83% 67 18% 335 16% 23 425 17% 380 2,074 33 2,487 Volunteer 12 36% 7 39% 0% 19 35% 21 64% 61% 3 100% 35 65% 18 54 Student Intern 15 88% 90% 50 86% 2 12% 4 10% 8 14% 17 39 58 Grand Total 690 87% 2,844 28% 3,557 101 13% 443 72% 602 791 3,287 81 4,159 Source: American Dental Education Association, Survey of Allied Dental Program Directors, 2016

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