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GVE School News and the 2014 PETE&C Pennsylvania Education Technology Expo & Conference Four fifth graders take on hundreds of educators, administrators,

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Presentation on theme: "GVE School News and the 2014 PETE&C Pennsylvania Education Technology Expo & Conference Four fifth graders take on hundreds of educators, administrators,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GVE School News and the 2014 PETE&C Pennsylvania Education Technology Expo & Conference Four fifth graders take on hundreds of educators, administrators, and vendors.

2 GVE School News School News allows students & staff to stay connected and up to date on all of the exciting things going on here at GVES. School News also highlights the special achievements of students throughout the year. Student reporters are provided the chance to vote on which segments they would like to write and report. Students are paired with a different partner and segment each week. Student editors review and edit each weeks clips using iMovie.

3 What We Cover School News covers all of the exciting happenings and achievements at GVES. We report on unique events from week to week like Read Across America Week, Jump Rope for Heart, and No Name Calling Week. School News also has several recurring segments that our audience looks forward to each week. These usually include Weekly Updates, School News Jokes, Sports Report, Fun Facts, Books Review, Word of the Week, and Green Team Tips.

4 Our Four Reporters Jeanine Albero Will Denning Preetika Guruprasad Ryan Monachello

5 The Beginning of Our Journey In late October we were made aware that PASBO was looking for students to cover the PETE&C events. In mid January Keith Grimm, our PASBO contact, notified us that our application was accepted. In early February we selected our reporters and gathered for our first brainstorming sessions.

6 The Planning Stage We held two working lunches. Our first meetings agenda included: o Explain to the reporters what PASBO wanted us to accomplish by the end of our visit o Watch sample videos from last years PETE&C o Brainstorm possible questions o Break into two reporting teams Our second meetings agenda included: o Reviewing and finalizing our interview sheets o Hold mock interviews

7 The Big Day February 10th, 2014 Arrived at GVES at 6:20 AM! Departed for Hershey Lodge at 6:30. Arrived at our destination right around 8:00.

8 Heading up to Hershey

9 Hershey, Here We Come Entrance to the Hershey Lodge. Sign in process: Met Keith Unpacked Got our badges We got the key

10 Keynote Speaker Kevin Honeycutt used to be a teacher in a school in Kansas. Kevin Honeycutt had a funny presentation including the Charlie bit my finger video. He explained Google Sketchup. You could make a house and design it the way you want it to look. Kevin Honeycutts main message was to tell teachers to use more exciting technology in their classrooms.

11 Keynote Speaker Here we are after our interview with Kevin Honeycutt. We each asked him one question for him to answer. We asked him about encouraging teachers to use technology and new technology he was excited about.

12 Keynote Speaker

13 Interviews with Conference Attendees We broke into two teams and interviewed some of these people: principals teachers technology directors security guards superintendents

14 Interviews with Conference Attendees We came up with several possible questions to ask each interviewee. Some of the questions included: How did you hear about PETE & C? Why do you like coming to the PETE & C conference? How does your district distribute technology? Why is technology important in student learning? We allowed each interviewee to choose the questions that he/she was asked.

15 Putting It All Together After three hours of working in the field we went to our conference room. Next, we took the footage from the iPads and transferred them to the two Macs. Then we had to select the clips we wanted to use for our final presentation. o This process took about two and a half hours. o Most of the editing was done by the reporters.

16 Putting All the Pieces Together

17 Fun or Funny Moments! This was in the lobby lounge. Im thinking he likes hockey.

18 Fun or Funny Moments! Here we are relaxing after a long days work. We may be young, but we can have coffee! Just kidding! Its hot chocolate!

19 Fun or Funny Moments! Guess who we found! The Reeses guy confirmed that technology is VERY important!

20 Fun or Funny Moments! Lets play some basketball! Will won a beach chair! At the expo, people were displaying their products.

21 Now we proudly present... GVE School News presentation on PETE&C 2014

22 Thank you for being a great audience! Preetika Guruprasad, Will Denning, Jeanine Albero, and Ryan Monachello

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