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There are lots of storms in people’s live right now that leave people without power and what they need Stigma / Shame – cold – nothing wrong with.

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Presentation on theme: "There are lots of storms in people’s live right now that leave people without power and what they need Stigma / Shame – cold – nothing wrong with."— Presentation transcript:



3 There are lots of storms in people’s live right now that
leave people without power and what they need Stigma / Shame – cold – nothing wrong with you / depressed – what’s wrong with your faith It okay not to be okay

4 Last night – local leader of our country sent me this text – when I told them what I was talking about today

5 Storms of Depression 1 in 4 women (1 in 8 men)
3 out 4 will not seek help Stigma / Shame – cold – nothing wrong with you / depressed – what’s wrong with your faith It okay not to be okay 50 of us in the room battling this in some way right now

6 Storms of Mental Illness
Anxiety Disorder 1 in 6 (age 18+) Only 1 in 18 will get help 33 of us dealing with this right now

7 Storms Alcoholism: 1 in 4 Eating Disorders: 1 in 13 PTSD: 1in 50
Could be as many as 50 of us in this storm 15 eating disorder

8 “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.” (2 Cor 1:18)

9 In God’s family . . . It’s okay not to be okay

10 God designed us to get BETTER TOGETHER . . . to answer our needs
through His family That’s not just a hallmark card / or Disney musical Its actually a Biblical truth that Most of us think we’ve grown out of (Been betrayed so much) But here is the biblical truth

11 THIS SERIES: BETTER TOGETHER Four Purposes Of Any Family
Know Jesus Find Freedom Discover Purpose Make A Difference Any family Especially God’s family

12 “Say therefore TO THE PEOPLE of Israel, ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them . . .”

13 “. . . and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment. I will take you to be my people” (Exodus 6:6-7)

14 In world with His purpose
Exodus 6 Know Jesus I’m out of Egypt Find Freedom Egypt is out of me Discover Purpose God’s purpose is in me Make A Difference In world with His purpose Get free but want to go back We expect God’s freedom to come differently than it does Exodus 6 Salvation from Evil Freedom from Slavery Redemption to Purpose Achievement of Victory

15 Family Purpose #2 To Help Each Other Find Freedom In Jesus
4 purposes –here is the first

16 Learning His Way To Freedom
is full of surprises

17 Surprise #1 To be saved isn’t to be free

18 “Say therefore TO THE PEOPLE of Israel, ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them . . .” (Ex 6:6) Christian who is not okay Not going to stay there Jesus said – storms will come So wonderful to come to Jesus – some victories are really quick Some take time – espiecally when involve relationships Season for everything -

19 of my own freedom process
Surprise #2 I cannot be in charge of my own freedom process God said – “I will deliver you” You can’t perform surgery on yourself Self can’t help you with self pity or self centeredness You’ve got to follow someone else to find freedom You are the last person you should

20 “Then Jesus said to them all:
‘If anyone would [1] come after Me, [2] he must deny himself and [3] take up his cross daily and [4] follow me.’” (Luke 9:23) You are the last person you should trust when you are not feeling well Actually pick up what’s painful and let someone else crucify it in you

21 God for forgiveness and to God’s people for freedom
Surprise #3 You go to God for forgiveness and to God’s people for freedom

22 “Make this your common practice: confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.” (James 5:16, MSG)

23 “God is light if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (1 John 1:5-8)

24 is only a part of God’s freedom process
Surprise #4 Your pastor is only a part of God’s freedom process for you!

25 “It was God who gave some to be
. . . pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people [family] for works of service . . . (Eph 4:11)

26 “From Jesus the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows & builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph 4:12) Coach of the process not the counselor of the process – that’s in the body My job to keep the one another in a Jesus centered / biblically based pattern If I don’t do my job – one another’s don’t work well – we don’t build ourslevs up The mechanic not the race car driver I’m the coach – not the guy running the play (Little kid soccer – running in a pile – while the defenders picking flowers and goal picking his nose and wiping it at the goal post – back to the play) Run the Jesus play not the assemblies of God play, Pentecostal play, we love worship play, republican play, the apologetics play, religious play, the from the south bible belt play – the jesus play – john 13:34 – love one another as I have loved you. So last week – laurel felt like God would have her dance up front – going to spiritual and cultural gifts explain that more next week Left all of our visitors with questions – and our youngest generation – I should have gotten up and explained it – I dodn’t all those people disengaged – why I didn’t coach that moment You may want others to do unto others as you have them to do you – But that doesn’t mean do it your way

27 God’s grace never replaces your courage.
Surprise #5 God’s grace never replaces your courage.

28 “Take off the Mask” “Reverse Your Thinking” “Put on His Hope”
Your small group is where we help each other experience the true freedom of Jesus “Take off the Mask” “Reverse Your Thinking” “Put on His Hope” READ PRAYER SHEETS

29 That’s on everything else we’re communicating
That’s on everything else we’re communicating. If the image doesn’t work, I’d just do two black screens of a)         Online Directory is Open    groups b)         Fall Semester Sept 16- Dec 1

30 God designed life to get BETTER TOGETHER
Someone needs our light

31 until you learn to ride a bike
Remember You can’t ride a bike until you learn to ride a bike Someone has to start

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