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Unit 3- American Revolution

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1 Unit 3- American Revolution
Unit 3- American Revolution - America Declares Independence: The Declaration

2 Bell Ringer: Why would the colonist want to declare their independence from the English?

3 Road to Independence Second Continental Congress
Met in May 1775, Philadelphia Delegates from all 13 colonies Agreed to create a Continental Army Appointed George Washington as supreme commander Authorized the printing of $$ Committee to conduct relations with foreign nations

4 Road to Independence Olive Branch Petition July 1775
direct petition to King George III wanted peaceful resolution and declared loyalty to Great Britain

5 Road to Independence Did the Olive Branch Petition work? NO.
George III declared the colonies in state of rebellion began hiring Hessian soldiers (from Germany) to bring colonies under control

6 Road to Independence Thomas Paine
He was English, new to the colonies as of 1774 Argued for colonial independence Published the pamphlet Common Sense

7 Road to Independence Common Sense argued two main points:
Independence from Great Britain Creation of a democratic republic wrote in straightforward language everyone could read it used language/imagery of the Bible… why? sold 120,000 copies in the spring of 1776 (think the Harry Potter of colonial times)

8 Road to Independence Declaration of Independence
adopted on July 4, 1776 Committee of 5 men to write the document Mostly written by Thomas Jefferson Why did it need to be well written and convincing? Colonies are now in full rebellion what would happen to authors and signers if revolution failed?


10 Painting done in 1817


12 Revolutionary War Patriots vs. Loyalists
patriots: supported independence loyalists: loyal to Great Britain ~20% Loyal to GB ~20% Strong Patriots ~60% Undecided Americans are much more successful at convincing people of their cause

13 Drafting the Declaration of Independence Webquest

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