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RCF Plenary Session 21 September 2018
Experience – Sharing on Drafting and Revising of Nuclear Safety Regulations and Guides RCF Plenary Session 21 September 2018 Zoya Trafimchik Gosatomnadzor Republic of Belarus
Regulatory Infrastructure Development
Regulatory body reorganization/establishment: MES – National Regulatory Authority/Gosatomnadzor – implementing body Decision on the use of vendor country documents 2007 2012 INIR mission Licensing of Belarusian NPP construction Permanent Supervision Increase in staff - from 39 to 82 2013 2016 IRRS mission (25 recommendations, 20 suggestions, 2 good practices) 2017 TSO system establishment/ CNRS - coordinator Stage of licensing of Belarusian NPP Unit 1 operation /Safety Assessment Conduction (+ Stress-test) and Huge international support and experience exchange
Legal Framework Development
Main Laws: “On Radiation Safety of Population“, 1998 (Under actualization, 2018 ) “On the Use of Nuclear Energy”, 2008 Use of vendor country (Russian Federation) documents (since 2010, Presidential Decree) Main Presidential Decrees “On licensing of Certain Types of Activities” (№450, ) “On Safety Assurance in the Construction Process of the Belarusian NPP” (№ 62, 2015 ) “On the Establishment of an Institution” – State Scientific and Technical Institution “Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety” (№ 361, 2017) Main Governmental Resolutions “On Approving the Provision on the Expertise Procedure for Documentation Justifying the Assurance of Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the Implementation of Activities in the field of the Atomic Energy and Ionizing Radiation Sources Use” (№ 1781, 2010) “On Approving the Provision for Organization and Implementing of Control(Supervision) of Safety Assurance during the Construction and Commissioning of the Belarusian NPP” (№ 133, 2015) “On Scientific and Technical Support of the Ministry for Emergency Situations in the Field of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Assurance” (№ 991, 2017 )
Legal Framework Development (approach)
GAP analysis Based on Annual Plan Drafting Team: GAN, JIPNR-Sosny, (+ since 2018 – CNRS) Legal conditions for stakeholders input Governmental Resolutions оn organization/involvement of stakeholder into consideration of legal acts (№ 247 of March 20, 2012, № 458 of June 14, 2016)
Legal Framework Development (external support)
Sustainable assistance of Russian Federation Regulatory Body – Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service “ROSTECHNADZOR” and its TSO – SECNRS Free access to the Information System of SECNRS Russian Federation “RIS – M” data-base Provision of consultative services to GOSATOMNADZOR on concepts of existing documents elaboration and its further up-date IAEA technical assistance via: National projects Regional projects School of drafting regulations Peer-reviews’ Recommendations EC technical assistance. Task “Assistance in the development of a regulatory framework (legislation and regulations)”: Workshops on best international practices Consideration and recommendations to draft documents Provision of comparative analysis on “Belarusian and Russian regulatory requirements in the field of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants” Consideration of WENRA recommendations application to the Belarus national legislation
Approach to Development of National Legal Base when Using Vendor Country Technical Legal Acts:
Establishment of LIST of relevant Safety Regulations and Acts and its up date based on: -evaluation of Russian Federation concept ( ) on improvement of normative legal regulations (documents are not up to date or no plans to up date documents) - IAEA newly adopted safety requirements -IRRS (2016) and other peer-reviews recommendations Documents categories: -norms and rules/safety rules (Belarus) - technical codes of practice (Belarus) - instructions (Belarus) - norms and rules for nuclear energy (Russia)
Identified Priorities and Recently Adopted Norms and Rules:
EPR: “Requirements for the operating organization for the planning and implementation of radiation monitoring in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency at a nuclear power plant” “Requirements for the NPP stress testing (targeted safety reassessment)” “Requirements for composition and contents of the NPP staff protection plan in case of radiation emergency” “Requirements for the categorization of the nuclear and radiation emergency planning”
Identified Priorities and Recently Adopted Norms and Rules:
Welding/ formed and implementing system of welding technology as well as welders certification. “The welding works organization and performing at the nuclear facilities” “Rules for monitoring of the localization safety system elements welding” “The nuclear power unit equipment and pipelines. Welded connections and seams. Monitoring rules” “The nuclear power unit equipment and pipelines. Welding and building up. The main principles” “The main principles of welding of the NPP localization safety system elements”
Identified Priorities and Recently Adopted Norms and Rules:
Waste Management/updating the technical standards for the radioactive waste and spent fuel is in progress and started from update of the Law on Radiation Protection of Population New Law Provisions: Government approves the strategy of radioactive waste management and defines the regulatory body on coordination in the stated area of activity with the main tasks to establish radioactive waste long-term storage and disposal system, to organize research scientific work in the field of radioactive waste management, to elaborate radioactive waste management financing mechanism; establishing of radioactive waste classification depending on disposal type in compliance with the IAEA recommendations; establishing of requirements to the operating organization to conduct a periodic safety assessment of radioactive waste management; introducing the need for the long-term security assessment of waste disposal facilities; defining the priority of passive safety measures applying during the radioactive waste disposing; establishing of the acceptance criteria for radioactive waste disposing; ETC.
Identified Priorities and Recently Adopted Norms and Rules:
NPP Safety: “NPP modifications and its safety assessment procedure” “Requirements for the operation of accounting and analysis system of the NPP operation experience” “Requirements for NPP stress testing”
Identified Priorities (practical example)
Using of actual Russian Norms and Rules “General Provisions of NPP Safety Assurance and Elaboration of Belarusian Norms and Rules “General Provisions of NPP Safety Assurance” (expected adoption date – end 0f 2018) Reasons for adoption of national document: overcoming differences with prevailing documents of Belarus and impossibility for full scope use of this Russian legal act; introducing new terms such as “MODIFICATION”, “AGING” …. adding provisions related to the on-site and off-site emergency plans; excluding the term “COMMMISSIONNING” as it is defined in the Law on the Use of Nuclear Energy”
Legal Framework Development (Challenges)
I Introducing in the existing framework of recent/new IAEA requirements on international best practices Belarus operative tool: Presidential Decrees (Decree № 62, 2015 “On Safety Assurance in the Construction Process of the Belarusian NPP”) II Consistency and time needed for drafting and approving Belarusian regulations to replace Russian Federation regulations III Maintenance of sustainable interaction with the public to get views on new legal acts “Intelligent” interaction with Licensee in terms of : sending of draft regulations to get views on practical applications; elaborating and (establishing ) rules for transition period between dates of regulation approval to their practical application IV
Legal Framework Development
Future steps: Up date of “Strategy for the development of regulatory legal acts in the of nuclear and radiation safety of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus” and finalization of IMS core process Continuation of activities based on planning in accordance with annual analysis made by TSO IRRS recommendations/suggestions implementation via legal acts update or elaboration of new ones
Thank you for attention!
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