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Awesomely Simple The Formula for Business Excellence

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Presentation on theme: "Awesomely Simple The Formula for Business Excellence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Awesomely Simple The Formula for Business Excellence




5 For those who are prepared…
…chaos brings opportunity

6 The Key To Success in the New Normal…
Nimbleosity Nim-bo-licous



9 The Pattern of Business Success

10 (T + C + ECF) x DE = BE

11 1,300,000 interviews: Basic 4 + 1 Wow No Surprises Cheer

12 The 4 Cs of TRUST TRUST Competence Respect Dis-trust Affection Concern
HIGH LOW Concern

13 “I am good at what I do… and I do it because I care about you.”

14 The Leadership Challenge
Honest Forward Looking Competent Inspiring Fair Supportive The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner

15 I want a leader who will:
Tell me the TRUTH… Has a clear vision for where we are going… Has the skills to get us there successfully… Is excited about going with me… And will treat me fairly and support me along the way.

16 D M C irection – vivid, clear, inspiring --- shared
easurements – specific, observable -- binary ompetence – very good at what they do ommunication – open, honest, transparent utual Accountability – all team members iscipline – do this every day

17 VOC

18 Moments Of Truth NITB

19 WOM = 48-74%

20 The five keys to accountability
100% Clarity + Appropriate Authority & Resources 100% Agreement Track & Post Coach, Mentor, Train and Support Reward Success / Punish Failure

21 What are FOUR things you can do that would have a dramatic positive impact on the success of your business?


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