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Lesson 037 Learning Goal: (You should be able to…) relate the process of exploring mystery disks to the process of exploring Inside Earth. Success Criteria:

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 037 Learning Goal: (You should be able to…) relate the process of exploring mystery disks to the process of exploring Inside Earth. Success Criteria:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 037 Learning Goal: (You should be able to…) relate the process of exploring mystery disks to the process of exploring Inside Earth. Success Criteria: (Can you …)

2 How to organize lesson 037 The lessons Agenda was: WtoT Discuss
Answers Read Sim/Dif

3 Vocabulary Terms Direct observation. Indirect observation. Inference.
Seismic Waves Crust Mantle Outer Core Inner Core

4 Answer the following on lined paper…
Write to Think 037 Please place homework at the corner of your bench to be checked. Thankyou! Answer the following on lined paper… What was the most interesting part of the video so far? Why?

5 Truth or Myth It’s all about what you THINK at this moment in your learning. Not right or wrong … just your ideas Read a statement. Decide if you think it’s a truth or myth. T or M. Write an explanation (construct support) and justify why you think that. Be ready to share with your partner … NOT just “I put T, what did you put?”

6 Truth or Myth Share with your partner … NOT just “I put T, what did you put?” Changed your mind? Edit your explanation.

7 How do scientists explore inside Earth?
Reading Strategies Reason for reading: How do scientists explore inside Earth? Before: Skim. Look at headings. Ask questions. During: Highlight, circle, mark-up, annotate, underline. Pictures in your head. After: Summary in LNB. A few (four or five?) sentences. Did you answer your questions? What did you find out about the reason for reading?



10 Comparing Predicting the Mystery Disk to Predicting the Inside of Earth.
Come up with at least 5 ways that exploring the disks is similar to exploring the inside of the Earth. Come up with at least 5 ways that exploring the disks is different from exploring the inside of the Earth. Quote the reading if you can! (Line number) “The surface of Earth is constantly changing” (line 2) while the surface of the unknown disks stay the same. Write in full sentences.

11 SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES #1 #1 #2 #2 #3 #3 #4 #4 #5 #5
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2 #2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #3 #3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 Start here Start here

13 The disks don’t have Earthquakes and Seismic waves.
Earthquakes are similar to shaking the disk. Sesimic waves are similar to sound waves. You listening is like the ‘fancy tools’ scientists use to measure the seismic waves. Seismographs. At first we didn’t know what was inside the disk, just like we have a minimal understanding of the inside of Earth. Earth gives clues to geologists about the structure, the disk gives clues about the layout. Scientists infer Earth’s inner structure by recording and studying. We also infer about the inside of the disk by infering and studying. Both the Earth and the disk rely on methods of indirict observation? We couldn’t open up either or look inside. We can take samples from the Earth but we can’t take samples from the disk (Line 28) Eventually we got the answers for the disk but we are never going to get the answers handed to us for the Earth. The Earth is constantly changing while the disks stay the same (line 2). The disks don’t have Earthquakes and Seismic waves. The Earth is millions of years old while the disks are a few years old (at least 6)! You have to travel over 6,000 km to get to Earth’s center but you don’t have to travel for the disks. The Earth is spherical and the disk is flat. Geologists use their fancy tools to found out what is inside the Earth. We used our ears.

14 Both Earth and disks have solid, metal spheres.
You can’t open up either. You can’t get into the Earth because of the extreme conditions. Disks (tape). We can assume/predict/infer what is inside based on on observations. There are negative consequences to opening to either (assuming you could) You can’t see into either. You can only use indirect evidence? You can poke a hole in either. There is less inside the disk than there is inside the Earth (Earth more complex). You can tilt the disk but not the Earth. The surface of the Earth is constantly change but the disk really doesn’t much. The disks are hollow but the Earth isn’t. The metal sphere inside the Earth does not roll around... or does it? The disks don’t have rocks but the Earth does.

15 …You can break and bend the disk (you just aren’t allowed to) and the Earth breaks and bends.
Human’s try and find what is inside both. Scientists use common sense to figure out the inside of both. You can’t see what’s inside the disk and you can’t see what’s inside the Earth. Both were unknown (at one point). Both have a circle shape in some form or fashion (disk vs. sphere) You’re able to figure out what’s inside of both with observations from the outside (hopefully) We can collect data for both (studying the Earth and the disk) …You don’t shake and turn the Earth but you do shake and turn the disks. The disks are smaller than us and the Earth is much bigger. The disk is plastic and the Earth is made of ?. While there are sometimes volcanoes on Earth that gives us samples but we get no samples from the disk. Earth’s surface is constantly changing while the disk’s surface doesn’t. Geologists have drilled holes into the Earth (12 km) but we weren’t allowed to drill into disk.

16 Earth gives clues to geologists about the structure, the disk gives clues about the layout.
Earthquakes on the surface of Earth are similar to us shaking the disk. Sesimic waves that travel through Earth are similar to sound waves traveling to our ear. Us listening with our ear is like scientists using ‘fancy tools’ scientists use to measure the seismic waves (seisomgraphs) Scientists infer Earth’s inner structure by recording and studying. We also infer about the inside of the disk by infering and studying. We can take samples from the Earth but we can’t take samples from the disk (Line 28) Eventually we got the answers for the disk but we are never going to get the answers handed to us for the Earth. The Earth is constantly changing while the disks stay the same (line 2). The Earth is millions (billions?) of years old while the disks are a few years old (at least 6)! Geologists use their fancy tools to found out what is inside the Earth. We used our ears and hands. Geologists have drilled holes into the Earth (12 km) but we weren’t allowed to drill into disk.

17 …You can break and bend the disk (you just aren’t allowed to) and the Earth breaks and bends.
Human’s try and find what is inside both. Both Geologists rely on indirect observations? Scientists use common sense to figure out the inside of both. …You don’t shake and turn the Earth but you do shake and turn the disks. The disks are smaller than us and the Earth is much bigger. The disk is plastic and the Earth is made of ?. While there are sometimes volacnoes on Earth that gives us samples but we get no samples from the disk. Earth’s surface is constantly changing while the disk’s surface doesn’t. Geologists have drilled holes into the Earth (12 km) but we weren’t allowed to drill into disk.

18 Statements to discuss They both (Earth and disks) use indirect observations. The disk doesn’t have Earthquakes or seismic waves.

19 End of Lesson


21 End of Lesson

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