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Put post-writes in the box. Which would you choose? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Put post-writes in the box. Which would you choose? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Put post-writes in the box. Which would you choose? Why?
Warm Up Put post-writes in the box. A rich man (not a teacher!) offers you a choice of prizes to reward your hard work in Math I. You can either have: $1000/day for a month (30 days) 1 cent on the first day that will double each day for 30 days Which would you choose? Why?

2 Homework Check

3 Today’s Lesson: Compound Interest
February 27, 2014

4 What is Compound Interest?
What do you know about the word compound? Think about it…..where have you heard of the word interest before? What can you conclude about Compound Interest?

5 Compound Interest Maybe this video will help clear things up. Let’s Watch……………. When a bank pays interest on both the principal and the interest an account has already earned, the bank is paying compound interest. Compound interest is an example of exponential growth

6 Compound Interest Formulas
In this lesson we are going to talk about three different ways interest can be compounded and there is a formula that can be used for each way. The three ways are……….. Compounded for any length of time(General Formula) Compounded Annually (Every Year) Compounded Continuously (If Time permits)

7 General Compound Interest Formula
You can use the following formula to find the balance of an account that earns compound interest. 𝐴=𝑃 ( 1+ 𝒓 𝒏 ) 𝒏𝒕 Annual: n = 1 Semiannual: n = 2 Quarterly: n =4 Monthly: n = 12 Daily: n = 365 Hourly: n = 8760

8 Compound Interest Problem

9 More Practice

10 More Practice

11 Compounded Annually Earlier we saw that Annually mean one year.
If you take the original formula ,𝐴=𝑃 ( 1+ 𝒓 𝒏 ) 𝒏𝒕 , and plug in 1 for n you will get a new formula that works for Compounding Annually. That formulas is………….. 𝐴=𝑃 (1+𝑟) 𝑡

12 Compounded Annually Problems

13 More Practice

14 Who Wants A Challenge

15 Compounded Continuously

16 Compounding Continuously Problems

17 More Practice

18 More Practice

19 Homework: Compound Interest Worksheet

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