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Administrative Division

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1 Administrative Division
Highlights – Nov Reports JR Introduce Assessment Committee Elisa Shaffer Peggy Goe Marsha Miller Jennifer Rush Introduce Professional Development Committee Farrah Turner Bev Martin Leigh Cunningham We asked Jennifer Joslin, Assessment Institute Faculty, to assist with the presentation as well. We would also like to extend a thank you to Rich Robbins and Karen Archambault for the information we are using today. Kerry Kincannon & Brett McFarlane, Admin Division Representatives to the NACADA Council

2 Committee and Advisory Board Chairs for your hard work for NACADA!
Thank you to all the Committee and Advisory Board Chairs for your hard work for NACADA! JR


4 Global Initiatives Committee
Dubai Conference Sheffield Conference Review & revise RFP for Int’l Conferences Develop Glossary & Terminology in December 2015 Develop articles/research Outreach to other int’l advising orgs Encourage development of allied groups Develop int’l webinar Expect to work with Webinar AB, EO staff, Int’l members/orgs

5 Intention Assessment is intended to be a positive and beneficial process, yet it’s connotations are often negative. Assessment is a tool to find: Effectiveness Improvement Accountability Assessment is NOT: Episodic Just about measures About evaluating performance Easy or quick JR The word Assessment is often followed by moans and groans. It is illusive, scary, hard to understand … tedious Try to look at Assessment in a positive light, ultimately it is a tool that will help you improve, not only as a individual, but as part of the association.

6 Assessment is … Assessment is the process through which we gather evidence about the claims we are making … and the process or delivery … in order to inform and support enhancement and improvement. Campbell (2008) JR Consider this: You have been doing the same thing for years; over that time you have discovered a new way that would make this work easier and more cost effective, but there is a considerable expense associated with the new system. Do you simply go to your supervisor and just ask for a large sum of money? No, you go to the supervisor with justification as to why they need to expend the money on the new system. You provide them with a history, tell them what you are currently doing and then tell them how this will help in the future and further down the road, you will report back letting your supervisor know how much easier your job is now that you have a new system. This in simplest of terms is Assessment … You gathered evidence to support your claim You provided information on why You supported your request You will show improvements in the future You do Assessment everyday, in your personal and professional lives, you just might not realize you are doing it.

7 Assessment isn’t a dirty word
We’re doing what we say we’re doing Tying to Vision, Mission, Goals ES

8 Goals for today Consider how you fit into the Executive Office & the greater Association Identify outcomes for your group that connect to Strategic Goals Start writing your report! ES

9 Strategic Goals for NACADA
Expand and communicate the scholarship of academic advising Provide professional development opportunities that are responsive to the needs of advisors and advising administrators Promote the role of effective academic advising in student success to college and university decision makers Create an inclusive environment within the Association that promotes diversity Develop and sustain effective Association leadership Engage in ongoing assessment of all facets of the Association Pursue innovative technology tools and resources to support the Association ES Take 2 minutes to consider – what do you connect with? Which of these are particularly meaningful for you and your group?

10 Outcomes What do you want to achieve?
How do you contribute to achieving strategic goals? ES ACTIVITY: Take 5 minutes at your table. In basic terms, what outcomes do you want to see for your group that connect to strategic goals. Put goals back up on slides. Ask group to each identify 2 outcomes for their Commission or Interest Group. Share.

11 How do you know if you did well?
Single Measures Evaluate, they don’t assess Types of Measures: Qualitative or Quantitative Direct or Indirect Benchmarking ES Take 3 minutes. What types of measurements would work for your identified outcomes. Share. Determine minimum criteria for success. How much is enough or too much? What level demonstrates success? Number involved or demonstrating a particular level of performance Self rating of service/program Feedback

12 Who? Identify Stakeholders Benefits Whose opinion matters?
Inside AND outside your functional area Benefits Build trust and motivation Shared ownership Something to “hand down” ES Take Who are your stakeholders? Whose opinion matters?

13 NACADA Leaders/Council/ Board
Might include… NACADA Members NACADA Leaders/Council/ Board Other NACADA groups Higher Ed Community Researchers Allied Groups Students Other Users? ES Not all stakeholders are members of your “team” – need a small group to work on process to assist with thinking through, collecting, and analyzing data you collect. Take 3 – who is your assessment team?

14 Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives
The Assessment Cycle Peggy Maki, Assessing for Learning Interpret Evidence Implement Change Identify Outcomes Gather Evidence Identify Outcomes Gather Evidence Interpret Evidence Implement Change Do it all over again Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives JJ

15 Assessment vs. Evaluation

16 Currently for 2015 JR

17 By December 17, 2015 JR

18 2016 Executive Office Goal Provide and promote NACADA’s events, programs, and services and resources to enhance student success. JR

19 ALSO by December 17, 2015 JR

20 Note 2015’s goal does NOT go away
JR You will continue to move forward on 2015 goal, but it is not your focus for 2016

21 Assessment and YOUR Professional Development

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