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CCRS Leadership Session

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1 CCRS Leadership Session
Alabama State Department of Education

2 Feedback from QM1 Liked format of table talks and wanted to continue for QM2 Liked networking and problem solving with colleagues Majority wanted to keep the same topics Additional topic most requested: formative assessments An overwhelming majority agreed on these….

3 Next Steps Share what you have done in your schools to go deeper into implementation of the standards. This is where we ended at our last meeting. If you remember, our table talk topics included: Collaborative Planning Selecting materials/resources Effective PD Communication of the CCRS Look Fors in the Classroom Effective lesson plans/planning Did you implement anything new or identify any next steps since our last meeting? (Allow a few minutes to share)

4 Outcomes Network and problem solve with other school/district leaders
Deepen our understanding of formative assessments and how it can be used to improve student learning

5 Transforming education is about conversation, exploration, debate, and occasional dispute.
We have had many changes in education over the past few years. It is ever more important that we continue to learn and grow together…

6 Plan 2020-Our Vision Every Child a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared
for College/Work/Adulthood in the 21st Century This is why we are here.

7 Absolutes During the Transition
Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects (Alabama College- and Career-Ready Standards - Courses of Study) Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum (Sample curricula found on ALEX and Alabama Insight) Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development (Sample lesson plans and supporting resources found on ALEX, differentiated support through ALSDE Regional Support Teams and ALSDE Initiatives, etc.) Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individuals and groups of students (GlobalScholar, QualityCore Benchmarks, and other locally determined assessments) With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama. (Alabama High School Graduation Requirements/Diploma) So, these absolutes should not be new to any of us. All these are important, but if we strip everything away, the first absolute is really the heart and soul pf what we’re all about – teach to the standards. Today, we’re going to spend a good bit of time on #4 – (read aloud) because we know that it’s not enough to just teach , or cover, the standards, we need some way of knowing if students have learned the standards…

8 The Instructional Framework gives us the questions to ask about student learning…

9 Characteristics of Assessment
Summative Assessment (Assessment OF Learning) Formative Assessment (Assessment FOR Learning) Purpose: To improve instruction and provide feedback Occurs during instruction while learning is in progress – day to day, minute by minute Focused on checking for understanding and the learning progress Promotes self monitoring Collaborative Fluid – an ongoing process Use of evidence to make adjustments for continual improvement Purpose: To measure competency Occurs after instruction – end of unit or course test Focused on the products of learning Measurement against externally determined criteria Directed Rigid – an unchanging measure Use of results to determine success or failure Moss and Brookhart Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom. One is not better than the other – they are different based on the purpose. However, we have done a pretty good job of summative assessments (autopsy) and often do not use formative measures (check up) as readily. Take a few minutes to talk about this at your tables thinking about….. What might FA look like for students? What might FA look like for adults?

10 Defining Formative Assessment
It is an active and intentional process of learning that consists of collecting, analyzing, and understanding data with a singular goal of improving student achievement. Formative assessment is assessment for learning rather than assessment of learning.

11 Characteristics of Formative Assessment
To improve learning and achievement Occurs while learning is in progress An integral part of the teaching and learning process A dynamic process influenced only by evidence of student need Evidence is used to make real-time adjustments to the instructional process

12 Impact on Teaching and Learning
Influences teacher performance by helping teachers evaluate the effectiveness of their instructional decisions Instructional planning is intentional and specific Allows for ongoing evidence collection of student learning to monitor and adjust instruction Timeliness of results allows teachers to respond/intervene while learning is in progress

13 Talk about this handout (layout and what information it shares)
This handout may help guide your conversation on formative assessment.

14 Discussion and Collaboration
What are your beliefs about the role and importance of formative assessment? Share and discuss your experiences using formative assessment. What tools are you using for formative assessment, and what data does it provide? How are teachers using formative assessment data to adjust instructional practice? How are teachers using formative assessment data to monitor student learning? Since this topic came up over and over across the state, we felt we needed to spend a little time talking about formative assessments. We are going to spend time in groups talking about formative assessment – what it is and how it can guide, support, and monitor student learning. Number off 1-5 (this may vary based on the number of participants you have – groups of 5 seem to work best). Like numbers will discuss the questions on the slide. Each participant will be given a note-taking tool to record ideas. Each group may want to choose a facilitator to keep the conversation focused on the questions. After adequate time has been given to discuss the questions, whole group sharing will provide opportunity for further sharing of ideas. If time allow, groups may move to another topic. They may choose to revisit a topic from the last session or select one of their own. Some may choose to move around… (you

15 Reflection…. What new knowledge do you have as a result of this conversation? How will you apply this learning in your district or school? What additional support is needed to help you apply this learning? What remaining questions do you have? Suggestions for QM3

16 Next Steps Share how you as a school/district leader is ensuring that formative assessment data is being used to guide instructional practice and monitor student learning? We will begin our next QM sharing how your leadership is impacting the use of formative assessment data.

17 PLUACLD312 Attend and participate in a minimum of three CCRS IT meetings Reflect on current practices using the Progress and Capacity Rubric Participate in developing/revising the district CCRS Professional Development/Transition Plan – November 14 Plan and provide CCRS PD to school leaders and teachers We shared the PLU information in the opening session, but here it is again in case you didn’t get it. Go ahead and register in STIPD now. If you register after the meetings are over for the year (April 17), we cannot award credit. Also notice that there is a November 14 deadline for submitting your revised district CCRS PD Plan. We would like to receive it by the date; however, it is even more important that you spend time developing a plan that works for your district. If you don’t make the deadline, just send it is ASAP.

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