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An Introduction: feb 2014. Our Mission to promote educational success in diverse learners of all ages through our collective research, teaching, and service.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction: feb 2014. Our Mission to promote educational success in diverse learners of all ages through our collective research, teaching, and service."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction: feb 2014

2 Our Mission to promote educational success in diverse learners of all ages through our collective research, teaching, and service in and out of school.

3 S HAPING THE F UTURE OUR VISION A School Grounded in Interdisciplinary Collaborations Psychology, Neuroscience, Economics, Sociology, Linguistics, Learning Sciences, Humanities, Informatics Psychology, Neuroscience, Economics, Sociology, Linguistics, Learning Sciences, Humanities, Informatics

4 Who We Are Personnel Personnel 23 Senate Faculty 48 Clinical Faculty and Lecturers 28 Professional and Support Staff 17 Affiliated Faculty Programs Programs Ph.D. Program – 66 Students; 83% Placement of June 2013 Graduates Teacher Education – 248 Post-Baccalaureate & Masters Students in Fall 2013 (Compared to Fall 2012, 23% Increase in Credential Students, 18% Increase Overall) Undergraduate Minor – Most Popular UC Irvine Minor; >1,600 students/quarter; @ 350 graduates/year Undergraduate Minor – Most Popular UC Irvine Minor; >1,600 students/quarter; @ 350 graduates/year

5 Our Conceptual Framework Note: Currently, teacher education is embedded within the grid; however, faculty are discussing whether teacher education should be reflected separatelyvertically or horizontally. Other schools of education have teacher education on the vertical axis. Learning, Cognition, & Development (Psychology, Neuroscience, & Learning Sciences) Education Policy & Social Context (Sociology & Economics) Language, Literacy, & Technology (Informatics & Linguistics) Early Childhood Collins, Reich, VandellDuncan, FarkasBlack, Mancilla-Martinez K-12 Math & Science Conley, Eccles, Kang, Sandholtz, Santagata, Sengupta-Irving, Vandell, Van Es Brouillette, Duncan, Domina, Farkas Warschauer K-12 Brain Processes, Motivation & Development Conley, Eccles, Jaeggi, VandellConchas, Duncan K-12 Literacy CollinsBrouillette Black, Lawrence, Mancilla- Martinez, Olson, Warschauer Afterschool & Summer Eccles, Mahoney, VandellFarkasOlson Higher Education SandholtzConchas, Domina, DuncanWarschauer

6 Quality Indicators Grants and Contracts Current Research Funding$18,478,484 2012-13 Proposals 36 Proposals 20 Awarded or Pending 20 Awarded or Pending 56% 56% 2011-12 33 Proposals 12 Awarded 12 Awarded 36% 36% 2010-11 41 Proposals 41 Proposals 27 Awarded 27 Awarded 66% 66%

7 Quality Indicators

8 Performance Relative to Other Schools of Education SoE TOP Citations/Faculty (.01%) Articles/Faculty (.01%) % of Faculty with Grants (.02%)

9 Community Partnerships Partnerships with 28 Regional School Districts Partnerships with 28 Regional School Districts Writing Project (36 years): 85 School Districts; 23,000 Teachers; 12 Institutions of Higher Education; @ 4,500 PK-12 Students Annually Writing Project (36 years): 85 School Districts; 23,000 Teachers; 12 Institutions of Higher Education; @ 4,500 PK-12 Students Annually Think Together -- largest afterschool network in CA Think Together -- largest afterschool network in CA CASE After School Program CASE After School Program The Academy Charter School The Academy Charter School UC Irvine Child Development Center UC Irvine Child Development Center St. Margarets Episcopal School St. Margarets Episcopal School Garden Grove Unified School District Garden Grove Unified School District Girls, Inc. Girls, Inc. Tiger Woods Learning Center Tiger Woods Learning Center

10 5-year Priorities Grow Senate Faculty to 37 to Build Research Capacity in Core Areas Grow Senate Faculty to 37 to Build Research Capacity in Core Areas Move into the Ranks of the Top 20 Schools of Education Move into the Ranks of the Top 20 Schools of Education Cultivate New Undergraduate Major in Education and Human Development Cultivate New Undergraduate Major in Education and Human Development Secure School of Education Naming Gift Secure School of Education Naming Gift Expand Cal Teach Undergraduate Teacher Credential Program Expand Cal Teach Undergraduate Teacher Credential Program Build Online Programming in Language, Literacy, & Technology Build Online Programming in Language, Literacy, & Technology Cultivate and Expand Interdisciplinary Partnerships Across UC Irvine Cultivate and Expand Interdisciplinary Partnerships Across UC Irvine Acquire Additional 6,000 ASF and 3 Support Staff to Accommodate Growth in Faculty, Students, Teaching, and Research Acquire Additional 6,000 ASF and 3 Support Staff to Accommodate Growth in Faculty, Students, Teaching, and Research

11 School of Education UC Irvine 3200 Education Irvine, CA 92697-5500 949.824.8026

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