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Si PM , the first glance Victor Rykalin

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1 Si PM , the first glance Victor Rykalin
11/28/2018 Si PM , the first glance Victor Rykalin Victor Rykalin

2 Introduction For the details see previous presentations
General: gain ~ 10E(6), QE(500 nm)~12% or less, Noise 10E(6)Hz, price(rumors)~$10/sensor Very fast (2-4ns) without preamplifier. 11/28/2018 Victor Rykalin

3 MRS or Si PM Gain 106 11/28/2018 Victor Rykalin

4 6 month back Final table * B. Dolgoshein An Advanced Study of Silicon PM ICFA IB **A. Bross et all. Fermilab FN *** Rykalin V. NICADD presentation 11/28/2018 Victor Rykalin

5 Circuit diagram - 52 V + 11/28/2018 Victor Rykalin

6 Ru 106 (3.5 Mev max) RESULTS (Ru106) 6.5 PE , 51 volts bias 11/28/2018
6.5 PE , 51 volts bias 11/28/2018 Victor Rykalin

7 Results (Cosmic), 51 Volt. 6.5 PE, 51 volt bias 11/28/2018
Victor Rykalin Victor Rykalin

8 Results, Ru 106 , 51and 52 volts. ~ 7 PE ~10PE 11/28/2018
Victor Rykalin

9 Summary Preliminary tests of the Si PM attached to the scintillator tail have been performed (without long fiber) On the first glance we have what we expected. The detail measurements are necessary. 11/28/2018 Victor Rykalin

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