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Sir James Smith’s Community School
STEPS GRID handbook A practical guide Key Stage 3
STEPS and the STEP Grid Handbook
Monitoring and reporting attainment and progress in Year-7 and Year-8. Dear parent/ carer, As someone with a son or daughter in Year 7/8 you may be aware that there have many changes to assessment in schools over the last few years. At the same time as the government’s announcement of a major shift in the way attainment and progress were to be reported at KS2 from September 2016, they also indicated the abolishment of ‘levels’ at KS3, but with a much earlier deadline of September However, unlike KS2, there was no prescribed alternative system put into place across the country and all secondary schools were invited to create their own model of assessment. Over the past two years we have been working to create an assessment model that will work with our Key Stage 3 students. This year we have improved our model to create distinct STEPS grids. Each grid is comprised of 9 ’steps’ and a number of ’strands’. The grid contains descriptors for what a child needs to be able to do to complete a ‘step’. Your son/ daughter will start with a baseline ‘step’, which will be derived from KS2 data and baseline assessments they will complete in their opening weeks of the Autumn-term. We will report the baseline step for each subject in the Q1 report in mid-November. It is expected that most students would move up each strand by at least 1 step each year (3 steps over the course of the key stage)*. We feel very confident that what your son/ daughter experiences at Sir Jim’s is indeed a very comprehensive and professional package. This assessment model allows you as parents and carers the opportunity to be closely involved in their attainment, progress and target setting over the entire key stage. Accompanying this letter you will find your own copy of the STEPS grids. Please keep this safe and use it to cross reference attainment on each report with content of the KS3 courses for each subject studied. Finally, please feel free to contact me directly if you have a specific question about the system which needs further explanation. Yours faithfully Mr. E. McGuffie Assistant Head Teacher – Curriculum * In Science, progress is built implicitly into the scheme of work. Therefore students will be expected to stay on the same step or fluctuate above/ below this step as the content becomes more challenging throughout the year.
Introduction What is STEPS?
What is STEPS? Strategic Targets for Educational Progress and Success (STEPS) is an assessment and progress monitoring, tracking and reporting programme for secondary schools. How does it work? Upon arrival in Year-7, every student is assessed via a broad range of information and results available to the school. Subject teachers then place students at a baseline Step in each Strand and this becomes the starting point for each subject. A Step Point Score is generated which is an overall score for a subject. Each student is expected to make at least one Step of progress in the Step Point Score per year, with the exception of Science where progress has been built implicitly into the scheme of work. School reports You will receive four reports per year showing your child’s attainment and progress in every Strand in every subject and it will also show you the overall Step Point Score. When used in conjunction with this handbook, it will give you both a detailed and quick method of reviewing attainment and progress so far. It will also allow you to discuss targets to progress to the next Step. The STEPS grids Each subject has its own grid, these form the rest of this handbook. Each grid is a basic summary of all the work that can be covered in each of the Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study. Each subject follows a similar approach. Strands: these run along the top of the grid, they break a subject down into smaller topics or areas. There are between three and seven Strands per subject. Steps: These break a subject down into progressive Steps. There are nine Steps per Strand per subject; 1 is the lowest Step and 9 is the highest. Statements: Each Step has one or more statements. Students have to achieve all of these, and all of the ones in the Steps below, to be at that Step level. The Step Point Score Students will be given a Step score for each individual Strand in each subject. The Step Point Score combines these individual scores to give an overall score in a subject. If 3.6 was the baseline at the start of year-7, then the students would be expected to reach: 4.6 by the end of Year-7 5.6 by the end of Year-8 6.6 by the end of Year-9. This would be a minimum expectation and targets could be adjusted each year to maintain challenge for each individual.
Computing 9 8 Step Strand 1 Algorithms (Equal weighting) Strand 2
Programming & Development Strand 3 Data & Data Representation Strand 4 Hardware & Processing Strand 5 Communication & Networks Strand 6 Information Technology 9 Understands a recursive solution to a problem repeatedly applies the same solution to smaller instances of the problem. (AL) (GE) Recognises that some problems share the same characteristics and use the same algorithm to solve both. (AL) (GE) Understands the notion of performance for algorithms and appreciates that some algorithms have different performance characteristics for the same task. (AL) (EV) Uses nested selection statements. (AL) Appreciates the need for, and writes, custom functions including the use of parameters. (AL) (AB) Knows the difference between, and uses appropriately, procedures and functions. (AL) (AB) Understands and uses negation with operators. (AL) Uses and manipulates one dimensional data structures. (AB) Detects and corrects syntactical errors. (AL) Understands how numbers, images, sounds and character sets use the same bit patterns. (AB) (GE) Performs simple operations using bit patterns e.g. binary addition. (AB) (AL) Understands the relationship between resolution and colour depth, including the effect on file size. (AB) Distinguishes between data used in a simple program (a variable) and the storage structure for that data. (AB) Understands the von Neumann architecture in relation to the fetch-execute cycle, including how data is stored in memory. (AB) (GE) Understands the basic function and operation of location addressable memory. (AB) Knows the names of hardware e.g. hubs, routers, switches and the names of protocols e.g. SMTP, IMAP, POP, FTP, TCP/IP, associated with networking computer systems. (AB) Uses technologies and online services securely, and knows how to identify and report inappropriate conduct. (AL) Justifies the choice of and independently combines and uses multiple digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals. (EV) Evaluates the trustworthiness of digital content and considers the usability of visual design features when designing and creating digital artefacts for a known audience. (EV) Identifies and explains how the use of technology can impact on society. Designs criteria for users to evaluate the quality of solutions, uses the feedback from the users to identify improvements and can make appropriate refinements to the solution. (EV) 8 Understands that iteration is the repetition of a process such as a loop. (AL) Recognises that different algorithms exist for the same problem. (AL) (GE) Represents solutions using a structured notation. (AL) (AB) Can identify similarities and differences in situations and can use these to solve problems (pattern recognition). (GE) Understands that programming bridges the gap between algorithmic solutions and computers. (AB) Has practical experience of a high-level textual language, including using standard libraries when programming. (AB) (AL) Uses a range of operators and expressions e.g. Boolean, and applies them in the context of program control. (AL) Selects the appropriate data types. (AL) (AB) Knows that digital computers use binary to represent all data. (AB) Understands how bit patterns represent numbers and images. (AB) Knows that computers transfer data in binary. (AB) Understands the relationship between binary and file size (uncompressed). (AB) Defines data types: real numbers and Boolean. (AB) Queries data on one table using a typical query language. (AB) Recognises and understands the function of the main internal parts of basic computer architecture. (AB) Understands the concepts behind the fetch-execute cycle. (AB) (AL) Knows that there is a range of operating systems and application software for the same hardware. (AB) Understands how search engines rank search results. (AL) Understands how to construct static web pages using HTML and CSS. (AL) (AB) Understands data transmission between digital computers over networks, including the internet i.e. IP addresses and packet switching. (AL) (AB) Evaluates the appropriateness of digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals. (EV) Recognises ethical issues surrounding the application of information technology beyond school. Designs criteria to critically evaluate the quality of solutions, uses the criteria to identify improvements and can make appropriate refinements to the solution. (EV)
Computing 7 6 5 Step Strand 1 Algorithms (Equal weighting) Strand 2
Programming & Development Strand 3 Data & Data Representation Strand 4 Hardware & Processing Strand 5 Communication & Networks Strand 6 Information Technology 7 Shows an awareness of tasks best completed by humans or computers. (EV) Designs solutions by decomposing a problem and creates a sub-solution for each of these parts. (DE) (AL) (AB) Recognises that different solutions exist for the same problem. (AL) (AB) Understands the difference between, and appropriately uses ‘if’ and ‘if, then and else’ statements. (AL) Uses a variable and relational operators within a loop to govern termination. (AL) (GE) Designs, writes and debugs modular programs using procedures. (AL) (DE) (AB) (GE) Knows that a procedure can be used to hide the detail within a sub-solution. (AL) (DE) (AB) (GE) Performs more complex searches for information e.g. using Boolean and relational operators. (AL) (GE) (EV) Analyses and evaluates data and information, and recognises that poor quality data leads to unreliable results, and inaccurate conclusions. (AL) (EV) Understands why and when computers are used. (EV) Understands the main functions of the operating system. (DE) (AB) Knows the difference between physical, wireless and mobile networks. (AB) Understands how to effectively use search engines, and knows how search results are selected, including that search engines use ‘web crawler programs’. (AB) (GE) (EV) Selects, combines and uses internet services. (EV) Demonstrates responsible use of technologies and online services, and knows a range of ways to report concerns. Makes judgements about digital content when evaluating and re-purposing it for a given audience. (EV) (GE) Recognises the audience when designing and creating digital content. (EV) Understands the potential of information technology for collaboration when computers are networked. (GE) Uses criteria to evaluate the quality of solutions, can identify improvements making some refinements to the solution, and future solutions. (EV) 6 Uses diagrams to express solutions. (AB) Creates programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals. (AL) Uses filters or can perform single criteria searches for information. (AL) Knows that computers collect data from various input devices, including sensors and application software (AB). Recognises what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour when using technologies and online services. Collects, organises and presents data and information in digital content. (AB) Makes appropriate improvements to solutions based on feedback received, and can comment on the success of the solution. (EV) 5 Designs solutions (algorithms) that use repetition and two-way selection i.e. if, then and else. (AL) Uses logical reasoning to predict outputs, showing an awareness of inputs. (AL) Uses a post-tested loop e.g. ‘until’, and a sequence of selection statements in programs, including an if, then and else statement. (AL) [ Declares and assigns variables. (AB) Understands the difference between data and information. (AB) Knows why sorting data in a flat file can improve searching for information. (EV) Understands the difference between hardware and application software, and their roles within a computer system. (AB); Understands the difference between the internet and internet service (e.g. world wide web). (AB) Shows an awareness of, and can use a range of internet services (e.g. VOIP). Creates digital content to achieve a given goal through combining software packages and internet services to communicate with a wider audience e.g. blogging. (AL)
Computing 4 3 2 1 Step Strand 1 Algorithms (Equal weighting) Strand 2
Programming & Development Strand 3 Data & Data Representation Strand 4 Hardware & Processing Strand 5 Communication & Networks Strand 6 Information Technology 4 Understands that algorithms are implemented on digital devices as programs. (AL) Use logical reasoning to predict outcomes. (AL) Detects and corrects errors i.e. debugging, in algorithms. (AL) Uses arithmetic operators, if statements, and loops, within programs. (AL) Detects and corrects simple semantic errors i.e. debugging, in programs. (AL) Recognises that data can be structured in tables to make it useful. (AB) (DE) Recognises different types of data: text, number. (AB) (GE) Understands how programs specify the function of a general purpose computer. (AB) Recognises that a range of digital devices can be considered a computer. (AB) (GE) Demonstrates use of computers safely and responsibly, knowing a range of ways to report unacceptable content and contact when online. Uses technology with increasing independence to purposefully organise digital content. (AB) Uses a variety of software to manipulate and present digital content: data and information. (AL) Shows an awareness for the quality of digital content collected. (EV) 3 Designs simple algorithms using loops, and selection i.e. if statements. (AL) Uses logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of programs. (AL) Appreciates that programs can work with different types of data. (GE) Recognises and can use a range of input and output devices. Navigates the web and can carry out simple web searches to collect digital content. (AL) (EV) Shares their experiences of technology in school and beyond my classroom. (GE) (EV) Talks about their work and makes improvements to solutions based on feedback received. (EV) 2 Understands what an algorithm is and is able to express simple linear (non-branching) algorithms symbolically. (AL) Demonstrates care and precision to avoid errors. (AL) Executes, checks and changes programs. (AL) Distinguishes between some of these forms and can explain the different ways that they communicate information. (AB) Recognises that all software executed on digital devices is programmed. (AL) (AB) (GE) Understands the importance of communicating safely and respectfully online, and the need for keeping personal information private. (EV) Understands that people interact with computers. Shares their use of technology in school. Knows common uses of information technology beyond the classroom. (GE) [ Talks about their work and makes changes to improve it. (EV) 1 Understands that computers need precise instructions. (AL) Understands that programs execute by following precise instructions. (AL) Knows that users can develop their own programs, and can demonstrate this by creating a simple program in an environment that does not rely on text e.g. programmable robots etc. (AL) Recognises that digital content can be represented in many forms. (AB) (GE) Understands that computers have no intelligence and that computers can do nothing unless a program is executed. (AL) Obtains content from the world wide web using a web browser. (AL) Knows what to do when concerned about content or being contacted. (AL) Uses software under the control of the teacher to create, store and edit digital content using appropriate file and folder names. (AB) (GE) (DE)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is STEPS? A. STEPS is an assessment-recording and progress-monitoring system for all subjects studied at Key Stage 3. Q. What are STEPS grids? A. The STEPS grids break a subject down into Strands of content and nine progressive Steps. Students are placed on the STEPS grid following a baseline assessment. The expected progress is at least one-Step per year or three-Steps over the key stage. Q. What is a Strand? A. A Strand is an area of study of a subject. Every subject is divided into between three and seven Strands. Q. What is a Step? A. Every Strand is broken down into nine progressive Steps. Nine is the highest Step and one is the lowest. Steps provide the pathway through the Programme of Study for each Strand. Q. Why does my child appear to have made more progress in one subject than another? A. All subjects are different and so are children! It is quite understandable for one student to have a different rate of progress to another. Learning is a cycle of improvement. Students improve and then plateau before making further improvement – the timescale for this improvement is very individual and varies between subjects. It is quite normal for rapid progress to be made when children are exposed for the first time to specialist teaching, when perhaps teachers with expert knowledge were not available in primary school. Q. My child seems to have made no progress at all in one subject. A. There could be circumstances which would mean that within the last assessment cycle this was the case. It could be a completely new subject, or one that has been studied for only a portion of the year. We are anticipating three Steps of progress over the key stage and that one Step is merely the average of this expected progress each year. Remember also that in Science, progress has been built implicitly into the schemes of work. Therefore your child will be expected to stay on the same step or fluctuate above/ below this step as the content becomes more challenging throughout the year. Progress will be numerically represented by a variation score (progress score) from your child’s start point. If your child’s score is positive or remains at 0 throughout the year this represents expected progress or above expected progress; if they receive a minus progress score then this indicates that they will need more support to maintain their progress in the upcoming units.
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