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Arch205 building construction floor & Roof systems

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1 Arch205 building construction floor & Roof systems

2 UPPER FloorS system FIRST Floor systems must transfer their loads horizontally across space to either beams and columns or to loadbearing walls.

3 Concrete beam Effective Beam Depth
38mm minimum cover required to protect steel reinforcement from fire and corrosion. Beam Depth Concrete beam depth = span/16 Bevel or Chamfer Beam width

4 Concrete floor slab types
One-Way Slab A one-way slab is uniformly thick, reinforced in one direction, and cast integrally with parallel supporting beams. Suitable for light to moderate loads over relatively short spans of (1.8 to 5.5 m)

5 Concrete floor slab types
One-Way Joist Slab A joist or ribbed slab is cast integrally with a series of closely spaced joists, which in turn are supported by a parallel set of beams. Designed as a series of T-beams, joist slabs are more suitable for longer spans and heavier loads than one-way slabs. Suitable for light to medium live loads over spans of (4 to 10 m)

6 Concrete floor slab types
Two-Way Slab and Beam A two-way slab of uniform thickness may be reinforced in two directions and cast integrally with supporting beams and columns on all four sides of square or nearly square bays. 100 minimum slab depth. suitable for carrying intermediate to heavy loads over (4.6 to 12 m) spans.

7 Concrete floor slab types
Two-Way Waffle Slab A waffle slab is a two-way concrete slab reinforced by ribs in two directions. Waffle slabs are able to carry heavier loads and span longer distances than flat slabs. Suitable for spans of (7 to 16 m) (75 to 115) slab depth (125 or 150) rib width

8 Concrete floor slab types
Two-Way Flat Plate A flat plate is a concrete slab of uniform thickness reinforced in two or more directions and supported directly by columns without beams or girders. Simplicity of forming, lower floor-to-floor heights, and some flexibility in column placement make flat plates practical for apartment and hotel construction. Suitable for light live to moderate loads over relatively short spans of (3.6 to 7 m)

9 Concrete floor slab types
Two-Way Flat Slab A flat slab is a flat plate thickened at its column supports to increase its shear strength and moment-resisting capacity. Suitable for relatively heavy loads and spans from (6 to 12 m).

10 Concrete slab formwork and Shoring

11 Concrete slab formwork and Shoring
Knee brace Plywood/metal sheathing Blocking Kickers Metal/wood joists Stringers Support for Beam Formwork Adjustable Wood/Metal shores Wood shores Bracing on shores

12 Lift-slab construction
Lift-slab construction is a technique of constructing multistory buildings in which all horizontal slabs are cast at ground level and, when cured, are raised into position by hydraulic jacks.

13 Structural steel floor
One way beam system Typical span range for beams is (6 to 10 m). Beams Girders Columns

14 Structural steel floor
Two-Way Beam System Secondary Beams Primary Beams Columns

15 Open-web joists Open-web joists are lightweight, shop-fabricated steel members having a trussed web. Ceiling can be either attached to the bottom of the joist or suspended or left without ceiling. Passage of mechanical services through the open web

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