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1.) Government & Economics Quiz 2.) Education in Kenya & Sudan

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1 1.) Government & Economics Quiz 2.) Education in Kenya & Sudan
SS7CG3a – Compare how various factors, including gender, affect access to education in Kenya and Sudan. Instructions – Sit in your assigned seat and begin to study. If you have yesterday’s work completed – HAND IT IN!

2 Opening Game Instructions
Some of you will have the name of one of our vocabulary words. Some of you will have definitions. Do NOT yell out what you have, but quietly ask other people what they have. Match the definition with the person wearing the name badge and stand next to each other along the side of the room once you have found that person. Do NOT use your definition sheet to help you!!!

3 Quiz Instructions Take everything off your desk except for a pen or pencil. Put your name (first and last), date, and period on the paper. There is no talking or cheating, even when you are finished. Try the bonus questions as they are worth extra credit. Take your time – you have the entire period if you need it. Raise your hand when you are finished. I will be passing out your assignment for you to work on after the quiz. Just make sure you follow instructions on the paper.

What has happened in Sudan and South Sudan for the education system to be so low? How does gender affect education in Kenya and Sudan?

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