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Virginia Career VIEW Fall 2013 Workshop Integrating Career Exploration into the Core Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Career VIEW Fall 2013 Workshop Integrating Career Exploration into the Core Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Career VIEW Fall 2013 Workshop Integrating Career Exploration into the Core Curriculum

2 How are you/your school currently integrating career exploration into the core curriculum? Has anyone tried working with a teacher to implement career development in core classes? In what ways? What are some barriers you have run into? How are the barriers different at the elementary and middle school levels? How would overcoming those barriers make your job better? Discussion in groups

3 When students perceive math (e.g., Hulleman, Godes, Hendricks, & Harackiewicz, 2010) and science (e.g., Ainley & Ainley, 2011) to be useful, they tend to be more interested in it. Instructors can demonstrate the usefulness of the content by explaining to students how the material is related to their interests, career goals, and/or the real world; or by providing opportunities for students to engage in activities that demonstrate the usefulness of the content (for examples, see Jones, 2009) (Jones, B., Ruff, C., & Osborne, J.W., in preparation). Why should we connect career development to classroom learning? Jones, B. D., Ruff, C., & Osborne, J.W. (in preparation). Fostering students identification with mathematics and science. In K.A. Renninger, M. Nieswandt, & S. Hidi (Eds.), Handbook on interest, the Self, and K-16 mathematics and science learning. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

4 There isnt a negotiation if youre a teacher, says [Lynn] Linde, a past president of ACA. Why as a school counselor do you have to negotiate? You dont tell a math teacher how to teach math. Teachers have a lot of latitude within their classrooms. Why dont we [as school counselors] have the same latitude (p. 35) Counselors will play a role in ensuring that all students have access to the courses that properly prepare them for college (p. 36). Often times administrators looks at school counselors as not having a class list and papers to grade, and programs suffer because counselors are often assigned to extra duties, such as running the school wide testing program, filling in for absent teachers, performing supervisory duties, etc. (p. 36) [Administrators] simply dont understand the depth of what these counselors offer, says Patricia Henderson, school counselor and guidance administrator for over 30 years (p. 36). Counseling Today Article Common Core Standards Shallcross, L. (2013). Claiming their rightful place at the table. Counseling Today, Volume 56/Number 2. August 2013.

5 The Virginian-Pilot article: common-core common-core Virginia and the Common Core Standards article: the-Common-Core-Standards/ the-Common-Core-Standards/ VDOE: Virginia Standards of Learning and Common Core State Standards: Recent news article: Politicians voicing opinions on Common Core Standards: have-tea-party-seeing-u-s-school-takeover.html have-tea-party-seeing-u-s-school-takeover.html Other Articles Common Core Standards Shallcross, L. (2013). Claiming their rightful place at the table. Counseling Today, Volume 56/Number 2. August 2013.

6 Career Pathways Academic and Career Plans College and Career Readiness STEM Initiatives 21 st Century Skills Others? Federal and State Initiatives

7 Support classroom learning Reinforces/reviews classroom learning VIEWs resources address SOLs and Counseling Standards Adds the usefulness piece that is so important to academic motivation Makes information learned in class relevant to their future [for students] How can career exploration connect to classroom learning?

8 Reach out to teachers –Send a letter with attached resources and ask teachers to consider using the resources to support a lesson –Offer to come help teach the lesson (co-teach) –Suggest including career exploration resources as part of a substitute teacher lesson plan –Invite teachers to a 30 minute training about how career exploration connects to classroom learning…and give them resources! –At the middle school level, ask exploratory teachers to include a career development piece relevant to their subject; offer to provide resources –Or, ask elective teachers to be a part of a school-wide assembly and have each teacher talk a little about what careers relate to their field of teaching How to engage teachers

9 Point out the state and/or federal initiatives will be supported by integrating career exploration into the core curriculum Start a school-wide program Classroom Career Connections including information for teachers, parents and students Add the information to the school website; use a program logo Keep track of the connections being made (accountability) Note successes and evaluate failures Use pre- and post- tests to show how student learning has [improved] because of the classroom-career connection How to engage administrators

10 Use the Classroom Career Connections program as an opportunity to talk to parents about Career Pathways, ACPs, 21 st Century Skills, STEM Initiatives, etc. and why career exploration is relevant to their childs future [and so important!] Parents are the MOST influential figure when it comes to making career choices Post updates to the school website, facebook page, or weekly newsletter/email Keep parents informed How to engage parents

11 Connect classroom learning to the real world Make the core curriculum relevant to a childs future Encourage students to explore interests –Kids Search and Who R U –Career Search and School Search Post contests/experiences on school bulletin boards, in newsletters, emails, or school website Recognize student successes; highlight great work –Vimeo Video –Glogster –LiveBinder How to engage students

12 Barriers Counselor doesnt have enough time to teach a lesson in every class Teachers not interested in having classroom time interrupted Administrators not supportive of career exploration; dont see the importance Community [in general] doesnt value post-high school plans Others?

13 K-8 printable resources Guides and grids (by career cluster, SOL, Counseling Standard) Interest Assessments [Kids Search, Who R U? VIEW Toolkits –College and Career Readiness –Academic and Career Plans –STEM Occupations Booklists Parent and Teacher Guides VIEW Resources Supporting Core Curriculum

14 Includes material at the elementary and middle school levels Provides easy-to-edit templates Sample resources broken down by grade Includes an easy-to-implement program to help connect career exploration to classroom learning Includes supporting resources for teachers (ie: teacher guides) Includes guides and grids to easily identify SOL connections Strategic Planning Guide

15 Classroom Career Connections Program Sample letters/response cards Teacher guides Sample event flier Career Pathways document Academic and Career Plan Educator Guide At least 4 resources per grade connecting career exploration to career exploration Strategic Planning Guide Resources

16 Explore VIEW Website K-5 Printables/Activities 6-8 Printables/Activities New resources

17 Group Activity

18 What other questions or concerns do you have that may be school- or district-specific? Does anyone have other ideas to share that would support integrating career exploration into the core curriculum? Has your outlook on connecting classroom learning to the real world changed? Final Discussion

19 Virginia Career VIEW Emily Fielder

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