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Cloudland Canyon State Park Field Trip April 28 – 29, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Cloudland Canyon State Park Field Trip April 28 – 29, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloudland Canyon State Park Field Trip April 28 – 29, 2015

2 Where in the world is Cloudland Canyon State Park
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3 How will we get there and back?
Depart KCSMA 6:30 a.m. April 28th. His Majesty Coach. Arrive at Cloudland Canyon approximately 9:00 a.m. Depart Cloudland Canyon April 29th at 2:30 p.m. Arrive at KCSMA between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m.

4 Where will we sleep and eat
We have reserved a group lodge with 4 rooms of 10 beds and a cottage that sleeps 10. Actual sleeping arrangements will be made when we get the final number of participants. The group lodge has a full kitchen to prepare meals and separate men’s and women’s showers.

5 What students will need
Bedding/sleeping bag. Towels, washcloths and toiletries for showers. Clothes and shoes with good tread to go cave hiking. (They will get very muddy!) More to come as we get closer. Electronics? Not sure about cell service/wi-fi.

6 What will we do? Hiking Team building Disc golf Camp fire
Movie under the stars The main event: Cave Hike guided by Georgia Girl Guides georgia/

7 Who will be supervising
Mrs. Davis Mr. Selzer Mr. Traster Parent chaperones. The number will be determined by the number above students we can accommodate. There are 50 beds and our current enrollment is 44 students.

8 What we need from you! Chaperones-mainly dads since we have so many boys. 2 to 3 vehicles to transport students to the mouth of cavern. A couple of parents to help plan meals, that will be easy prep and clean up. We’ll need to have 2 lunches, breakfast, snacks, and dinner.

9 Cave Hiking Details We’ll go in 3 rotations of 15 students plus chaperones and staff. No more than 20 total in a group. 2 groups will go on the first day (28th) and the last group on the morning of the 29th. Each student participating in the Cave Hike will need to have a waiver signed by parent. Waivers will be sent home to be signed before departure.

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