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Nutrition & Wellness Final Review.

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1 Nutrition & Wellness Final Review

2 1. What are some health consequences of eating too much added sugar?
Overweight Heart disease Diabetes 2. What is nutrition analysis of a recipe? - Information on the recipe’s nutrient and calorie content 3. What is the safest way to cut rounded foods on a cutting board? - Cut a thin slice from the bottom so they sit flat. 4. What should not be used to put out a grease fire? Water 5. What is a function of vitamins? To work with enzymes to keep cells healthy and active 6. What is the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? A list of recommendations to help people choose an overall healthy diet.

3 7. What is a good way to save money on food?
Comparison shopping 8. How can contamination of food be prevented? Washing hands thoroughly with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds Keep hair pulled back If wearing gloves, wash hands and replace gloves often 9. What might be a cause of Anorexia Nervosa? People see themselves as fat even if they are dangerously thin, and starve themselves 10. What factors can help you determine how many calories you should eat each day? Age and weight Basal metabolic rate Gender and activity level 11. How are refined grains nutritionally different from whole grains? They have less fiber and vitamins 12. What aspects of a recipe may change when you substitute ingredients? Appearance Taste Nutritional value

4 13. What is basal metabolic rate?
The amount of energy the body uses for basal metabolism. 14. What food group should be consumed to prevent osteoporosis? Dairy group (milk) 15. Where should cleaning products be stored in a kitchen? Away from food products 16. The primary source of energy for the body is? carbohydrates 17. A good rule of thumb to use when several sets of flatware are present at the dining table is to: Use flatware from the outside in 18. A persons overall wellness is greatly affected by their nutritional intake. Therefore, if a person ate only high calorie, high fat and high sodium foods for every meal for one month without physical activity, the person would most likely – Develop health problems such as high cholesterol and hypertension, lower mental abilities, poor job performance, skin deficits and a slower metabolism

5 19. How do proteins function in the body?
They help build, repair, and maintain body tissues 20. Fats that are solid at room temperature are most likely made of this type of fatty acid? Saturated 21. What is a reason to change a recipe? To be creative and try something new To substitute for health reasons To increase or decrease yield 22. What is the sell-by-date? The last day a product should remain on a store shelf 23. What happens to fat-soluble vitamins that are not used by the body immediately and cannot be stored? They remain in the liver and body fat 24. What happens to water soluble vitamins that are not used right away? They are passed through the urine

6 25. Barbara eats an entire bag of chips
25. Barbara eats an entire bag of chips. Afterwards, she wants to know how many calories she consumed. On the label, the serving size of 12 chips has calories. There are 12 servings per bag. How many calories did she consume? 1560 26. How may calories burned equals one pound of fat loss? 3500 27. The average teenager consumes approximately how many calories per day? 1200 28. Carter has decided to lose weight. What is a sensible weight loss program? Realistic - attainable goals Low-fat, low-calorie foods Exercise 30 min 3 X week 29. The three categories of carbohydrates are: Sugar Starch Fiber 30. What three factors should be considered when determining your calorie and nutrient needs? Age Gender Activity level

7 31. When do you need to use measuring spoons instead of cups?
To measure dry ingredients in amounts smaller than ¼ cup 32. On a typical day, how long can perishable foods that contain meat, poultry, fish, eggs or dairy products safely sit at room temperature? No more than 2 hours 33. Characteristics of dietary fiber include: Cannot be digested Helps you to feel full Creates weight that helps the body eliminate waste 34. If an injury occurs during food preparation, the person must do what? Wash the wound and cover the wound with a bandage and glove 35. Why is eating a variety of foods important? No single food or food group supplies all the nutrients the body needs 36. Katie was recently diagnosed with anemia. Her doctor recommended she begin taking an iron supplement along with increased amounts of vitamin C. Why did the doctor recommend this? Iron is easily absorbed into the blood stream with the aid of vitamin C

8 37. An illness that results from consuming contaminated food, bacteria, viruses or parasites that contaminate food is called what? Food borne illness 38. What are some ways to reduce fat in recipes? Use reduced fat sour cream cheese, mayo or yogurt Substitute skim milk for whole milk Use two egg whites instead of one egg 39. What is half of 1 cup ½ cup 40. What is half of 2/3 cup 1/3 cup 41. What is half of ¼ cup 2 Tablespoons 42. What is half of 2 ¼ cups 1 cup plus 2 Tablespoons

9 43. What is half of 1 teaspoon?
¼ teaspoon + dash 45. What is half of ¾ cup? ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons 46. When doubling a recipe, how do you double 1 cup? 2 cups 47. When doubling a recipe, how do you double 2/3 cup? 1 1/3 cups 48. When doubling a recipe, how do you double ¼ cup? ½ cup 49. When doubling a recipe, how do you double 2 ¼ cups? 4 ½ cups 50. When doubling a recipe, how do you double ¾ teaspoon? 1 ½ teaspoons 51. When doubling a recipe, how do you double ¾ cup? 1 ½ cups

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