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Road to War.

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1 Road to War

2 Road to War England and the seas Orders in Council Chesapeake (1807)
Trafalgar(1805)=total supremacy of seas Orders in Council England declared all French ports closed to foreign shipping, unless the ships stopped at English ports first!! This resulted in France now seizing US ships along with British impressment and seizures Chesapeake (1807) US ship 10 miles off coast of Va. England wanted “deserters” on board, ship said no, England fired on the ship, killing 4, impressing 4, and wounding about 20 Jefferson’s response????

3 Embargo Act-1807 England and France still seizing our ships, TJ asks Congress to pass Embargo Act Bans all foreign trade Goal? Economically pressure England/France to stop seizures Results US economy severely suffers Black market trading Non Intercourse Act 1809 Opens trade with all except England and France

4 Madison now in charge TJ follows GW 2 term precedent and leaves
Madison defeats Federalist Pinckney Non-Intercourse act about to expire,,,, Macon’s Bill #2 (although “Bill”, it became law) Temporary lifting of Embargo (3 months),,, then if either England or France stops messing with us on the seas, we would end our embargo with that country,,, first come first serve!!!! Who bites first??? And why? France agrees to the deal!! Why????? What did they have to lose?? They were blockaded better by England, so it would only make Napoleon look good and England bad!! And France just kept on seizing our ships anyway

5 Native Problem England still fomenting violence in the West
Still in some forts Still arming the natives New policy!!! Paying for scalped US heads Tecumseh’s War Tecumseh and the “Prophet” vs. “Old Tippecanoe” 1811 Native brothers in war vs. settlers William Henry Harrison wipes them out at Tippecanoe River in Indiana Tecumseh eventually sides with British, captures Ft. Detroit, then killed at Battle of Thames

6 “The Prophet” Believe it or not!!!! Earthquake!
Solar Eclipse! In your face Harrison!! Presidential Curse "Harrison will die I tell you. And after him, every Great Chief chosen every 20 years thereafter will die. And when each one dies, let everyone remember the death of my people."


8 “War Hawks” Which region of the country do you think would most want war with England and why?? It would seem to be NE, but they actually didn’t want the war, despite impressment and seizing of ships!! US vs. “Old England” and New England Some in New England supported England, loaning them $$, and more to come!! “War Hawks” South and West members in Congress who pressed Madison to go to war with England (Henry Clay) Vote for war 79-49 House, Senate,,,, what does this show??? Divided country Not all gung ho for war!!!!

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