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Welcome to the National Center for Simulation (NCS)

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1 Welcome to the National Center for Simulation (NCS)
Education & Workforce Development Committee Meeting 26 April 2018


26 April 2018

4 Committee Actions and Events
Hiring M&S Interns campaign underway. Need help from industry. Interns hired by Cole Engineering, Dignitas Technologies and Cubic Corporation. Awarded 10 Scholarships to high school students at 10 schools. State of Virginia approves industry M&S Certification. Certified students seeking internships now posted on NCS website. Certified teachers (26) recognized on NCS website and I/ITSEC. Participated in Zora! STEM January middle school event at Rollins and OTC(MFC) Certification Board met 21 February 2018 Participated (with ECS) in Crooms AOIT TechFest 15 March 2018. Lindsey Spalding, Hagerty Lead M&S Teacher, leaves in May SCPS filling vacancy. Working with Timber Creek HS and Hungerford ES. Lockheed Martin donating Prepar3d Participated in several Advisory Boards, including Seminole State College, OTC,others Hagerty HS students occupied NCS STEM Pavilion at I/ITSEC. Presented Fellow paper at I/ITSEC: Remembrances of a Simulationist. Florida DoEd conducted 3-year review of M&S Secondary & PSAV Course Standards

26 April 2018


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8 Schools Participating in M&S Certification
High & Technical Schools Bartow High School Crooms Academy East River High School Edgewater High School Hagerty High School Middleton High School Orange Technical College Plant City High School Timber Creek High School University High School Winter Park High School Middle & Elementary Schools Apopka Middle School Arbor Ridge K-8 Corner Lake Middle School Lake Nona High School Sanford Middle School Southwest Middle School Wedgefield K-8

9 Future Plans Determine interest for M&S Certification elsewhere beyond Florida and Virginia. Continue to encourage M&S industry to hire high school interns. Consider incentives. Plan for a high school/technical school technology demonstration for Spring 2019 at Central Florida Research Park with Team Orlando support. Refine Curriculum and Certification documents on NCS website (New Business).

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