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What’s the difference? And why should we care?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the difference? And why should we care?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the difference? And why should we care?
Government & Politics Chapter 1 Section 3: The Foundations of Government Chapter 1 Section 4: Politics and Political Activity What’s the difference? And why should we care?

2 Purposes of Government
1. Provide public goods Characteristics of public goods: More than one person can consume All people have the right to use it Philosophers like Hobbes and Locke emphasized these 2 purposes so that individuals are not condemned to “continual fear and danger of violent death” Order Protection

3 Building Blocks of Government
1. Coercion Government can use its power to force citizens to behave certain ways 2. Revenue Collection Governments need money to pay for public goods. Ancient empires extracted tribute, or payments, from smaller states they controlled. The payments were often used to raise an army.

4 Who should rule? Aristotle’s Classification of Governments
Who Holds Power Rule Motivated by the Common Good Rule Motivated by Self Interest One Kingship Government by one virtuous ruler Tyranny Rule by one lawless ruler A Few Aristocracy Government by the virtuous few for the good of all Oligarchy Rule by the wealthy few in their own interest The Many Polity Constitutional government in which everyone has a share of political power Democracy Rule by the poor in their own interest

5 Nation-States The nation-state is a fairly modern political phenomenon
Nation-States The nation-state is a fairly modern political phenomenon. It merges 2 concepts: the nation and the state. Nation-a group of people who share a common ethnic origin, culture and language. State-geographical area controlled by a single government.

6 Characteristics of Nation-States
Territorial Integrity: Occupies a specific geographic territory with internationally recognized borders. Stable Population: People live permanently within the boundaries. Code of Laws: People agree to live under a common legal system. National Sovereignty: independent and self-governing

7 The process and method of making decisions for groups.
Politics The process and method of making decisions for groups. Political scientist Harold Laswell described politics as the process of determining “who gets what, when, how”.

8 Political Activity Political Activity - Has a purpose-it is done for a reason Collective action - people work together to achieve shared goals Institutions Organizations or sets of rules that shape the behavior of groups Establish routines and rules

9 Collective Action Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that has. -Margaret Mead

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