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Gothic Literature and Dark Romantics

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1 Gothic Literature and Dark Romantics

2 What do you think of when you hear the word “Gothic”?

3 Take some notes

4 Take some notes

5 Dark Romantics (almost synonymous with Gothic, but the focus is a bit different) -Dark Romantics were concerned with the conflict between good and evil in all of us and focused on our capacity for evil and our inner sin. Write down this definition

6 What is an allegory? A parable?

7 Allegory -a story within a story. (has hidden meaning)
-It has a “surface story” and another story hidden underneath. -characters often represent ideas -For example, the surface story might be about two neighbors throwing rocks at each other’s homes, but the hidden story would be about war between countries. Some allegories are very subtle, while others (like the rock-throwing example) can be more obvious. -In most allegories, the hidden story has something to do with politics, religion, or morality — complex subjects that are difficult to understand directly. Write down the definition. Watch the beginning of “The Sneetches” Was written in 1961 during the civil rights movement. It’s really about racism.

8 Symbol a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. -to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. Symbols do shift their meanings depending on the context they are used in. “A chain”, for example, may stand for “union” as well as “imprisonment”. Thus, symbolic meaning of an object or an action is understood by when, where and how it is used. It also depends on who reads them. Take some notes

9 The dove is a symbol of peace.
A red rose or red color stands for love or romance. Black is a symbol that represents evil or death. A ladder may stand as a symbol for a connection between the heaven and the earth. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts,” More symbol examples

10 Allegorical paintings
Allegory of Faith- Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art.jpg What might the underlying message of these other paintings be?


12 -New settlers from England were very familiar with symbols and allegories
-Headstones often contained not only epitaphs but symbols as well

13 In writing, describe the images you see (list the characters, objects, actions, and settings, as best you can, on each one). Notice the details Go to the next slide and click on the links

14 http://www. hawthorneinsalem. org/images/fullpageimage. php
Gravestone symbolism.

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