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Landuse Attributes for Overland Wave Modeling

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Presentation on theme: "Landuse Attributes for Overland Wave Modeling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Landuse Attributes for Overland Wave Modeling
Paul Carroll, PE

2 Coastal Methodology Overview
Storm surge modeling with the ADvanced CIRCulation Model (ADCIRC) Wave modeling with the WaveWatch III Model and the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) Model Overland wave analysis using FEMA’s Wave Hazard Analysis for Flood Insurance Studies (WHAFIS) Model Hazard Zone Mapping ADCIRC SWAN Water level, currents Wave radiation stress WHAFIS

3 Overland Wave Modeling
Wave Height Analysis for Flood Insurance Studies – WHAFIS 1-D model – interfaced with GIS-type software allows for increased model transect density Capable of variable obstructions including vegetation types and buildings

4 Overland Wave Modeling
1-D Approach based on: Water depth Wave decay Wave regeneration

5 Overland Wave Modeling

6 Landuse Characterization
Open or Inland Fetch Rigid Vegetation Buildings Marsh

7 Level of Effort to Appropriately Characterize a Vegetation Polygon
Level of input detail should be commensurate with the ability of the model to reflect a change in Wave Height So how precise should values be……? Input data need to be regionally reflective So how useful are spot measurements……?

8 VE Categories and Testing
Mean Spacing – Beyond 50-ft nominal impact

9 VE Categories and Testing
Mean Spacing – Max delta of 1.0 across the sub-cat range

10 VE Categories and Testing
Mean Trunk Diameter

11 Suggested Categories for Vegetated Tracts

12 Level of Effort to Appropriately Characterize a Building Polygon
Level of input detail should be commensurate with the ability of the model to reflect a change in wave height Input data need to be regionally reflective

13 Locate modeling transects in regionally representative areas

14 Delineate areas of uniform building density

15 Transect is sub-divided into sections, wave computations are performed at each node

16 Typically 0 or 1 row of buildings within each segment

17 Attributing Modeling Transect Segments

18 Suggested Categories for Building Areas
90% 65% 40% 25%

19 Characterizing Landuse in mixed BU/VE areas

20 Elevated 100% Open On-Grade 65% Open On-Grade 65% Open Rigid
Vegetation Inland Fetch (IF) Open Fetch (OF) 11/28/2018

21 Mapping Results Transect 2 Transect 3 Transect 1

22 References BakerAECOM, September DRAFT Task A.2.a, c., d., & e: Interim Report, Analysis of ADCIR Mesh Size and Resolution in Six Recent Coastal FISs and Requirements for a Northeast Florida/Georgia FIS. North Carolina Storm Surge Study. Dorman, John., Blanton, Brian., et. al. Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Coastal Guidelines Update. FEMA , 2007.

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