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Mental and Emotional Health
8th Grade
Mental health The 1)state of being comfortable with 2)yourself, with others and with your 3)surroundings You can learn from your 4)mistakes and recognize your 5)achievements
Emotional health How you 6)react to events in your 7)life
You need to take the time to 8)relax, and you need to 9)share your feelings with others
Mental Disorders An 10)illness that affects the mind and 11)reduces a person’s ability to function or 12)adjust to change
Causes of Mental disorder
13)Physical Factors Heredity 14)Early Experiences 15)Recent Experiences
Physical factors Damages to the 16)brain may cause mental disorder
The damaged could be caused by: 17)Tumor Growth Injury 18)Infection Poison 19)Alcohol Drugs
Heredity A person may 20)inherit a tendency toward mental 21)disorder
This does not 22)mean the will 23)develop the disorder It means that a person has a 24)greater chance of developing it
Early experiences Extremely 25)negative experiences that occur in 26)life can lead to mental illness: 27)Abuse 28)Neglected Witness or being involved in a 29)traumatic event
Recent experiences More recent events like:
30)Death of loved one Traumatic event 31)Continually high 32)stress situations These can 33)trigger a disorder
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Anxiety This is a feeling of:
34)Fear 35)Unease 36)Worry The source of these 37)symptoms is not always 38)known
Anxiety disorder When 39)anxiety persists for a long period of 40)time and starts to interfere with 41)daily activities it becomes classified as a 42)disorder
Anxiety disorder Some of the 43)most common anxiety disorders include:
44)Generalized Anxiety Phobias 45)Panic attacks Obsessive-Compulsive disorders (OCD) 46)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Generalized Anxiety disorder
A person with this disorder displays 47)intense: 48)Worry 49)Fear Most days for at least 50)6 months
Generalized Anxiety disorder
Warning signs include: 51) Restlessness 52) Fatigue 53) Trouble Falling asleep 54) Trouble concentrating
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Phobias An 55)anxiety that is related to a specific 56)situation or object is classified as a 57)phobia Most people are 58)fearful of certain things but a phobia is 59)uncontrolled fear of a object or situation
Phobias Some of the most 60) common phobias include:
61)Arachnophobia (spiders) 62)Aviophobia (Flying) 63)Acrophobia (high places)
Phobias Agoraphobia (Open public spaces)
64)Claustrophobia (Small closed in places) 65)Ophidiophobia (Snakes)
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Panic Attacks 66)Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder in which you have 67)repeated attacks of 68)intense fear that something 69)bad will happen
Panic Attacks The symptoms include: 70)Fast heart rate
71)Rapid breathing 72)Sweating 73)Trembling or Shaking
Panic Attacks 74)Chest pain Choking sensation 75)Nausea Dizziness
76)Fear of losing control Believes they are 77)dying
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
An 78)obsession is a unwanted thought or 79)image that takes control of the 80)mind A 82)compulsion is the need to 83)behave in a certain way to 84)prevent a feared outcome
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
a type of 85)anxiety disorder that can 86)occur after you have gone through an 87)extreme emotional trauma that involved the threat of 88)injury or death.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Those with PTSD suffer from 89)flashbacks of the event and have a hard time 90)staying asleep 91)Concentration is difficult due to their 92)mind always going back to the 93)event
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Those with 94)PTSD can suffer from 95)depression from feeling guilty for 96)surviving when others had died during the 97)event Many attempt 98)suicide at least once after the event
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Mood disorders These 99)people experience extreme 100)emotions that make it 101)difficult to function The two primary types of moods are 102)depression and 103)mania Most mood disorders fall under one of the following: 104)Depressive disorders 105)Bipolar disorders
Depressive disorders These disorders are mental illnesses 106)characterized by a profound and 107)persistent feeling of 108)sadness It can also 109)include the feeling of 110)despair Loss of 111)interest in things that once were 112)pleasurable Disturbance occurs in: 113)Sleep 114)Appetite
Depressive disorders All depression types are 115)not the same
116)Major depression (clinical depression) 117)Chronic depression (dysthymia) These are the most 118)common types
Depressive disorders However there are also other types of depression with 119)unique signs, symptoms, and 120)treatment
Depressive disorders These disorders are 121)characterized by a long-term 122)depressed mood (two years or more) 123)Chronic depression is less 124)severe than major depression
Depressive disorders There are 125)times (few days a year) you may feel: 126)Sad 127)Lonely 128)Hopeless Major depression lasts 129)longer and is 130)disabling It can prevent you from 131)functioning normally
Depressive disorders An 132)episode of clinical depression may occur 133)only once in a person's 134)lifetime More often, though, it 135)recurs throughout a person's 136)life
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Bipolar Bipolar disorder is associated with 137)mood swings
they range from the 138)lows of depression to the 139)highs of mania
Bipolar Mood 140)shifts may occur only a few 141)times a year, or as often as 142)several times a day In some cases it causes symptoms of 143)depression and 144)mania at the same time
Bipolar This 145)disorder tends to run in 146)families
Research has shown that 147)people with certain 148)genes are more likely to develop 149)bipolar disorder than others
Bipolar Children with a 150)parent or sibling who has 151)bipolar disorder are more likely to 152)develop the illness than the general 153)population Most 154)children with a family 155)history of bipolar disorder will 156)not develop the 157)illness
Bipolar People with bipolar 158)disorder may also abuse 159)alcohol or drugs Many have 160)relationship issues They tend to 161)perform poorly in school or at 162)work
Bipolar This 158)condition develops in a person's late 159)teens or early adult 160)years At least 161)half of all cases start before age 162)25
Bipolar Some 163)people have their first 164)symptoms during 165)childhood Others develop 166)symptoms late in 167)life
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schizophrenia People with the disorder may 168)hear voices other people 169)don't hear They may believe: Other people are 170)reading their minds 171)Controlling their thoughts Plotting to 172)harm them
schizophrenia This can 173)terrify people with the illness and make them 174)withdrawn or extremely 175)agitated
schizophrenia People with this disorder may not make 176)sense when they 177)talk They may sit for 178)hours without moving or 179)talking Sometimes people seem 180)perfectly fine until they talk about what they are 181)really thinking
schizophrenia 182)Treatment helps relieve many symptoms of 183)schizophrenia But most people who have the disorder 184)cope with symptoms throughout their 185)lives
schizophrenia 186)Scientists have long known that 187)schizophrenia runs in 188)families The illness occurs in 189)1 percent of the general 190)population
schizophrenia However it occurs in 191)10 percent of people who have a 192)first-degree relative with the disorder (parent, 193)brother, or sister)
schizophrenia People who have 194)second-degree relatives (aunts, uncles, 195)grandparents, or cousins) Also develop 196)schizophrenia more often than the 197)general population
schizophrenia It affects 198)men and women 199)equally
It occurs at 200)similar rates in all 201)ethnic groups around the 202)world Symptoms such as 203)hallucinations and 204)delusions usually start between ages 205)16 and 30
schizophrenia Men tend to 206)experience symptoms a little earlier than 207)women Most of the 208)time people do not get schizophrenia after age 209)45 It 210)rarely occurs in 211)children
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