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Land Development Code (LDC)

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Presentation on theme: "Land Development Code (LDC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Development Code (LDC)
Purpose, Summary, and Overview

2 The proposed Land Development Code will:
Establish the eventual form of a Unified Development Code; Combine all development codes, except Zoning (Land Uses); Establish a logical sequence of regulations that’s easy to understand and to expand when Zoning is added to create the UDC; Specify all land development and design expectations of the City; Be a highly technical document governed by State Statute and Best Practice engineering standards and practices. Bring all City land development codes into conformance with state law.

3 Sec. 23-06. Consistency with Plans
Purpose Intuitive form that is clear, streamlined, and complete; Divided into Articles that pertain to design, process, procedures, checklists, and standard language and forms; Follows a logical flow that parallels most development projects; Authority under TLGC 212 is cited to allow enforcement and development control in the ETJ of the LDC; and References to all plans & studies adopted by the City to implement the directives of each. Sec Consistency with Plans Sec Jurisdiction Sec Authority Article I. In General

4 Critical Design Issues Addressed
Sec Park Dedication and Improvements. Sec Planned and In-Fill Development. Sec Drainage and Utilities. Sec Street Lights, Conduit, and Traffic Control. Sec Streets and Driveways. Article II. Subdivision and Development Design. Driveway Spacing / Clear Sight Distance Street Lights (Location, Spacing, LED); Street Drainage Conveyance, Roadside Ditches, and Underground Drainage Required Utility Connections – OSSFs; Alternative Water Supplies, Special Districts; Compliance with Fire Code Required; Grey Water Systems; Mueller Hydrants with Universal Fittings; Backflow/Double Check Preventers Required; Flexibility in Park Dedication/Improvements. Linear Parks / Trails, Connectivity

5 Developer Responsibilities Prescribed
TIA Required / Improvements Required; Boundary Street Responsibilities; Developer responsible for all utilities; Reimbursement Agreements; Developer Agreements; Oversizing Agreements; Public acceptance process is expanded; Deferral requirements expanded / clarified. Sec Deferral and Permitting. Subarticle 4.0. Public Acceptance and Permitting. Subarticle 3.0. Special Agreements. Subarticle 2.0. Utilities. Subarticle 1.0. Transportation. Article III. Public Improvement Responsibilities.

6 Environmental Management
City Code Chapter 8, Flood Prevention; Live Oaks & Pecan Trees Protected; Fill Requirements for Development/Construction; Dust Requirements (with exceptions); Stormwater Management / Standards; Stormwater Quality (BMPs) Erosion Control; Alternative Detention Pond Design; Foundation Drainage; Reference zoning performance standards Sec Land Clearing and Fill. Sec Heritage Tree Protection. Subarticle 3.0. General Environmental Standards. Subarticle 2.0. Flood Hazard Reduction. Subarticle 1.0. Flood Damage Prevention. Article IV. Environmental Management.

7 Article VI. Administrative Bodies.
- City Council; - Planning and Zoning Commission; - Development Review Committee; and - City Engineer, Building Official, and Development Administrator.

8 Article VII. Permits and Procedures
- Administrative Permits and Procedures - Public Meeting Permits and Procedures


10 Public Meetings: Permits and Procedures
Table 23.76 Public Meetings: Permits and Procedures Process Purpose Timing Exceptions Issued By Public Improvement Acceptance Public improvement acceptance Prior to Final Plat recordation and permit issuance None City Council Appeals Appeals from a staff determination Within 30 days of the action being appealed Administrative Appeals Preliminary Plat All major plats Prior to Final Plat Minor Plats Council, upon Commission recommendation Final Plat All major plats and any related platting variances Prior to recordation and starting development Minor Plats and Stale Plats Vacation / Dedication of Easements Easement dedicated or vacation Prior to easement abandonment or conveyance Council, upon Commission recommendation, if by plat, or by ordinance by Council Floodplain Hazard Variance Floodplain variances Prior to permit issuance of a permit Only pertains to Article V, Subarticles 1.0 and 2.0 Council, upon City Engineer recommendation LDC Variance Variance from an LDC requirement Prior to permit issuance Flood Hazard Variances Text Amendment Amendments to LDC text Prior to amending the LDC Special Agreements As set out in Article III, Subarticle 3.0. Prior, or concurrent with, platting Interpretations Application of an LDC requirement Prior to final action on a request Development Administrator Interpretations Site Plan Referral Plans referred by the Development Administrator Prior to site plan approval Site plans approved by the Development Administrator Planning and Zoning Commission Concept Plan, Master Plan, or Land Study “Conceptual” Project Direction and Approval Prior to filing a plat or another development application Voluntary for smaller projects, encouraged for large projects Vested Rights Petition Expired Development Approval Upon expiration of any Development Approval

11 Standardized Development Procedures
Successive Applications. Continuances and Withdrawals. Public Meetings and Hearings. Public Notice. Inactive Applications. Application Review. Application Completeness Check. Filing an Application. Pre-Application Conference.

12 Process, Procedures and Review/Approval
Administrative Public Meetings Administrative Minor Plats Development Plats Site Plans Extensions Sketch Plan Building Permits, Certificates, Licenses Floodplain Development Permit Development Permit Major Plats Amended Plats, Major Replats and Consolidation Plats, Major Public Improvement Acceptance LDC Text Amendments Interpretations LDC Variances Flood Hazard Variances Concept Plans/Master Plans Vested Rights Plats

13 Article VIII. Enforcement and Remedies
- Processes and Procedures - Penalties and Fines - Judicial and Non-Judicial Remedies - Public Meeting Permits and Procedures

14 Article IX. Rules of Construction, Acronyms, Definitions
- Describes word usage and how time is computed - Cites all widely used acronyms and their meaning - Defines all critical LDC terms - Statutory State and Federal Code References

15 Appendices - Plat Language and Submittal Requirements (Appendix A)
- Standard Forms (Appendix B) - Angleton Construction Manual (Appendix C) - Sugar Land, McKinney, Brazoria County Drainage Manual - Added Fire Hydrant, Manhole Cover, Wall Specs., Emergency Access

16 Adoption Process - The proposed LDC and this LDC overview is posted on-line; - LDC Review and Adoption Schedule is posted on-line/Facebook; - Interview with The Facts; and - Normal publication of Public Hearings plus a Town Hall Meeting. - The review/comment process allows 80+ days for public input.

17 Questions and Comments?

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