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Welcome to Health-BL. 1 Get out your Syllabus and turn it in into the brown box on the desk next to the door. Keep quiet until further instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Health-BL. 1 Get out your Syllabus and turn it in into the brown box on the desk next to the door. Keep quiet until further instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Health-BL. 1 Get out your Syllabus and turn it in into the brown box on the desk next to the door. Keep quiet until further instructions.

2 Welcome to the Human Body
CH. 1

3 Purpose Objective Brief introduction to anatomy and physiology of the human body. Define the vocabulary terms. List the needs of the human body List the characteristics of a cell Name the eleven systems of the body.

4 Basic definitions: Anatomists: a person who studies the structure of the body. This field of study is called anatomy. Physiologist: those who study the functions of body parts, what they do and how they do it. Homeostasis: The condition of a stable internal environment.

5 Needs of the Human Body Water- most abundant substance in the human body. Food- source of energy, nourishment for growth, and regulations of bodily functions.

6 Needs of the Human Body Heat: form of energy; Produced from the body’s metabolism. Oxygen: the gas that releases energy from food and supplies the body with what is needed for all the functions of the body.

7 Needs of the Human Body Pressure: necessary for bodily functions such as breathing. **Affection and Love- Matthew 6:25,

8 The Organization Of The Human Body
System Organ Tissue Cell

9 CELLS Characteristics of a cell: What is a cell??? 1) Cells are alive!
Cells are the basic building blocks from which all larger parts are formed. ***Might want to know this… Cells are combinations of other elements such as water, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and other trace elements Characteristics of a cell: 1) Cells are alive! 2) cells have the power to move 3) Cells are sensitive 4) Cells take in oxygen (Breath) 5) Cells take in food and water 6) Cells get rid of waste 7) Cells grow 8) Cells can reproduce

10 Examples of Cells

11 What does each tissue do?
Tissues What are tissues? 4 Types of Tissues Tissues are made up of similar cells that are specialized to carry on particular functions in the body. Epithelial Tissues Connective Tissues Muscle Tissues Nerve Tissues What does each tissue do?

12 Tissues Protective layer (skin) Reproduce quickly Absorb nutrients
Epithelial Tissues: Connective Tissue: Protective layer (skin) Reproduce quickly Absorb nutrients Secrete hormones Perspiration Secrete digestive enzymes Bind structures together Provide support and protection Tendons, ligaments, bone, cartilage Store Fat Produce blood cells Destroy bacteria

13 Tissues Move the body Made up by neurons Can be up to 6 feet long
Muscle Tissues: Nerve Tissue: Move the body 3 Types: Skeletal- Voluntary Smooth- Involuntary Cardiac- Involuntary Made up by neurons Can be up to 6 feet long Sensitive to changes. Receive and transmit impulses to body. In brain, spinal cord, and nerves

14 Organs Organ Definition:
Tow or more tissues grouped together and performing specialized functions.

15 Systems of the Body 1) Circulatory System 2) Respiratory System
3) Skeletal System 4) Muscular System 5) Digestive System 6) Excretory System 7) Integumentary (Skin) System 8) Endocrine System 9) Nervous System 10) Immune System 11) Reproductive System

16 Read and outline CH. 1- Total Health, Choices for a winning lifestyle
Homework Read and outline CH. 1- Total Health, Choices for a winning lifestyle

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