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© Copyright 2010, all rights reserved. Dominic Foundation – Switzerland Claudio Giugliemma President.

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1 © Copyright 2010, all rights reserved. Dominic Foundation – Switzerland Claudio Giugliemma President

2 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland Digital Divide is the gap between people with effective access to digital Information and Communication Technology and those with very limited or no access at all. It is a global issue which affects bilions of people world-wide, in particular in Developing countries. Among the reasons for the limited development of ICT in poor countries, we may mention: Lack of realiable broadband infrastructure; High cost for Internet connections; Cost of hardware (PC, notebooks, PDA) & software, Complexity (of usage, GUI, maintenance and installation, Accessibility, lack of a Universal Design); lack of a global solution. The AT Eco-System as well as the Accademic world and the IT Industry could not yet solve the Digital Divide and effectively include all the people in the digital era. International Organizations like UN and Governments are now actively promoting discussions and awareness and seeking for concrete and pragmatic solutions.

3 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland A new ICT concept with a Global vision which consider all users, independently of the age, disability (or ability), location, language, know-how and income. The User Interface, Access and Content automatically customize itself according to the User Profile and Personal Configuration according users preferences and e-services selections like: Age, Language, Sex, GUI complexity, e-services selection and area of interest, local e-services and content, etc. The User Profile also includes a specific Accessibility & Usability Wizard, which will activate and automatically adjust any Assistive Tools which is already built-in like: On-Screen keyboard - keyboard layout - scanning methods – TTS - ARS & Dictation - Mouse pointer, click and speed - Screen reader - Screen Magnifier - Audio Volume level - Display setting, size, colors and contrasts - Font Size - etc. The User access has to be Hardware Independent as much as possible. Operanting System Independent. Online and Offline capability.

4 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland A new Technology Infrastructure based on state-of-art Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with Universal Design, Interoperable and standard. A platform which includes built-in ICT, accessibility tools and more important Content in several areas (education, government, health care, job opportunities, etc.) and totally accessible for a effective and global e-inclusion. A innovative solution which can address the world population starting with people living in Developing Countries, securing know-how, skills and by consequences improving the quality of life, freedom, reducing poverty, discrimination and ignorance, create a more equal, peaceful, democratic and sustainable world for everyone. Based on a new Business Model which is sustainable and ethic and can guarantee low-cost infrastructure and free access to technology, information and content.

5 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland Why the name Lucy ? LUCY is the given name of the first found hominid that had walked erect. LUCYs skeleton was found in Ethiopia in 1973 by a French-American expedition and she is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago. LUCY is our symbol of the evolution of the human race but also the return of a more human oriented technology. e-Health e-Gove-Edu e-Skills e-Office Multimedia Entertain. LucyPC Emergency Lucy platform includes e-Services for all like: E-Health E-Education E-Government E-Skills Office Tools Communication Tools Multimedia Entertainment Disaster Recovery LucyPC

6 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland LUCY is an online software platform which includes all accessibility and localization features which grant full access and usability to all users, regardless the age, culture, disability (ability), knowledge or income. It does include all main Information and Communication modern Technologies, as well as basic but important content in several domains. All these, fully available without restrictions and more important for free to all users, around the World. Account User Management User Profile User Preferences Language Accessibility Wizard Accessibility AT Tools Universal Design TTS Virtual Keyboard Mouse Accessib. Wizard E-Health Information Content Tele Medicine TreatmentsPrevention E-Education Information Educational Content Multimedia Content Online Courses E-Office Word editorSpeadsheetGraphics Data Base Calendar – Agenda E-Comm. Audio-Video Calls Instant Messaging File SharingConf Calls e-mail Multimedia Web TV and Radio VideoE-NewsMusicGames

7 e-Health e-Edu e-Skills © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland

8 LUCY also provides additional e-Services, which are tailored and personalized (localized) country by country, service by service, and by group of Users and their needs. For example, e-Health professional and dedicated services will be available to all Health Professionals and Institutions which use Lucy Technology to provide HC online services and info to all patients and Institutions in their specific country. e-Health Telemedicine TeleCare Diagnostic Centers e-Education Distant Learning Teacher Training Teacher Support e-Govern. E-votingE-InfoE-Services e-Skills Job TrainingJob databaseOnline CV Emergency e-Services Climate Changes Info Disaster Recovery Disaster Prevention LucyPC ClassMateNotebookDesktop Mobile Phone

9 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland e-Health e-Edu e-Skills

10 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland e-Health e-Gov e-Edu e-Skills

11 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland LUCY is addressing the market, also by providing serveral technological solutions and content to individuals in Developing Countries, International Organizations, Health Care Institutions as well as Goverments. While LUCY infrastructure provides the Communication and Information Technologies, dedicated solutions are available to specific groups of Users which are tailored to the specific technical and privacy/security needs.

12 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland LUCY platform includes several technologies which partially already exists on the market but need to be tailored and improved in order to fulfill all the technical and user requirements of LUCY environment. Avoiding the concept of reinvent the wheel it is important to work and establish smart collaborations and sinergies with the major players in the IT Industry as well as in the AT Industry. In the other hand, Telecommunication companies (ISP) also play an important role because of the need of a Broadband Intrastruture.

13 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland AFRICA > 950 mio people 370 in Urban Areas 590 in Rural Areas > 95 mio Disabled ASIA > 4 bio people 1.6 in Urban Areas 2.3 in Rural Areas > 400 mio Disabled SOUTH AMERICA > 560 mio people 440 in Urban Areas 124 in Rural Areas > 56 mio Disabled EASTERN EUROPE > 290 mio people 200 in Urban Areas 93 in Rural Areas > 29 mio Disabled

14 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland Implementation Partners Dominic Found. Accessi -bility Content ICT The Go-To-Market strategy to is to joinly coordinate all the activities with Lucy Institutional Partners and address each country-region with localized implementation programs. These activites have to consider the Global Vision of Lucy. The local Governments and Organizations have to be strongly involved and included.

15 © Copyright 2010, Dominic Foundation - Switzerland Combine Expertises and Activities of International Institutions, Governments, NGO and Private Industry. Combine Business Oriented Models with Non-Profits activites. Based on a Mainstream ICT concept. Consider, respect and fulfill all involved parties requirements. In respect of the UN Convention of the Rights of people with Disability. Consider inclusive policies and grant full access to knowledge and information. A Global solution for a Global e-Inclusion (geographical, technological, Accessibility, Universal Design, Content, all areas of interest, etc.) Consider all type of Users and needs, locations and socio-economical environments. Includes all Standards, state-of-the-art ICT, Accessibility and Interoperability. A new ICT concept, built around and for the User. A REAL and Long-Term SUSTAINABILITY !!!


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