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January , 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute

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Presentation on theme: "January , 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 27- 31, 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute
Lesson Plans for ESL 6 Students will resume the vocabulary notebook today. January , 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute

2 BLUE DAY SCHEDULE 7:30-9:25 - Planning 9:30-10:55 – ESL 7
10:55-11:35- LUNCH 11:40-13:05- ESL 8 13:10-14:35- ESL 6

3 TAKE ROLL 13:10-14:35 Block 4 ESL6 Take Roll Selena Hohenecker
Cat Noble Lilly Proctor Paige Sullivan

4 CSI Goals for all classes

5 Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

6 Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature emotionally, socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

7 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

8 ESL 6 –BLOCK 2 13:10-14:35 Monday, january 27, 2014
Resume vocabulary notebook activities. Examine the myth of Perseus on, in Edith Hamilton’s Mythology and a video. ESL 6 –BLOCK 2 13:10-14:35 Monday, january 27, 2014

9 Daily Activities Edit It 39 – I think Correct this Sentence
Vocabulary 19 Do BRAINPOP on they’re, their, there Complete the HUBRIS papers Begin The Myth of Perseus (did you do this?)

10 Daily Activities Edit It 39 – I think
Correct this Sentence: perseus never done what he should of done when the Gods gave directions to further. True or False? Vocabulary 19 Do BRAINPOP on they’re, their, there Complete the HUBRIS papers Begin The Myth of Perseus (did you do this?)

11 Vocabulary 19 1.foreign phrases 1.natural numbers 1.absolute power
Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1.foreign phrases 1.natural numbers 1.absolute power 1.carrier wave 2. Genre 2. Numerical data 2.convert 2.carrying capacity 3.hyperbole 3. Order of operations 3. loess 3.cell membrane

12 Discuss the Characteristics of the Mythical Quest
What is a quest? A hero goes on a quest to help his community rid itself of some evil or to regain something stolen from his community. He must do this, not for himself, but for the betterment of mankind. The selection of who goes is often determined by the gods and the heroes are often demi-gods (half god and half man)

13 THE STRUCTURE OF THE QUEST (MONOMYTH) FROM Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces.

14 Perseus Theseus1 Theseus 2 Jason Hercules Fate Call to adventure
Helper Amulet Tested Guards Crosses the threshold Boon Nadir Return Elixir Reward

15 The Myth of Perseus The myth of Perseus – detailed lesson plans in clear folder. Go to heroes-Perseus and read it. Go over the characteristics of a myth and chart these characteristics in myth of Perseus. Read myth of Perseus in Edith Hamilton. What is different? Watch the video? What is different? What was the reward and return in each version?

16 Complete the myth of Perseus
ESL6 Wednesday, January 29, 2014

17 BLUE DAY SCHEDULE 7:30-9:25 - Planning 9:30-10:55 – ESL 7
10:55-11:35- LUNCH 11:40-13:05- ESL 8 13:10-14:35- ESL 6

18 TAKE ROLL 13:10-14:35 Block 4 ESL6 Take Roll Selena Hohenecker
Cat Noble Lilly Proctor Paige Sullivan

19 CSI Goals for all classes

20 Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

21 Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature emotionally, socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

22 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

23 Daily Activities Edit It 40 – I think
Idiom: `To lead a Spartans life’ that is the meaning of `to lead a simple life, because the Spartans were traditionally indifferent to comfort and luxury.  Source:  Analogy:FLAP: WING:: a. speak:sound b. wave:hand c.  whisper:word d.  stub:toe e.  sing:bird Do the Myth of Perseus if not done previously.

24 Discuss the Characteristics of the Mythical Quest
What is a quest? A hero goes on a quest to help his community rid itself of some evil or to regain something stolen from his community. He must do this, not for himself, but for the betterment of mankind. The selection of who goes is often determined by the gods and the heroes are often demi-gods (half god and half man)

25 THE STRUCTURE OF THE QUEST (MONOMYTH) FROM Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces.

26 Perseus Theseus1 Theseus 2 Jason Hercules Fate Call to adventure
Helper Amulet Tested Guards Crosses the threshold Boon Nadir Return Elixir Reward

27 The Myth of Perseus The myth of Perseus – detailed lesson plans in clear folder. Go to heroes-Perseus and read it. Go over the characteristics of a myth and chart these characteristics in myth of Perseus. Read myth of Perseus in Edith Hamilton. What is different? Watch the video? What is different? What was the reward in each version.?

28 Meaning of the chart:  Please tell them the meaning each point and have them try to determine it from the story.  Then tell them. I put individual charts on google aps for them to fill in. I corrected the things I forgot on the paper version. They can complete the chart on google aps. They may not get this done today

29 Read Perseus and then Chart
Fate:  Does the hero have a fate- a destiny? What is it? (Perseus’ fate is to kill his grandfather, Acrisseus) Call to adventure: The hero is either forced to go on a quest, tricked into going or volunteers to go.  (Perseus is tricked by the King to get head of Medusa as a gift for the wedding—different versions of this aspect)

30 Helper – gods and goddesses help Perseus
Helper – gods and goddesses help Perseus. Versions of myth change the helpers. Basically Hermes gives P. the winged sandals, Athena gives him a shield and sword, and Hades gives him the helmet of invisibility. He also gets a bag/wallet from the Hyperboreans.  He is helped also by the Gray Ladies that direct him to where Medusa is but this help is after he crosses the

31 ON THE CHART I FORGOT TO PUT TESTED. Please them ad that.
Tested – the hero to prove himself worthy to go on a quest may have to answer a riddle, do a physical fete or do some kind of test.  (Perseus has to show that he can follow directions. If he doesn’t follow directions, he will die. He must obey the gods).

32 Amulets – lucky charms or special weapons
Amulets – lucky charms or special weapons. These are given to him usually by the gods or helpers to help him in his quest. See helpers for the amulets given to Perseus. Shield, sword, winged sandals, helmet of invisibility, and wallet (bag). Crosses the Threshold of adventure – This is when the hero leaves his familiar land and goes into a foreign land.  Often there is a guard that won’t allow the hero to enter. This is often where the hero is tested. (Hermes and Athena test Perseus before he crosses the threshold and functions on his own).

33 Helpers past the threshold – give him directions, advice, or amulets ( Peseus goes
to the Gray ladies and receives directions on how to find Medusa. In some versions because he has touched the eye he is save from the poison but not the stare of Medusa). Nadir – this is where the hero encounters what he is after. It might be guarded and so he must fight to attain it.  (Perseus has to get past the two immortal sisters of Medusa and then kill her to get the head of Medusa, which is called the boon).

34 Boon – I forgot to put it on the chart too-Grrrr-
Boon – I forgot to put it on the chart too-Grrrr-. The boon is the reason for the quest.  (Perseus is going for the head of Medusa). Return or Flight – Now the hero must get back home with the boon to use it to cure the evil at home. Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t. If he obeys the gods, they will favor him. If he doesn’t, they can destroy him. He must return any amulets he was given by the gods. (Perseus always honors and obeys the gods. On his way home he rescues Andromeda but in some versions he uses his sword while in others he uses the head of Medusa. He will eventually return the head but after he has completed his quest).

35 Elixir – the boon now becomes the cure for the evil that causes the hero to go on a quest.  (Perseus returns home and kills the evil king and his men with the head of Medusa). Reward – (on the back of the page) This is what the hero receives once he returns from the quest. He may be made king or be given a woman as his wife. He can also become a constellation of stars in the sky.(Perseus is given the hand of Andromeda. He does not become king but he will have mighty sons).

36 ESL 6 –BLOCK 2 13:10-14:35 friday, january 31, 2014
Do the first part of the myth of Theseus. Follow the same procedure. ESL 6 –BLOCK 2 13:10-14:35 friday, january 31, 2014

37 BLUE DAY SCHEDULE 7:30-9:25 - Planning 9:30-10:55 – ESL 7
10:55-11:35- LUNCH 11:40-13:05- ESL 8 13:10-14:35- ESL 6

38 TAKE ROLL 13:10-14:35 Block 4 ESL6 Take Roll Selena Hohenecker
Cat Noble Lilly Proctor Paige Sullivan

39 CSI Goals for all classes

40 Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

41 Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature emotionally, socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

42 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

43 Class Activities Edit-It 41 ( I think)
Read on the journey of Theseus to Athens.- See map. Chart as Theseus 1 How are the tests here more defined? Why? What is his fate and how does he prove himself worthy? Read about his journey to Athens in Edith Hamilton. If time, show video next to printer about Theseus but stop as he recognized by father. Chart the myth.

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