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Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval?

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Presentation on theme: "Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval?
Today’s Objective: Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval? What is the elevation of point B? What direction is the creek flowing?

2 Gradient (or slope) The rate of change in values between two points on a field map. How gentle or steep the land is

3 lines are closer together Gentle slope – lines are farther apart
Steep Gentle Steep slope – lines are closer together Gentle slope – lines are farther apart

4 Formula for Calculating Gradient

5 Gradient examples - 250 m G= = 50 m/km 5 km
A hiker gains 250 meters in altitude by climbing a mountain from the valley. The peak is 5 km from the valley. What is the gradient of the mountain side? 250 m G= = 50 m/km 5 km

6 145 m – 125 m G= 5 km = 4 m/km

7 Now try these . . . 260 m – 122 m G= = 0.69 m/mi 200 mi
Two cities are separated by 200 miles. City X has an altitude of 122 meters and City Y has an altitude of 260 meters. Calculate the altitude gradient between the two cites. 260 m – 122 m G= = 0.69 m/mi 200 mi

8 A map shows two locations A and B. They are 25 kilometers apart
A map shows two locations A and B. They are 25 kilometers apart. Location A has an elevation of 535 meters and location B has an elevation of 125 meters. What is the gradient between the two locations? 535 m – 125 m G= = 16.4 m/km 25 km

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