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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power

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1 The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power
Electricity Supply Enterprise Southern Shan State Priorities and Detailed Description of Electrication Plan For Southern Shan State Dated -21.Oct.2015

2 Priority Electrification Project List for Southern Shan State
The following facts are agreement after discussion with Chief Minister (Shan State) To be performed priority the villages still without Electricity, which have along the main road. To meet the electrical safety and voltage to establish priorities. To Build quality products with proper power distribution Line. The villages within 2 miles from National Grid Line.(11 kV Line) To be performed priority villages having householes more than 100 and above. To be explain the public of villages to construct the low voltage line by local fund. In areas with difficult transportation to go to all the relevant authorities spicy leaves. And then, the remain villages will be implemented containuously by National Electrification Plan. ESE (Southern Shan State) will implement the work done under management MOEP coordination especially with local Government.

3 Electrification Plan for Villages of Southern Shan State
(Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) To be Constructed 11 kV Distribution Line ( 279 ) miles 400 V Distribution Line ( ) miles 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer ( 236 ) Nos Loi Lem District No. of Village - ( 39 )Nos Household - ( 3031 ) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats) Taungyyi District No. of Village - ( 236)Nos Household - (21033) Estimated Cost – ( ) (mil kyats) Lin Kae District No. of Village - ( 14 )Nos Household - ( 824 ) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats)

4 Electrification Plan for Villages of Southern Shan State
(Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Township Villages Popula- tion House hole Nos of House To be construted Estimatedcost(MilKyats) Task by Regional 33/11 kV Tr; 11 kV Line (Mile) 11/0.4 kV TR; Store Installation Total 400 V Line (Mile) Estimated Cost (MilKyats) ‌MVA ‌KVA 1 Taunggyi 234 100839 21033 21888 281 31770 271 16,357.01 2,425.32 18,782.33 296.15 2 Loi Lem 39 15350 3031 3027 4710 41 2,361.40 345.92 2,707.32 39.16 3 Lin Kae 14 3357 824 815 10 1800 785.19 107.04 892.23 10.5 287 119546 24888 25730 330 38280 326 19,503.60 2,878.28 22,381.88 345.81

5 Detailed Electrification Plan for Taunggyi District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11kV Distribution Line) Taunggyi District No. of Village - ( 234 )Nos Household - (21888) Estimated Cost - ( )(mil kyats) Yask Sout No. of Village - ( 36 )Nos Household - (3498) Estimated Cost - (3,420.59)(mil kyats) Ywar Ngan No. of Village - ( 26 )Nos Household - (3956) Estimated Cost - (2,138.19)(mil kyats) Shwe Naung No. of Village - ( 7 )Nos Household - (434) Estimated Cost - (337.88)(mil kyats) Pin Ta Ya No. of Village - (30)Nos Household - (2693) Estimated Cost - (2,010.77)(mil kyats) Yask Sout Ayetharyar No. of Village - ( 6 )Nos Household - (514) Estimated Cost - (470.75)(mil kyats) Ywar Ngan Aung Ban No. of Village - (4)Nos Household - (379) Estimated Cost - (312.37)(mil kyats) Ho Pone Taunggyi No. of Village - ( 8 )Nos Household - (691) Estimated Cost - (1,188.76)(mil kyats) Pin Ta Ya Shwe Naung Ayetharyar Ti Gyit No. of Village - (8)Nos Household - (675) Estimated Cost - (510.88)(mil kyats) Kalaw Taunggyi Aung Ban Kyaut Ta Lone No. of Village - ( 19 )Nos Household - (2188) Estimated Cost - (1,880.91)(mil kyats) Kyaut Ta Lone Ti Gyit Naung Shwe Naung Kae Naung Ta Yar No. of Village - (26)Nos Household - (1898) Estimated Cost - (1,842.56)(mil kyats) Naung Ta Yar See Sai Pin Laung Naung Kae No. of Village - ( 5 )Nos Household - (507) Estimated Cost - (490.82)(mil kyats) Pin Laung No. of Village - (33)Nos Household - (12862) Estimated Cost - (2,491.92)(mil kyats) Pae Kone See Sai No. of Village - ( 6 )Nos Household - (566) Estimated Cost - (68.91)(mil kyats) Naung Shwe No. of Village - (20)Nos Household - (1027) Estimated Cost - (1,123.66)(mil kyats)

6 Estimated cost(MilKyats)
Detailed Electrification Plan for Taunggyi District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11kV Distribution Line) No Township Villages Population Househole Nos of Househole To be construted Estimated cost(MilKyats) Task by Regional 33/11 kV Tr; 11 kV Line (Mile) 11/0.4 kV TR; Store Installation Total 400 V Line (Mile) Estimated Cost (MilKyats) ‌MVA ‌KVA 1 Taunggyi 8 3168 660 691 11 2600 13 1,051.81 136.94 1,188.76 12 538.67 2 Ayetharyar 6 1833 514 7 800 410.07 60.68 470.75 6.3 282.80 3 Shwe Naung 2151 421 434 750 299.27 38.61 337.88 5.2 233.42 4 Kyaut Ta Lone 19 7269 2230 2188 30 3020 21 1,633.49 247.42 1,880.91 32.5 1,458.89 5 Naung Kae 2141 507 860 428.28 62.54 490.82 9.5 426.45 See Sai 2452 552 566 900 464.32 68.91 533.23 7.5 336.67 Naung Shwe 20 5256 989 1027 22 1450 965.90 157.76 1,123.66 21.6 969.60 Aung Ban 1578 364 379 500 271.24 41.13 312.37 4.5 202.00 9 Pin Ta Ya 13844 2675 2643 4190 32 1,773.29 237.48 2,010.77 39.2 1,759.65 10 Ywar Ngan 26 17353 3956 27 4050 37 1,874.27 263.92 2,138.19 39 1,750.67 Yosk Sout 36 18390 3116 3498 57 5280 46 2,964.68 455.91 3,420.59 53.2 2,388.09 Pin Laung 33 14250 2862 34 4500 2,178.15 313.77 2,491.92 31.9 1,431.96 Naung Ta Yar 8223 1754 1898 41 1950 1,571.85 270.71 1,842.56 25.15 1,128.96 14 Ti Gyit 2915 652 675 920 446.48 64.40 510.88 8.6 386.05 234 100839 21033 21888 281 31770 271 16,357.01 2,425.32 18,782.33 296.15 13,293.88

7 Detailed Electrification Plan for Loi Lem District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11kV Distribution Line) Loi Lem District No. of Village - ( 39 )Nos Household - (3072) Estimated Cost -(2, ) (mil kyats) Mine Kaing Mine Shu Mine Naung + Wan Sin Mine Kaing No. of Village - ( 12 )Nos Household - (788) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats) မိုင်းနောင် Mine Naung + Wan Sin No. of Village - (3)Nos Household - (757) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats) Lae Char Kum Hein Loi Lem Kho Lem Mine Pon Mine Pon No. of Village - ( 3 )Nos Household - (171) Estimated Cost - ( )(mil kyats) Nan Sam Khoe Lom No. of Village - (10)Nos Household - (1331) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats) Nan Sam No. of Village - ( 11 )Nos Household - (654) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats)

8 Estimated cost (MilKyats)
Detailed Electrification Plan for Loilem District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11kV Distribution Line) No Town ship Villages Popu - lation House hole Nos of House To be construted Estimated cost (MilKyats) Task by regional 33/11 kV Tr; 11 kV Line (Mile) 11/0.4 kV TR; Store Installation Total 400 V Line (Mile) Estimated cost (MilKyats) ‌MVA ‌KVA 1 Mine Pon 3 794 168 171 6 200 204.13 36.97 241.10 4 179.56 2 Nan Sam 11 3129 628 654 12 1460 729.85 106.77 836.62 14.5 650.89 Kho Lem 10 7028 1319 1331 8 2100 828.39 106.07 934.46 13.25 594.78 Mine Kaing 3642 788 800 529.61 86.33 615.94 5.91 265.29 5 Mine Naung + Wan Sin 757 128 150 93.33 14.90 108.23 1.5 67.33 39 15350 3031 3027 4710 41 2,361.40 345.92 2,707.32 39.16 1,757.85

9 Detailed Electrification Plan for Lin Kae District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11kV Distribution Line) Moe Nal No. of Village - ( 14 )Nos Household - (851) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats) Lin Kae District No. of Village - ( 14 )Nos Household - (851) Estimated Cost - ( ) (mil kyats) Moe Nal Lin Kae Moke Mal Mine Pan

10 Estimated cost (MilKyats)
Detailed Electrification Plan for Lin Kae District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11kV Distribution Line) No Town ship Villages Popu- lation House hole Nos of House To be construted Estimated cost (MilKyats) Task by regional 33/11 kV Tr; 11 kV Line (Mile) 11/0.4 kV TR; Store Installation Total 400 V Line (Mile) Estimated Cost (MilKyats) ‌MVA ‌KVA 1 Moe Nal 14 3357 824 851 10 1800 785.19 107.04 892.23 10.5 471.33 815

11 The Statement of fiscal Yealy Budget Electrified Connection for Southern Shan State
No Fiacial Year State Capital Budget for ESE(Mil Kyat) State Capital Budget for DRD (Mik kyat) Electrified Connection Total Cost for 11kV Line & 11/0.4 kV TR Total Cost for 400V Line Total Off Grid ON Grid Village (Nos) Consumer (Nos) 1 Estimate (BE+RE) 10 3230 573 5630 2 Estimate (BE+RE) 115 35600 516 4950  3 Budget Estimate (BE) 70 22400 540 5230 Grand Total 195 61230 1629 15810

12 Main Material List Transported to Taunggyi Dristract Office
No Description Quantities Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 271 Nos Taunggyi Sub-Station -1,2,3 2 10 Mconcrete Pole 13749 Nos 3 ACSR 95 mm2 584 Ton 4 11 kV Disc Insulator with Fitting 5871 Set  Taunggyi Sub-Station -1,2,3 5 11 kV Pin Insulator with Spindle 37002 Nos 6 Surge arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 813 Set 7 Other Materials 1Lot

13 Main Material List Transported to Loi Lem Office
No Description Quantities Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 41 Nos Loi Lem District Office 2 10 Mconcrete Pole 1903 Nos 3 ACSR 95 mm² 85Ton 4 11 kV Disc Insulator with Fitting 820 Set  Loi Lem District Office 5 11 kV Pin Insulator with Spindle 5134 Nos 6 Surge arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 123 Set 7 Other Materials 1 Lot

14 Main Material List Transported to Lin Kae Office
No Description Quantities Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 14 Nos Moe Nal Sub-Station 2 10 Mconcrete Pole 511 Nos 3 ACSR 95 mm2 21Ton 4 11 kV Disc Insulator with Fitting 227 Set 5 11 kV Pin Insulator with Spindle 1389 Nos  Moe Nal Sub-Station 6 Surge arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 42 Set 7 Other Materials 1 Lot


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