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ANIMATED INFO-GRAPHICS First Nations Role Models

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Presentation on theme: "ANIMATED INFO-GRAPHICS First Nations Role Models"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANIMATED INFO-GRAPHICS First Nations Role Models

2 What is an INFOGRAPHIC? It is a creative way to visually present information using graphics, graphs, charts, text and colors Infographics are a great way to quickly present information and they offer more than one way to understand information

3 Example:

4 Animated Infographic An animated infographic is essentially an infographic that shows each piece of information one at a time in an animated video format You may notice these types of animations are used more and more often by teachers, or used for commercials on TV and online

5 Example

6 Animated Infographic Project
You will create your own animated infographic using the tools and skills you have learned in the last 3 labs The theme of your project will be First Nations Role Models Your animation must include a variety of elements listed next

7 STEP 1: Choose a FN Role Model (Defining and Ideating)
Choose ONE of the following actors/authors/activists for your project: Sherman Alexie – American Author and Screenwriter Adam Beach – Actor Eden Robinson – Author from Haisla Territory in BC Wes Studi – Native American Actor and Movie Director Tantoo Cardinal – Indigenous Actor/Activist/Writer Chief Dan George (Actor/Activist/Leader) Annie Mae (AIM activist who was killed by Leonard Pelletier – (allegedly) Chief Willie Matthews (last hereditary chief Wiiaa of Masset Haida– (Mr. Bedard’s Great Grandfather)

8 STEP 2: Research the following information (Defining and Ideating)
What is your Role Model’s Name? When and where were they born? (Provide the year the died if they are no longer with us) Which nation and band are they apart of? What do they do? (Artist, Activist, Actor?) What major awards/movies/books/events have they been apart of?

9 STEP 2: Research the following information (Defining and Ideating)
Search one major statistic that is related to your role model (ex: 14% of Aboriginal Persons live in Manitoba) What are three major themes are they passionate about? (ex: Adam Beach wants to improve the condition on his home reserve in Manitoba) Find an inspirational quote by your role model

10 STEP 3: Plan your graphics (Prototyping)
Sketch out ways that you could illustrate graphics to support each of your stats Paper with small thumbnails will be handed out to help you plan your animation Write out each of your facts on the back of this paper Draw a simple sketch in each thumbnail to visually represent the fact

11 STEP 4: Start animating (Testing and Making)
Image of your role model (background deleted-lab 3) Map to pin point where your role model is from Use some form of graph/chart to illustrate you statistic (these can be illustrated in Illustrator and imported into Animate if you need more advanced drawing tools) Create your own symbols using the drawing and shape tools Use a variety of text to type out your facts Use a variety of animation techniques to demonstrate apply your skills and techniques

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