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The Vietnam War
U.S. Troop Deployments in Vietnam
2 million Americans draftees were young, poor, less educated, minorites
Escalation Show 8:16-12:50
Discuss: What would be the best strategy to win the war in Vietnam?
The Air War 1965-1968 1965: Sustained bombing of North Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder (March 2, 1965) : Ongoing bombing of Hanoi nonstop for 3 years! Esp. targets the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Downed Pilots: P.O.W.s trails quickly repaired by Vietcong who worked non-stop to fix them bombing expanded to Cambodia and Laos
The Air War 1965-1968 Defoliants – Napalm, Agent Orange
trails quickly repaired by Vietcong who worked non-stop to fix them bombing expanded to Cambodia and Laos
The Air War trails quickly repaired by Vietcong who worked non-stop to fix them bombing expanded to Cambodia and Laos
The Ground War 1965-1968 No territorial goals
Body counts on TV every night (first “living room” war) Viet Cong supplies over the Ho Chi Minh Trail : US troops increase from 185,000 to 486,000 Intense bombing persuaded many S Vietnamese to joing Vietcong
Ground War Strategies Search & Destroy Pacification
Search & Destroy - drive Vietcong from hideouts, call in air support to kill them, made difficullt by use of snipers and booby traps Pacification - move villagers to secure location and burn villages “If it’s dead and Vietnamese, it’s VC”
Who Is the Enemy? Vietcong: Farmers by day; guerillas at night.
Very patient people willing to accept many casualties. The US grossly underestimated their resolve and their resourcefulness. The guerilla wins if he does not lose, the conventional army loses if it does not win Mao Zedong
Who Is the Enemy?
We can see the “light at the end of the tunnel.”
The Ground War General Westmoreland, late 1967: We can see the “light at the end of the tunnel.”
Show until 9:30
The Tet Offensive, January 1968
N. Vietnamese Army + Viet Cong attack South simultaneously (67,000 attack 100 cities, 12 bases, and the US embassy in Saigon) Take every major southern city U.S. + South Vietnamese beat back the offensive 40,000 Communists dead 1,100 Americans, 2,300 S. Vietnamese
The Tet Offensive, January 1968
Impact of the Tet Offensive
Domestic U.S. Reaction: Disbelief, Anger, Distrust of Johnson Administration Walter Cronkite – “I thought we were winning the war – what the hell is going on?” Hey, Hey LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?
Johnson’s popularity dropped in 1968 from 48% to 36%.
Are We Becoming the Enemy?
Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Mylai Massacre, 1968 unarmed villagers Lt. William Calley, Platoon Leader
Criticism Doves Hawks pacifists supported war goals
Vietnam not crucial to national secuirty fear nuclear war could not win Students for a Democratic Society Hawks supported war goals more troops heavier bombing “Here we are at the height of our power. The most powerful nation in the world. And yet we’re afraid to use that power.” - Air Force General Curtis Le May
Anti-War Demonstrations
Columbia University 1967
Hell no, we won’t go!
Anti-War Demonstrations
Student Protestors at Univ. of CA in Berkeley, 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, 1968
The “Silent Majority”
Impact of the Vietnam War
Johnson announces (March, 1968): …I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.
1968 Election Nixon’s 1968 Campaign promised an end to the war: Peace with Honor Appealed to the great “Silent Majority” Vietnamization - secret plan to end the war Bring back law and order Campaign Commercials Vietnamization Video Nixon’s “secret” plan never materializes. He involved us more. “Peace with Honor” We’ll win befoe we withdraw. Expansion:Cambodia invaded in 1970: Ho Chi Minh Trail Laos invaded in 1971: Ho Chi Minh Trail
1968 Democratic National Convention
10,000 anti-war protesters Chicago Mayor sends in police clubs, tear gas 100s injured & arrested Video
Vietnamization Turn over fighting to S. Vietnamese
Gradual removal of US troops “Peace with honor” Peace talks with Le Duc Tho (N. Vietnamese revolutionary) Slow process ,000 US troops in Vietnam, ,200 US troops remained
Invasion of Cambodia Secret Air Strikes on Ho Chi Minh Trail
revolt installs new leader “defending friendly nation” invasion of Cambodia
Kent State May 4th 1970 National Guard fired into group of protesters
4 dead, 9 injured
“Pentagon Papers,” 1971 Former defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg
Leaked govt. docs. regarding war efforts during Johnson’s administration to the New York Times. Docs.→ Govt. misled Congress & Amer. People regarding its intentions in Vietnam during mid- 1960s. Primary reason for fighting not to eliminate communism, but to avoid humiliating defeat. Information was kept secret from the public Nixon resigns over the Watergate Scandal in 1974. Ford takes the helm.
Madman Theory Make the enemy believe Nixon is crazy and unpredictable!
I call it the Madman Theory, Bob. I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that, "for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about Communism. We can't restrain him when he's angry—and he has his hand on the nuclear button" and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace.[1] – Make the enemy believe Nixon is crazy and unpredictable!
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