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Walk-In C’s, please get the textbooks.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-In C’s, please get the textbooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-In C’s, please get the textbooks.
Take out notebook, folder, pencil box. Put away backpack. C’s, please get the textbooks. Copy the question and answer in sentences: How are semiarid conditions similar to drought conditions? How are they different? How could irrigation help in each condition?

2 Answer – Write these down!
Semiarid conditions include hot, dry climates with low rainfall each year. Drought conditions also have low rainfall, but it may be unusual for that area. Both can be helped by irrigation because canals would bring water to where it was needed.

3 Discussion Yesterday, you saw that two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, were near the place of the first civilization, in Mesopotamia. What jobs do you think the people of Mesopotamia needed to be done so the villages had a good quality of life?

4 Answer- Write these in the front of your notebook! Title: Mesopotamia
Each village would need: Farmers to grow crops and take care of animals. Artisans to make pottery, weave cloth, make jewelry, and to produce other objects for quality of life. Religious leaders to guide the people and keep order and control. Government and leaders to take charge and provide laws.

5 Begin to learn about life in Sumer, an area of Mesopotamia.
Today’s activities… Begin to learn about life in Sumer, an area of Mesopotamia.

6 Write this title: LIFE IN SUMER

7 Sumer – TAKE NOTES! Sumer was a region in southern Mesopotamia, in which the first civilization formed about 3,300 B.C. It contained CITY-STATES, which were cities and nearby farmlands. Each city-state ruled itself.

8 Imagine you live in Sumer – Discuss as a class…
What are some good things you might celebrate? What kinds of catastrophes (horrible events) could happen? How do you interpret natural disasters like floods, fires and diseases? How would you choose a leader to help you through those bad times?

9 Make a heading in your notes: TOP TEN LIST FOR LIVING IN SUMER!
Read pages In your notebook, make a list of the TOP TEN reasons you think someone would want to live in Sumer! Be ready to compare your list with a partner, and to justify why you chose the items on your list.

10 Some Questions to Consider…
What were some advantages of city life? What kinds of jobs could people have? How did the city deal with crowding? How were the streets arranged? Were there leaders, and if so, how did they do on leading? Did anyone record the details of their lives, and if so, how? What kinds of technology emerged? Where could people meet to share ideas and supplies?

11 Compare your lists… Compare your top ten list with someone else and see how they are the same and different.

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