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Review of F2F Outreach Indicators

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1 Review of F2F Outreach Indicators

2 Why Review the Outreach Indicators?
The outreach conducted by implementing partners, volunteers, partners and host organizations is instrumental and, therefore, needs to captured properly. Tracking outreach takes a lot of work and can require expensive tools. Social media is a major player in F2F outreach and is not being effectively tracked at this time. Based on discussions with communications teams, our working group is proposing a new set of indicators with the purpose of: Better separating inputs from outputs, Tracking which communications efforts are most successful, And more effectively learning from what has been done.

3 Outreach Indicator 1: Owned Media Content
Purpose: Tracks the number of owned media content produced and shared by implementing partners. This includes: Content created and published by implementers or volunteers. Includes success stories, blog posts, volunteer profiles, press releases, videos, etc. Presentations made by implementing partners. Key Questions and Challenges How do we ensure that the list of content created is comprehensive? What are we missing currently? Press Releases: Do implementers need to focus on press releases at all? Are other media pieces getting more traction? Does counting them incentivize low-quality press releases?

4 Outreach Indicator 2: Earned Media Content
Purpose: Tracks the number of pieces published by non-F2F, -implementer, or -volunteer media as a result of implementer efforts. This includes: Presentations made by volunteers. Content published in third-party media source. Key Questions and Challenges Should volunteer presentations be captured here or under “Owned Media Content”? Are there any other types of “earned media” missing? Do we need to define “published” or “third party media source”?

5 Outreach Indicator 3: Social Media Mentions of @Farmer-to-Farmer
Purpose: Codifies the F2F handle and tracks the number of mentions This includes: Implementing partners post content with mention Volunteers post content with mention Partners and host organizations post content with mention Key Questions and Challenges There will need to be a manager of the F2F social media accounts. Is there a need to disaggregate by implementer? Why? If so, those posting will need to mention two handles (F2F and implementing partner). Tracking shares and retweet would be interesting, but is too labor intensive or would require a high-cost proprietary system.

6 Questions? Further Thoughts?

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