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California Votes for Proposition 8

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1 California Votes for Proposition 8
Rachel, Chelsea, Andrea, Andrew

2 Current California Position
Same sex marriage was legal in California California Supreme Court made Gay Marriage legal It would be “discriminatory” to ban gay marriage

3 What is Proposition 8? It is a ban on Gay Marriage
It will change the state constitution to define marriage as only a union between a man and a women Voting YES = Against Gay Marriage Voting NO = For Gay Marriage

4 Proposition 8 Con’t… Thousands of same sex couples rushed to the alter to take advantage of the few months leading up to the voting of Proposition 8 Proposition 8 Passed with a vote of 52.1%

5 Impacts of Prop 8 California sets the standards for how same-sex marriage will be received elsewhere (Largest state in the nation) Result shows that Democrats and Republicans both support Proposition 8 Previous same-sex marriages will remain valid with the passing of Proposition 8

6 $32 Million was raised in support of Prop 8
Campaigning For Prop 8 $32 Million was raised in support of Prop 8 Religious leaders encouraged their members to support proposition 8 Mormons have been one of the largest supporters Boycotts, Celebrity endorsements, and constant TV ads “Marriage is between a man and a woman” –Marie Barbagelata

7 Campaigning Against Prop 8
$38 Million was raised to support gay marriage -Supported by Brad Pitt and Samuel L. Jackson Gay rights activists have compared their fight to the fight for racial equality Activists boycotted the businesses of Prop 8 donors “It doesn’t affect me marriage” –David Qualls

8 Prop 8 Affecting other Propositions
-Drew attention away from other important Propositions Proposition 11: Went against the previous law that let state legislature determine the boundaries of political districts Supported by the Governor Schwarzenegger Voters put it low on their voting priority list because they did not know much about it


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