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How successful was the USA’s policy of Containment?

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Presentation on theme: "How successful was the USA’s policy of Containment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How successful was the USA’s policy of Containment?

2 Successes? Problems? Marshall Plan success in western Europe – Berlin Airlift – NATO – Fall of Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain – Berlin Blockade – Warsaw Pact –

3 How far do you agree question (10 marks)
Introduction: briefly describe why you might agree with the question. Then identify the other side of the debate Agree with the question: Explain why the factor/reason/opinion in the question might be valid. Give detailed examples to show this. Eg: It could certainly be argued that America was responsible for causing the Cold War as they pursued hostile policies in Europe. For example the Marshall Plan was designed to prevent weak European countries from falling to communism by giving them money. America gave $17billion in total. The Soviets perceived this to be American interference and an attempt to undermine communism, therefore leading to the Cold War. Disagree with the question: Explain why an alternative factor/reason/opinion to the question might be valid. Give detailed examples to show this. Eg: However, It could certainly be argued that the USSR was equally to blame. For example Stalin was actively trying to expand his control in Eastern Europe. His aggressive actions included the installment of puppet governments such as Poland and the removal of non-communist politicians in Eastern Europe. Stalin was extending his sphere of influence. These actions caused the Cold War because Stalin was being too assertive and America had to respond. Conclusion: sum up both sides of the argument and reach your judgement. Try to connect them or say why one was more important that the other. Be interesting!

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