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DIABETES MELLITUS Coding and Documentation for Compliance and Financial Reimbursement 2005 Revisions.

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Presentation on theme: "DIABETES MELLITUS Coding and Documentation for Compliance and Financial Reimbursement 2005 Revisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIABETES MELLITUS Coding and Documentation for Compliance and Financial Reimbursement
2005 Revisions

2 Definition Of HCC And Financial Impact
The CMS/Medicare Risk Adjusted Reimbursement Model is based on chronic, additive conditions or Heirarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) MD documentation/reporting of patient diagnosis determines 50% of the health plan payment to SRSMG for Senior HMO patients Payments are higher for less healthy members and lower for more healthy members Coding of Diabetes and the Manifestations to the highest level of specificity has significant financial impact to SRSMG reimbursement under this new model.

3 What’s the Big Deal? The risk adjusted portion of the premium is
increasing each year; soon to be 100% in 2007 Current year risk adjustment percentage is 50% Historically, Managed Care has not focused on diagnosis coding at the physician level The quality of diagnosis coding must improve in order to maintain the same $ or to increase $ due to a patient’s health status

4 Risk Adjustment Factor Scores 2004/2005
Note: Some categories have a hierarchy, such as Diabetes, in such categories, only the highest HCC would “count” $ 3,152 1,852 250.4x D. w/ renal or peripheral circulatory manifestations HCC15 $ 2,277 $ 1,338 250.6x D. w/ neurologic manifestations HCC16 $ 1,613 $ x D. w/ acute complications HCC17 $ 1,415 $ 250.5x D. w/ ophthalmic manifestations HCC18 $ $ Diabetes w/ no complications HCC19 2005 50% Annual Reimburs. 2004 30% HCC These figures are an additional reimbursement on top of Demographics etc… Example: Question recently from a group, How should the Doc code a Member with Diabetes with Renal Failure? (The Doc felt he should code Diabetes 250.4x only) Answer: Should be coded with 250.4x (Diab w/Renal) and 586 (Renal Failure NOS) because both DX fall into the Risk model and are cumulative, thus you would not only receive the $1,852 for HCC15 but also aprox. $1,396. for HCC131 on top any other HCC’s and demographics.

5 2004 SRS HCC Audit Projects Eight Coders 7,848 records reviewed
2,301 hours Over 4,085 HCCs identified 2003 and 2004 data was reviewed to identify HCCs documented but not reported. SHC cap increase due to 2004 HCC projects = $1.9m SRS portion = $511,249 Diabetes Mellitus has been identified as the #1 priority for coding/documentation improvement and financial opportunity.

6 DM Type I versus Type II The foundation of accurate clinical documentation and reporting of diabetes begins with the identification of the Disease Type

7 TYPE I TYPE II Pancreas produces no insulin
Insulin dependent for survival TYPE II Pancreas produces insufficient amount of insulin Or Insulin resistant

8 DM TYPE Once the DM Type is selected, the controlled / uncontrolled status of diabetes is determined by the findings from the current patient encounter

9 250 . X X 1st 3 digits define the DM Dx
When presenting, walk through each digit explaining how it was chosen, reviewing previous material. Emphasize that no additional 250 code is needed to report a single manifestation linked to the diabetes. (reviews have found MDs reporting the diagnosis of DM then using another code to separately report the complication) 1st 3 digits define the DM Dx 4th digit defines the manifestation (if applicable) 5th digit defines type and control

10 Defining Controlled 250.X0 HbA1C < 7* 250.X1
Diagnosis Definition Supporting Labs 250.X0 250.X1 Diabetes Mellitus Type II Controlled Diabetes Mellitus Type I Controlled HbA1C < 7* Notice we have an “X” in the 4th digit because we have not yet established the manifestations, only the DM dx with the 250 and the 5th digit “0” or “1” for both the DM Type and the controlled/uncontrolled status. * Per ADA guidelines

11 Defining Uncontrolled
Diagnosis Definition Supporting Labs 250.X2 250.X3 Diabetes Mellitus Type II Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Type I Uncontrolled HbA1C >7* * Per ADA guidelines

12 Controlled or Uncontrolled?
Type II diabetic patient without complications presents for a visit, last recorded HbA1C of 7 is on file dated 3 months prior. Patient states he was on vacation and his blood sugars had been running high. Physician performs a random sugar test (finger stick) and the result is 200 mg/dl

13 Answer:  Uncontrolled
Assign an ICD-9 code based on the current encounter, not on the previously documented HbA1C Code: DM II, uncomplicated, uncontrolled Patient is uncontrolled at the time of the visit Review again how code was derived

14 without Manifestations*
Diabetes Code Assignment Diabetes Mellitus without Manifestations* 250.0X Select Type Type I Type II Controlled? Controlled? Yes No Yes No 250.01 Type I 250.03 Type I 250.00 Type II 250.02 Type II *For DM with manifestations, refer to DM ICD-9 reference tool

15 DM In Pregnancy 648.8: 5th Digit describes episode of care
Pregnancy in a patient with known DM: 648.0X AND 250.XX Ex: Patient with known diabetes presents to PCP during the 3rd trimester. Gestational Diabetes arising in pregnancy: X Ex: Pregnant patient with an abnormal glucose tolerance test result: 648.8: 5th Digit describes episode of care 0-Unspecified episode of care 1-Delivered with or w/o mention of antepartum condition 2-Delivered with mention of postpartum complication 3-Antepartum complication 4-Postpartum complication

16 Manifestation Risk Areas Associated with Diabetes
Nephropathy (in other diseases) Microalbumin (>30 on two specimens) Nephrotic Syndrome Frank proteinuria (>3 gm/24 hr collection) Diabetic Retinopathy Macular edema or neovascularization (on photo or dilated exam) Polyneuropathy in DM Loss of protective sensation (failed 2/5 sites microfilament test) Peripheral Angiopathy Intermittent Claudication, decreased pulses or abnormal ABI Ulcerations 5/24/04 Add clinical indications for coding Ulcerations due to DM. Monica will get input from Dr. Trapp and enter.

17 How to Document Manifestations
A direct causal relationship between diabetes and the manifestation must be documented Ex. “Peripheral Neuropathy due to Type II Diabetic, Controlled” Include statement on referencing diabetes educator’s note.

18 Terms/Words Not to Use when documenting DM
Do Not Use Use (Use these phrases to support corresponding 4th/5th digit) “DM”, “probably uncontrolled” “sub-optimal” “poorly controlled” “history of” DM (I or II) Controlled DM (I or II) Uncontrolled “borderline” “pre-diabetes” “most likely” Impaired fasting glucose Abnormal glucose results Abnormal glucose tolerance test (oral) “DM “Peripheral Neuropathy” Peripheral neuropathy “due to”. “associated with”, “secondary to” or “complicated by” DM II Controlled (These phrases will result in coding controlled status with LOWEST risk adjustment)

19 2005 ICD-9 Changes The descriptions to the 5th digits of code 250.XX have had the following descriptors removed: [non-insulin dependent type] [adult-onset type] NIDDM [insulin dependent type] IDDM

20 DM ICD-9 Changes 2005 New fifth digit definitions:
0 type II or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled 1 type I [juvenile], not stated as uncontrolled 2 type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled* 3 type I [juvenile], uncontrolled Revised to remove from description : NIDDM, IDDM, adult onset type & insulin dependent type New code: *V58.67 long term (current) insulin use

21 New 2005 Medicare Coverage for DM Screening
Diabetes Screening Now Covered: Every 12 months 82950 Glucose, post glucose dose (includes glucose) OR 82947 Glucose, quantitative, blood AND 82951 Glucose, tolerance test (GTT), three specimens (includes glucose) ICD-9 V77.1 Special screening for diabetes mellitus

22 New 2005 Medicare Coverage for DM Screening
DIABETES SCREENING Covered for Pre Diabetics Every 6 months 82950 Glucose, post glucose dose (includes glucose) OR 82947 Glucose, quantitative, blood AND 82951 Glucose, tolerance test (GTT), three specimens (includes glucose) Pre-Diabetic Definition: Fasting glucose level mg/dL- 2hr Post glucose challenge of mg/dL ICD-9 V77.1 Special screening for diabetes mellitus

23 Questions…………………

24 Coding Contacts

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