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Intro to Agriculture AAEC – Paradise Valley Fall 2014

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1 Intro to Agriculture AAEC – Paradise Valley Fall 2014
Significant Figures Intro to Agriculture AAEC – Paradise Valley Fall 2014

2 What are Significant Figures “Sig Figs”?
The significant figures in a measurement consist of all the digits known with certainty plus one final digit, which is uncertain or is estimated.

3 For example: Study the diagram below.
Using the ruler at the top of the diagram, what is the length of the darker rectangle found in between the two rulers? Answer: The length is between 4 and 5 cm. The “4” is certain, but the distance past 4 cm will have to be estimated. A possible estimate might be Both of these digits are significant. The first digit is certain and th second digit is uncertain because it is an estimate.

4 Using the ruler at the bottom of the diagram, what is the length of the darker rectangle found in between the two rulers? Answer: The edge of the rectangle is between 4.2 cm and 4.3 cm. We are certain about the 4.2, but the next digit will have to be estimated. As possible estimation might be All three digits would be significant. The first two digits are certain and the last digit is uncertain.

5 Always Remember… The last digit in a measurement is always the uncertain digit. It is significant even if it is not certain. The more significant figures a value has, the more accurate the measurement will be.

6 Rule #1 – If a number contains no zeros, all of the digits are significant.
How many significant figures are in each of the following examples? a) 523 b) c) 4.3 d) .3962 Answers: 3 4 2

7 Rule #2 – All zeros between two non zero digits are significant.
Answers: 3 5 6 How many significant figures are in each of the following examples? a) 607 b) 20,032 c)

8 RULE #3 – Zeros to the right of a non zero digit
If they are to the left of an understood decimal point, they are not significant. How many significant figures are in each of the following examples?   a) 7130 b) 50 c) 3,000 Answers: 3 1

9 RULE #3 – Zeros to the right of a non zero digit
If these zeros are known to have been measured, they are significant and should be specified as such by inserting a decimal point to the right of the zero. How many significant figures are in each of the following examples?   a) b) 50. c) 3,000. Answers: 4 2

10 How many significant figures are in each of the following examples?
Rule #4 – In decimals less than one, zeros to the right of a decimal point that are to the left of the first non-zero digit are never significant. They are simply place holders. How many significant figures are in each of the following examples? 0.4 0.0013 0.007 Answers: 1 2

11 Rule #5 - In decimals less than one, the zero to the left of the decimal is never significant. It is there to make sure that the decimal is not overlooked. How many significant figures are in each of the following examples? 0.8 0.08 0.008 Answers: 1

12 Rule #6 – All zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the right of a non-zero digit are significant. How many significant figures are in each of the following examples? .840 9.0 71.30 24.000 9.60 Answers: 3 2 4 5

13 Practice Problems Answers:
Determine the number of significant figures for each of the examples below. 47.1 9700. 560 0.0509 50.00 50.012 Answers: 3 4 7 2 6 5 1

14 Rule for Addition & Subtraction
When adding or subtracting, round the sum or difference so that it has the same number of decimal places as the measurement having the fewest decimal places. Example: Add First simply add the two numbers. Answer = 25.13 had the fewest number of decimal places with 2 places past the decimal. The above answer will have to be rounded to two places past the decimal. Rounded Answer =

15 Find the sum or difference of the following and round them to the correct number of digits.
b) c) – 45 d) Answers: 22.3 4.67 56 300.0

16 Rule for Multiplication & Division
Express a product or a quotient to the same number of significant figures as the multiplied or divided measurement having the fewer significant figures. Example: Multiply 6.99 x .25 First simply multiply the two numbers. Answer = .25 had the fewest number of significant digits with 2. The above answer will have to be rounded to two significant digits. Rounded Answer = 1.7

17 Multiply or divide the following and give your answer in the correct number of significant digits.
b) 5 x c) 84  .09 d) x 215.7 Answers: 0.98 20 900 176

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