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Department of Defence 4th QPR for FY2015/16 (summary)

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Defence 4th QPR for FY2015/16 (summary)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Defence 4th QPR for FY2015/16 (summary)
and 1st QPR for FY2016/17 Presentation to the PCD&MV 31 August 2016 RESTRICTED

2 4th Quarterly Performance Report FY2015/16 (summary) and
Aim To present the Department of Defence Financial and Non-Financial Performance on the: 4th Quarterly Performance Report FY2015/16 (summary) and 1st Quarterly Performance Report FY2016/17 to the Portfolio Committee of Defence and Military Veterans (PCD&MV) RESTRICTED

3 Scope Legislative Requirements
4th Quarterly Performance Report FY2015/16: Non-Financial Performance Information Financial Performance Information 1st Quarterly Performance Report FY2016/17 Defence Review Milestone 1 Implementation Progress RESTRICTED

4 Legislative Requirements
In terms of Section 38(1) (a) (i) and (ii), of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999 as amended, the “Accounting Officer for a department must ensure that the department has and maintains effective, efficient and transparent systems of financial and risk management and internal control; and a system of internal audit under the control and direction of an audit committee”. The Treasury Regulations, par states that, “the accounting officer of an institution must establish procedures for quarterly reporting to the executive authority to facilitate effective performance monitoring, evaluation and corrective action”. RESTRICTED

5 Legislative Requirements cont
The Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans, states that the quarterly report “provides the Accounting Officer with an opportunity to indicate measures that will be taken to ensure that implementation of the Annual Performance Plan remains on track” and that quarterly reports must be submitted to the National Treasury and the Auditor-General for auditing purposes. DPME in the Presidency’s guideline on the “Preparation of Quarterly Performance Reports” dated May 2016 indicates that preliminary information must be submitted within 30 days after the end of each quarter and actual information must be submitted with preliminary data of the next quarter. RESTRICTED

6 Non-Financial Performance Information
4th QPR FY2015/16 Non-Financial Performance Information

7 Summary of 4th Quarterly Performance Indicators FY2015/16
3rd Quarter FY2015/16 4th Quarter FY2015/16 Def Sec SANDF Achieved (Green) 22 (65%) 18 (55%) 21 (62%) 35 (61,4%) Partially Achieved (Amber) 9 (26%) 15 (45) - Not Achieved (Red) 3 (9%) (0%) 13 (38%) (38,6%) Total Targets 34 33 57** 4th Quarter SANDF Total Targets includes 24 x Annual Targets and excludes 12 x Classified Targets. Validated info as per audited Annual Report FY2015/16 CONFIDENTIAL

8 Summary of Annual Performance Indicators FY2015/16
No of Targets Achieved  Not Achieved Ministerial Direction 8 - - Mil Ombud 3 - RFC 1 - DFSC SANDF (Public & Selected) 57 35 22 SANDF Classified 12 7 5 Defence Secretariat 34 Total 116 77 (66%) 39 (34%) CONFIDENTIAL

9 Main Reasons for Non-Achievement of Targets
Promulgation of policies was dependent on the finalisation of the Defence Review 2015. Non-appointment of Military Judges. Non-compliance of the submission of SMS financial disclosures and performance agreements. Non-implementation of the Cyber Warfare Implementation Plan due to monetary constraints. CONFIDENTIAL

10 Main Reasons for Non-Achievement of Targets
Number of force employment hours flown and hours at sea per year dependent on taskings received. Staffing-related constraints due to verification and vetting procedures. Matters not within the DOD’s control, ie positions filled vs allocated quota for international institutions. CONFIDENTIAL

11 Financial Performance Information
4th QPR FY2015/16 Financial Performance Information

12 Summary of State of Expenditure: 31 March 2016
DOD Planned Expenditure: % R'000 Budget Allocation 45,088,161 Less: Expenditure 45,071,534 Total Amount Available 16,627 Percentage Expenditure (Paid) 99.96%

13 Appropriation Statement: Per Programme
Reasons for under expenditure within programmes: Administration. Under expenditure mainly within the transfer payment to SASSETA (RM3,021) as a result of the payroll amount, on which the calculations were based to determine the amount payable to SASSETA, being less than anticipated. Force Employment. Under expenditure of RM13,606 will be reflected against Support to the People due to delay in the procurement of mobility packages utilised for border safeguarding operations.   CONFIDENTIAL

14 Appropriation Statement: Per Economic Classification

15 Non-Financial Performance Information
1st QPR FY2016/17 Non-Financial Performance Information

16 Overall Achievement of 1st Quarterly Performance Targets FY2016/17
Ministerial Direction Def Sec SANDF Achieved (Green) 7 (100%) 31 (88%) 17 (74%) Partially Achieved (Amber) - 2 (6%) Not Achieved (Red) 6 (26%) Total Targets 35 23 CONFIDENTIAL

17 Quarterly Performance Targets Programme 1: Administration

18 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Ministry of Defence Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (DOD, ARMSCOR, Castle Control Board & Military Ombud APP tabled in Parliament) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (1 DOD APP tabled in line with National Prescripts) (1 ARMSCOR Corporate Plan tabled in line with National Prescripts) (1 Castle Control Board APP tabled in line with National Prescripts) (1 Military Ombud APP tabled in line with National Prescripts) (4 tabled in line with National Prescripts) Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

19 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Ministry of Defence Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (DOD, ARMSCOR, Castle Control Board & Military Ombud Annual Report tabled in Parliament) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% (1 Military Ombud Annual Report tabled in line with National Prescripts) (1 DOD Annual Report tabled in line with National Prescripts) (1 ARMSCOR Annual Report tabled in line with National Prescripts) (1 Castle Control Board Annual Report tabled in line with National Prescripts) - Actual 1 Military Ombud Annual Report was tabled in line with National Prescripts  - Overall Progress 1 Military Ombud Annual Report was tabled in line with National Prescripts  RESTRICTED

20 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
The Military Ombud Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (Military Ombud APP submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (1 APP submitted to the Executive Authority) Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

21 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
The Military Ombud Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (Military Ombud Annual Report submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% (1 Annual Report submitted to the Executive Authority) - Actual (1 Annual Report submitted to the Executive Authority)  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

22 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
The Military Ombud Percentage of written complaints finalised Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 60% Actual 111% (59) - Overall Progress 111%  RESTRICTED

23 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Reserve Force Council Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (2 Reports on RFC Activities submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (1 Report on RFC Activities submitted to the Executive Authority) (2 Reports on RFC Activities submitted to the Executive Authority) Actual Overall Progress - RESTRICTED

24 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Force Service Commission Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (Annual Report regarding DFSC Activities submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% (1 Annual Report on DFSC Activities submitted in line with National Prescripts) - Actual (1 Annual Report submitted in line with National Prescripts)  Overall Progress Comment: An electronic copy of the Annual Report on DFSC Activities for FY2015/16 was submitted to the office of the Executive Authority on 31 May 2016 and hard copies were submitted on 03 June 2016. 65 Hard copies were submitted in Parliament on 14 June 2016 for tabling. An electronic copy of the Annual Report was submitted to be tabled in Parliament on 15 June 2016. RESTRICTED

25 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Departmental Direction (Office of the Secretary for Defence) Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (SA Defence Review 2015 Implementation status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (Monitor implementation of the approved SA Defence Review Implementation Plan) Actual Submission of the Defence Review (Milestone 1) Implementation Plan for the MOD&MV approval is planned to take place during the 2nd quarter of FY2016/17.  Overall Progress Comment: The SA Defence Review 2015 adoption by the National Assembly took place on 04 June 2015 and by the National Council of Provinces on 24 June 2015. RESTRICTED

26 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Departmental Direction (Office of the Secretary for Defence) Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (DOD APP submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (1 DOD APP submitted to the Executive Authority) 100% (1 DOD APP submitted to the Executive Authority) Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

27 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Departmental Direction (Office of the Secretary for Defence) Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (DOD Annual Report submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (1 DOD Annual Report submitted to the Executive Authority)  - Actual DOD Annual Report (performance Information) submitted to AGSA on 31 May 2016 for auditing purposes and to the MOD&MV for oversight purposes.  Overall Progress DOD Annual Report (performance Information) submitted to AGSA on 31 May 2016 for auditing purposes and to the MOD&MV for oversight purposes. RESTRICTED

28 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Departmental Direction (Office of the Secretary for Defence) Established DOD strategic research capability status Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Policy Research Unit Concept document approved Actual The DOD Strategic Research Capability will be incorporated into the structure and function of the Chief Defence Scientist. A position paper was compiled and submitted to the Defence Review Implementation Planning Team for inclusion in the Defence Review 2015 (Milestone 1) Implementation Plan.  Overall Progress The DOD Strategic Research Capability will be incorporated into the structure and function of the Chief Defence Scientist. A position paper was compiled and submitted to the Defence Review Implementation Planning Team for inclusion in the Defence Review 2015 (Milestone 1) Implementation Plan.   RESTRICTED

29 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Departmental Direction (Government Information Technology Officer) Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Information and Communication Systems Policy Development Plan status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target -  - 100% (Monitor and Review) Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

30 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Departmental Direction (Government Information Technology Officer) Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Department of Defence Strategy status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (Monitor and Review) Actual Overall Progress  -  RESTRICTED

31 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Policy and Planning Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Policy) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 25% 100% Actual 25%  - Overall Progress Comment: Policy advice and quality assurance on 25 DODIs provided. Three policies processed for approval and promulgation. RESTRICTED

32 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Policy and Planning Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Strategy) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 25% 100% Actual - Overall Progress 25%  Comment: 2 Strategic Interventions: DOD Strat Plan Work Session May 2016. DOD Planning, Budgeting, Reporting, Risk Management and Performance Information Training Programme May 2016. RESTRICTED

33 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Policy and Planning Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 50% (1 DOD Annual Report submitted in line with National Prescripts) (1 DOD APP submitted in line with National Pre-scripts) 100% (1 DOD Annual Report and 1 DOD APP submitted in line with National Prescripts) Actual DOD Annual Report (performance Information) submitted to AGSA on 31 May 2016 for auditing purposes and to the MOD&MV for oversight purposes. Overall Progress RESTRICTED

34 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Policy and Planning DOD Enterprise Risk Management maturity level achieved Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Level 4 Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

35 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Policy and Planning DOD Management Performance Assessment Tool, assessment level achieved Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Level 2.6 Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

36 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Policy Strategy and Planning Office Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (SANDF quarterly reports submitted to the Executive Authority) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target  25% (1) 25% (1)  100% (4 SANDF quarterly reports submitted to the Executive Authority) Actual - Overall Progress RESTRICTED

37 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Policy Strategy and Planning Office Percentage compliance with the progress of the establishment of the Military Strategic Direction Register Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target  -  48% (17) Actual 14% (5) - Overall Progress (5)  RESTRICTED

38 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Financial Services Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (Percentage compliance with DOD financial management products) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 24% (9) 27% (10) 100% (37 Financial management products submitted in line with National Prescripts) Actual (9)  - Overall Progress RESTRICTED

39 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Financial Services Number of Audit Qualifications Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Actual Overall Progress Comment: Relates to FY2016/17 Audit Cycle. RESTRICTED

40 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Financial Services Percentage payments within 30 days from receipt of payable legitimate invoices Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 75% Actual 76%  - Overall Progress Comment: Legitimate invoices out of a possible legitimate invoices received, were paid within a period of 30 days. RESTRICTED

41 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Financial Services Percentage deviation from approved drawing schedule Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target <8% Actual 4%  - Overall Progress 4% Comment: Deviation must be less than 8%. The deviation was within target range. RESTRICTED

42 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Internship Policy Status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target -  - 100% (Policy Development) Actual Draft Policy finalised and submitted for inputs by DOD Legal Services. Overall Progress Draft Policy finalised and submitted for inputs by DOD Legal Services.  RESTRICTED

43 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Human Resources Strategy Status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% Implemented Strategy) Actual The Annual Implementation Plan of the HR Development Strategy was distributed to all Services and Divisions for implementation by end of FY2016/17.  Overall Progress Comments: The Performance Indicator “Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Human Resource Strategy status)” was incorrectly stated in the DOD APP for 2016, and should be “Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Human Resource Development Strategy status)”. RESTRICTED

44 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (DOD Ethics Management status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (DOD Ethics Policy Approved) Actual Draft DOD Ethics Policy submitted to DOD Legal Services for inputs.  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

45 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (SMS financial disclosures submitted) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 75% submitted 100% submitted - 100% Actual (280) Overall Progress (280)  RESTRICTED

46 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with submission dates of DOD accountability documents (SMS Performance Agreements Submitted) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 75% submitted 100% submitted  - - 100% Actual 43%  Overall Progress 43% Comment: 119 out of 280 performance agreements received. RESTRICTED

47 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage of disciplinary cases in the DOD finalised within 90 days (PSAP Disciplinary Cases) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100%  - Actual 4%  - Overall Progress Comment: 1 out of 24 cases received was finalised within 90 days. 23 Cases finalised occurred outside the 90 days requirement. The complexity of some cases required more time for finalisation. RESTRICTED

48 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage collective grievances and disputes resolved Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 20% 25% 85% Actual 25%  - Overall Progress Comment 1 out of 4 collective grievances and disputes received were resolved during the 1st quarter. RESTRICTED

49 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with DOD training targets (Number of PSAP attending training programmes) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target -  - 100% (2 587) Actual 13% 327 PSAP members were trained during the 1st quarter. Overall Progress (327) RESTRICTED

50 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with planned staffing of funded posts Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (80 064) Actual 96% 77 007 of DOD planned funded posts were staffed at the end of June 2016. Overall Progress (77 007) RESTRICTED

51 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Number of positions filled against allocated quota for international institutions Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 12 Actual 12  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

52 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with DOD training targets (Non-combat professional military development courses) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (3 000) Actual 30% (909) Overall Progress (909)  RESTRICTED

53 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with DOD training targets (Re-skilling) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 70% Actual 18% Overall Progress 18%  RESTRICTED

54 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Percentage compliance with DOD training targets (National Youth Service programme) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (2 000) Actual 41% (829) Overall Progress (829)  RESTRICTED

55 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Number of military skills development members in the system per year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 4 001 Actual 3 937 Overall Progress RESTRICTED

56 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Human Resources Support Services Number of reserve force persondays Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Actual Overall Progress   RESTRICTED

57 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Legal Services Percentage litigation cases finalised in the best interest of the DOD Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 50% Actual 100%  Overall Progress Comment 22 Cases were received of which 6 cases were finalised as follows: 3 Cases were settled in favour. 1 Case was won. 2 Cases were removed from roll. (6/6 = 100%) RESTRICTED

58 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Legal Services Percentage of cases of Corruption and Fraud prosecuted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 40% Actual 0% Overall Progress 0%  RESTRICTED

59 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Legal Services Percentage reduction of military court cases outstanding (backlog) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target  - - 60% Actual 9%  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

60 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Legal Services Percentage military court cases finalised (in-year) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 40% Actual 8% Actual  Overall Progress 8%  RESTRICTED

61 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Legal Services Percentage of disciplinary cases in the DOD finalised within 90 days (Military Disciplinary Cases) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% Actual 4%  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

62 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Inspection and Audit Services Internal Audit Division Percentage of recommendations agreed to by management to address the internal control gaps identified in audit reports Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual 69%  - Overall Progress 69% Comment Completed reports were presented to the AMT and will also be presented to the Audit Committee and Management. Deviation due to a lack of Human Resources. RESTRICTED

63 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Inspection and Audit Services Internal Audit Division Number of scope coordination meetings with internal and external assurance providers to reduce audit fatigue across the DOD Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 3 12 Actual - Overall Progress 2 Comment Meetings between IAD and AGSA discussing issues surrounding SDA. Deviation due to a lack of Human Resources. RESTRICTED

64 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Inspection and Audit Services Defence Inspectorate Division Percentage of Corruption and Fraud incidents detected for investigation Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% Actual 100%  (10 incidents reported and detected for investigation). Overall Progress RESTRICTED

65 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Inspection and Audit Services Defence Inspectorate Division Percentage of National Anticorruption Hotline (NACH) incidents detected for investigation Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% Actual 100%  (Two incidents reported and detected for investigation). Overall Progress RESTRICTED

66 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Inspection and Audit Services Defence Inspectorate Division Number of awareness activities on Corruption and Fraud Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 48 Actual 12  Overall Progress 12   RESTRICTED

67 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Inspection and Audit Services Defence Inspectorate Division Level of DOD Morale Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Positive Actual Ongoing  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

68 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Acquisition Services Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Defence Intangible Capital Assets Management Policy status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% A functioning ICA Management Organisation (Policy implementation and monitoring) Actual The IA policy will be submitted to the Policy Board for recommendation after DOD Legal Services provided inputs. Overall Progress IA Management Organisation has been established. Comment The ICA policy will be renamed to IA policy afterwards. RESTRICTED

69 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Acquisition Services Percentage armament acquisition commitments approved Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - ≥75% by 31 Mar of each year Actual 67,8% Overall Progress 67,8%  RESTRICTED

70 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Acquisition Services Percentage technology development commitments approved Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 85% - 100% by 31 March of each Year 85% - 100% by 31 Mar of each year Actual 82,8%  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

71 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Communication Services (HOC) Status of public opinion of the DOD Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 77% Actual Overall Progress RESTRICTED

72 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
SANDF Command and Control Number of Strategic Activities per annum Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 3 12 Actual - Overall Progress Comment: One visit was unscheduled and unplanned. RESTRICTED

73 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Religious Services Number of Covenantal relationships with Religious stakeholders (Religious Advisory Boards) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 2 1 5 Actual - Overall Progress 1   Comment: One meeting to be rolled-over to the 2nd quarter. RESTRICTED

74 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Reserve Direction Number of marketing events to promote the Reserves Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 9 36 Actual 10  - Overall Progress Comment: The NASREC Career Exhibition was an ad-hoc event that was not planned for.  RESTRICTED

75 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Foreign Relations Total number of Defence Attaché Offices Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 46 Actual 44  Overall Progress RESTRICTED

76 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence International Affairs Division Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Policy products in pursuit of Defence Diplomacy) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Ensure 100% relevant, quality policy products Actual Ensured 100% relevant quality policy products. Overall Progress RESTRICTED

77 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence International Affairs Division Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Defence International Affairs Policy Status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (Monitor Policy Implementation) Actual Draft policy is in the consultation process to be finalised and promulgated during the FY2016/17. Overall Progress RESTRICTED

78 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence International Affairs Division Percentage deployments including training exercises, where applicable, supported with appropriate legal instruments Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Appropriate approved legal instrument to be in place. 100% Appropriate approved legal instrument to be in place. Actual Appropriate approved legal instrument in place. - Overall Progress RESTRICTED

79 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Programme 2: Force Employment

80 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Percentage compliance with number of ordered commitments (External operations) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual 100%  - Overall Progress

81 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Number of landward sub-units deployed on border safeguarding per year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 15 Actual 15  - Overall Progress

82 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Percentage compliance with number of ordered commitments (Internal Operations) (Safety and Security Support) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual - Overall Progress 100% 

83 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Percentage compliance with number of ordered commitments (Internal Operations) (Disaster Aid and Disaster Relief) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual 100%  - Overall Progress

84 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Percentage compliance with number of ordered commitments (Internal Operations) (Search and Rescue) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual 100%  - Overall Progress

85 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Percentage compliance with the Southern African Development Community Standby Force Pledge Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% Actual 100%  Overall Progress

86 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Sub-strategy, to support overarching strategy by securing land, airspace and maritime borders [Border Safeguarding Strategy]) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target -  - Sub-strategy approved Actual In process  Overall Progress

87 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Force Employment Number of joint, interdepartmental, interagency and multinational military exercises conducted per year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 1 2 4 Actual - Overall Progress Comment: Ex IBSAMAR, that was scheduled for the 1st quarter was moved to the left and took place in the 4th quarter of FY2015/16. Ex IBSAMAR will be replaced by Ex NDLOVU that will take place in the 2nd quarter of FY2016/17 together with Ex WAYSIDE 1.

88 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Programme 3: Landward Defence

89 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Landward Defence Percentage compliance with number of ordered commitments (General Military Assistance) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual 100%  - Overall Progress

90 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Landward Defence Percentage compliance with DOD training targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target (162) 6% (608) 22% (280) 10% (1 162) 42% (2 214) 80% Actual 32% (891)  - Overall Progress Comment The over-achievement is due to incorrect quarterly targets submitted during the planning process for publishing the DOD’s Annual Performance Plan.

91 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Programme 4: Air Defence

92 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Air Defence Number of force employment hours flown per year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 5 000 Actual F Empl: VIP:   Overall Progress  

93 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Air Defence Percentage compliance with DOD training targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target (187) 20.16% (184) 19.83% (207) 22.32% (164) 17.69% (742) 80% Actual 18.98% (176)  - Overall Progress Comment: Due to the MSD intake scheduled for the 2nd quarter, the Basic Military Training course was cancelled. An over-and-above NCO Development Course was presented.

94 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Programme 5: Maritime Defence

95 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Maritime Defence Number of hours at sea per year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 12 000 Actual   Overall Progress

96 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Maritime Defence Percentage compliance with DOD training targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target (245) 48% (57) 10% (118) 22% (18) 3% (438) 80% Actual 21% (117) - Overall Progress (117)  Comment: Moderation and quality control still to be finalised for MTR 1 and 3 Learning Opportunities.

97 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets Military Health Support
Programme 6: Military Health Support

98 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Health Support Number of health care activities per year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target Actual - Overall Progress    Comment: The target is projected and based on the trends of the demands for healthcare services of the past six years. The shortage of some specialist health care services, the refurbishment of 1 Military Hospital and the shortage of health care practitioners in the geographic healthcare facilities remain to lead to outsourcing of healthcare-related services.

99 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Health Support Percentage compliance with DOD training targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target (123) 15% (181) 22% (344) 43% (0) 0% (648) 80% Actual 24% (195) - Overall Progress (195)  Comment: More members were accepted on courses in the 4th quarter of FY2015/16 to address the current backlog in courses. Most of the courses were finalised during the period under review resulting in more learners that successfully completing courses than the planned target.

100 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Programme 7: Defence Intelligence

101 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Intelligence Percentage compliance with number of ordered commitments (General Military Assistance) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 100% Actual 100%  - Overall Progress 100%  

102 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Intelligence Percentage compliance with DOD governance promulgation schedule (Develop Cyber warfare strategy) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target -  - 100% (Submit for approval by the JCPS Cluster Ministers) Actual In process  Overall Progress

103 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Intelligence Percentage compliance with DOD governance promulgation schedule (Sensor Strategy) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target  - - 100% (Develop Strategy) Actual 100%  Overall Progress

104 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Intelligence Number of defence intelligence products Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 112 448 Actual 193  - Overall Progress Comment: The over achievement is attributed to the security situation on the African continent and subsequent increase of intelligence requirements. 

105 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Intelligence Number of vetting decisions taken in accordance with requirements Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 1 625 6 500 Actual 899  - Overall Progress 899   Comment: Inadequate staff hampers the production level of the Directorate. Vetting qualified personnel are overstretched as some members are also seconded to SADIC as facilitators to run the Security Vetting Course at Fontana.

106 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Defence Intelligence Level of Implementation of the Cyber Warfare plan Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Phase 2-3 Actual In process  Overall Progress

107 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Programme 8: General Support

108 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Joint Logistic Services Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (DOD Procurement Policy status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - Target - 100% (Submission of DOD Procurement Policy for approval) Actual 0%. In process  Overall Progress

109 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Joint Logistic Services Percentage adherence to DOD governance promulgation schedule (Overarching Logistic Strategy status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% (Completed) Actual 0%. In process Overall Progress 0%. In process 

110 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Joint Logistic Services Percentage procurement requests fully completed within 90 days from day of registration Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 21% 24% 25% 95% Actual 25%  - Overall Progress Comment: Due to the fact that the 90-day period has not expired by the end of the 1st quarter, all the requests completed are inherently within the 90-day period. 

111 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Joint Logistic Services Percentage utilisation of endowment property in the DOD Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target -  - 90% Actual 96%  Overall Progress

112 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Command and Management Information Systems Percentage of modernised, sustainable DOD ICT Integrated Prime Systems Capabilities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 25,65% 23,8% 22,88% 21,12% 92,45% Actual 23.09%  - Overall Progress 23.09% Comment: The Service Provider did not deliver ICT Capability Project Milestones according to the Charter and Plan. Information Warfare (IW) assistance programme requirements were not completed and paid for.

113 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Police Capability Projected number of deliberate crime prevention operations Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 31 124 Actual 44 - Overall Progress Comment: Combination of personnel from other sections and working together with other sections have ensured that this target is overachieved. 

114 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Police Capability Percentage criminal cases investigated (backlog) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target 10% 40% Actual 24% - Overall Progress Comment: Prosecution Counsel at LEGSATOs, Area Provost Marshals and Head of Investigation managed to refer more criminal cases to civilian courts in the absence of appointed Judges for trial and decisions which resulted in more old case dockets being investigated and finalised.

115 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Police Capability Percentage criminal cases investigated (in-year) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 50% Actual 22.8% Overall Progress 22.8% 

116 Summary of Quarterly Performance Targets
Military Police Capability Percentage of cases of Corruption and Fraud investigated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual target Target - 100% Actual Overall Progress

117 Overall Achievement Note: Excluding 29 SANDF Annual Targets.
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter MOD Def Sec SANDF Green 7 (100%) 31 (88%) 17 (74%) Amber - 2 (6%) Red 6 (26%) Total Targets 35 23* Note: Excluding 29 SANDF Annual Targets. RESTRICTED

118 Financial Performance Information
1st QPR FY2016/17 Financial Performance Information CONFIDENTIAL

119 Summary of State of Expenditure for the year to date: 30 June 2016
DOD Planned expenditure: 22.1% R'000 Budget Allocation 47,169,745 Less: Expenditure 10,843,280 Total Amount Available 36,326,465 Percentage Expenditure (Paid) 23.0% CONFIDENTIAL

120 Summary of State of Expenditure for the year to date per Programme: 30 June 2016

121 Summary of State of Expenditure for the year to date per Programme: 30 June 2016

122 Comment on State of Expenditure for the year to date per Programme: 30 June 2016
The unaudited expenditure (paid) of Defence as at 30 June 2016 was R billion (23.0%) against the approved planned expenditure of R billion (22.1%) from a R billion appropriated budget resulting in an over expenditure of R417.1 million (4.0%). Factors that contributed to negative or positive balances of more than 8% of actual drawings per programme are as follows: Administration. Over expenditure of R91.7 million (8.5%) was mainly due to the payment of devolved funds for accommodation charges to the Department of Public Works which was not included in the original cash flow plan submitted. Force Employment. Under expenditure of R86.9 million (11.0%) was mainly due to the outstanding payment of the internal claim to the SAAF for the Rooivalk and Oryx helicopters that are deployed in the DRC as part of the Force Intervention Brigade. General Support. Over expenditure of R102.9 million (9.4%) was mainly due to the payment made to the Department of Public works for services rendered regarding the repair and maintenance programme as well as the payment made to SITA regarding the computer services rendered. CONFIDENTIAL

123 Summary of State of Expenditure for the year to date per Economic Classification: 30 June 2016

124 Summary of State of Expenditure for the year to date per Economic Classification: 30 June 2016

125 Comments of State of Expenditure for the year to date per Economic Classification: 30 June 2016
Factors that contributed to negative or positive balances of more than 8% of actual drawings per economic classification are as follows: Goods and Services. Over expenditure of R186.4 (9.2%) was mainly due to: The payment of devolved funds for accommodation charges to the Department of Public Works. Higher than anticipated expenditure regarding medical outsourcing. Payment made to SITA regarding the computer services rendered in terms of the Service Level Agreements. CONFIDENTIAL

126 Comments of State of Expenditure for the year to date per Economic Classification: 30 June 2016
Payments for Capital Assets. The over expenditure of R114.9 million (437.4%) was mainly due to accrual payments from FY2015/16 for the mobility packages used in operations, DPW capital works programme and passenger motor vehicles. Payments for Financial Assets. The over expenditure of R0.5 million (100%) was mainly due to transactions that create or increase outstanding debtors’ amounts as well as foreign exchange losses, thefts and other losses, etc. It is to be noted that funds are reserved for this purpose and will be part of the final virement at year-end. CONFIDENTIAL

127 Defence Review Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
1st QPR FY2016/17 Defence Review Milestone 1 Implementation Progress CONFIDENTIAL

128 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
End State 1: Sustained Ordered Defence Commitments Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement Sustained Peace Missions Op MISTRAL – UN PSO in DRC Op COPPER – Anti Piracy Operation in support of the Mozambique government Sustained Intervention Operations None at the present moment Sustained Support to Government Departments Op PROSPER – Support to Government Departments, mainly to the SAPS Op CHARIOT – Disaster Aid and Relief. Op ARABELLA – Search and Rescue International Commitments Promulgated Joint Force Employment Strategy Joint Operations Division currently in the process of developing the Framework for the Strategy. Promulgated Border Safeguarding Strategy Joint Operations Division currently in process of developing the Framework for the Strategy. In its final outcome it will be a DOD corporate level strategy and will be developed using JWP 132: Planning at the Military Strategic Level Process. Promulgated Military Strategy D Mil Strat concluded Part 1 of the Military Strategy.

129 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
End State 2: Defence Capabilities Developed and Sustained Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement Promulgated Acquisition of Armaments in the DOD Policy (DAP 1000 Policy) DAP 1000 policy consists of the Ministerial Directive, the Department of Defence Instruction (DODI) and the Acquisition Manual. The Ministerial Directive was approved. DODI (DODI/00121 Edition 4) currently with Defence Policy, Strategy and Planning Division for final vetting. The Acquisition Manual is complete and promulgated by C Def Mat. The document is currently with the CEO of ARMSCOR for promulgation for use by ARMSCOR. Promulgated Defence Industry Policy This is the Deliverable of the National Defence Industry Council (NDIC) responsibility C Def Mat only provide support as and when required. The first NDIC meeting was held on 18 May Work streams were structured to address amongst others the Defence Industry Strategy and Planning. C Def Mat provided interim secretarial services in support of the NDIC during the past quarter. CONFIDENTIAL

130 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 3: Defence Facilities Maintained Defence Facility Facilities, Information Maintained through the implementation of the long term infrastructure and the Capital Plans NDPW as the Custodian of all immovable assets vested in National Government, is responsible for the execution of the Planned Maintenance, Capital Works, Refurbishment and Decentralised Works Programmes on behalf of the DOD. DOD currently only mandated to perform day-to-day (emergency) maintenance on immovable assets.. The planned expenditure for the various programmes, being executed by NDPW for FY2016/17, is as follows: Planned Maintenance: Rm 233,7; Capital Works: Rm 232,5; Refurbishment: Rbn1,006; Decentralised: Rm 52,4. The current payment figures for the various programmes are as follows: Planned Maintenance: Rm 29,7; Capital Works: Rm 17,8; Refurbishment: Rm 90,7; Decentralised: Rm 0. These payment are well below the expected figure for the 1st quarter and indicate a under-expenditure of the budget. The projected under-expenditure is mainly due to supply chain challenges within NDPW as well as challenges experienced with certain appointed contractors. The planned expenditure figures for 2016/17 will be reviewed and updated on completion of the budget re-allocation exercise that NDPW Head Office holds with its Regional Offices at the end of June The expenditure figures will be monitored on a monthly basis and where necessary, discussions will be held with the Key Account Manager (KAM) at NDPW Head Office to expedite the expenditure process. RESTRICTED

131 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 3: Defence Facilities Maintained Optimised utilisation of the DOD Works Capability 976 members have been trained and qualified as artisans, technicians, site supervisors and project managers in various fields and are involved in non-operational activities. Continuous training and skilling of artisans is taking place. 676 members are in different phases of artisan training (Intake: , 2014, 2015 and 2016). The 2015/16 Artisan intake training is decentralised to the Regional Works Units (RWUs). The 9 RWUs, covering each of the 9 provinces, are currently undertaking 67 "own resource" projects. DW Fmn capability has been utilised at 1 Military Hospital with the demolition of the 1st floor of 1 Military hospital in order to accommodate more medical theatres. The DW Capability is currently 74.6% staffed. The DW Fmn structures have been finalised and submitted to C Log for further processing. Once the structures have been promulgated and approved, they, once staffed, should further optimise the functions of DOD Works Capability. RESTRICTED

132 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 4: Restructuring of the SANDF Promulgated Blue-print force design Part 2 of the Military Strategy (Blue-Print Force Design) was drafted in consultation and collaboration with Service representatives. The force design will be based on the required and realistic interim end states for each Milestone in the force development trajectory and will optimise the military concepts against new plausible scenarios Promulgated Restructuring plan The SANDF Restructuring Work Group has been re-established viz C SANDF Instr 76/2015 dd 4 Dec 15 and is proceeding with this task as directed by CSANDF. The restructuring plan will only be finalised once the Defence Review 2015 Plan to Arrest the Decline, which serves as higher order guidance for any restructuring activities within the DOD, is approved and promulgated. Discussions have taken place between the Chairpersons of the Permanent Military Work Team and the Restructuring Work Group and the identified boundary management issues have been resolved. The SANDF Restructuring Work Group has developed a process to develop a restructuring plan for the SANDF. The performance indicator and data sheet will be completed by 1 Aug 16 and a draft restructuring plan will be formulated for internal consultation. CONFIDENTIAL

133 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 5: DOD Human Resource Management Promulgated HR Strategy The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) of the HR Development Strategy was distributed to all Services and Divisions for implementation by end of FY2016/17. End State 6: Defence Academy established Comprehensive appreciation on the establishment of a Defence Academy Services and Divisions were requested to provide inputs. A number of stakeholder engagements have been conducted as part of the investigation and appreciation process. End State 7: Military Discipline Enhanced Submitted Military Discipline Bill to the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor and undergo Socio-economic Environmental Impact Assessment System The Team engaged the Development Committee (DevComm) of the JCPS Cluster Committee in an ad hoc meeting on 16 May The DevComm deferred approval for the MDB to serve before the JCPS Cluster Committee. The DevComm identified a number of reservations that require further attention. Those matters have been addressed. The MDB served before the JCPS Cluster Committee on 07 June The DevComm chairperson reported on the MDB and noted that it was still to serve before the DevComm and further directions were given to the DoD. Further consultation with stakeholders is required to comply with the compulsory SEIAS process. 14 letters of invitation have been signed by the Secretary for Defence and delivered to stakeholders for comments and or inputs on the draft Bill. Comments and/or inputs are awaited. CONFIDENTIAL

134 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 8: Relationship established between the DOD ETD programmes and accredited tertiary Institutions for civilian and military members Promulgated Education Training and Development Policy Stellenbosch University is the Accreditation partner for the Junior Officer education program pursued through the Dean of FMS (Faculty of Military Sciences) Wits University and UNISA were approached to support the on-going requirement for advanced Officer education and UNISA for advanced NCO education. The full process of partnership and accreditation is a long term process which requires the involvement of the Council of Higher Education (CHE), Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). End State 9: Defence Funding Model Developed Developed Defence Funding A professional services company was appointed to assist the Department with the development of the policy and strategy for development of the Defence Funding Model. An initiation meeting was held and the company was provided with the initial source documents to guide the development of the project plan. Quarterly progress reports will be provided and progress will be monitored accordingly. Promulgated Budgeting and Costing Tool The members that will be serving on an IPT have been identified and an HR-process has been initiated to call up the members to assist. The project team leader will present a plan to the DRIPT on how the Budgeting and Costing Tool will unfold. The Budgeting and Costing Tool is a permanent agenda point at the DRIPT meeting. CONFIDENTIAL

135 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
End State 10: Defence Industry Engagements Established Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement Capability and technology programmes established with the defence industry Capability Programmes established with the Defence Industry: Landward Defence Capability Common Weapons Capability Special Forces Air Defence Maritime Military Health Support Technology Programmes established with the Defence Industry: Landward Technology Programme Maritime Technology Programme Aerospace Technology Programme Support Operations Technology Programme Electronics Technology Programme Special Operations Technology Programme Scientific Research and Science & Engineering Capacity Development Initiative CONFIDENTIAL

136 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 11: Costed Implementation Plan for Milestone 1 of the SA Defence Review 2015 Promulgated (Implemented) SA Defence Review MS1 Overarching Implementation Plan, Targets and Timelines The Military and Secretariat planning teams participated in the capability development analysis process to unpack and develop the MS1 Priorities and Force Design for the implementation of the Defence Review 2015. A template was developed against which the Secretariat Planning Team (SPT) and Military Planning Team (MPT) have captured and collated all the planning data in a way that will provide management information at all levels to enable the development of the DOD MS1 Plan to arrest the decline. The first order narrative of the DOD MS1 Plan has been drafted and is being further developed, amended and refined and the costed part of the plan is being finalised. The two teams are in the process of finalising the “Department of Defence Costed Recovery Plan to Arrest the Decline”. This plan is work in progress and in the final consultation process with Services and Divisions. CONFIDENTIAL

137 Defence Review 2015 Milestone 1 Implementation Progress
Deliverable Detail of Actual Achievement End State 12: Strategic Communication Intervention Roll out of a SA Defence Review 2015 Communication Plan (internal and external stakeholders) The Defence Review 2015 Communication Plan for Internal and External stakeholders was presented at the DOD Work Session in May by the Head of Communication and is in the process of being implemented by means of internal communication actions (Info-bulletins, Articles in SA Soldier) and external communication actions like media liaison actions. Promulgated Communication Strategy Communication strategy for was approved and is implemented by means of internal and external communication actions, with a focus on MOD&MV priority areas, Sec Def and C SANDF focus areas. CONFIDENTIAL

138 Thank You Questions RESTRICTED

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