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Transition Resources for Youth

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1 Transition Resources for Youth
TR4Y Introduction Enhancing the transition planning process for improved post school outcomes of youth with disabilities Good morning. Introductions.

2 Transition Resources for Youth
Welcome! We hope your time is productive and that you find the tools and resource on this new website valuable today and well into the future.

3 Transition Resources for Youth
TR4Y is designed to provide tools and resources to Improve and enhance the transition process for youth with disabilities by using evidence-based resources and engaging transition partners. Provide educators, parents, students and agencies with the tools and resources needed to locate and implement effective transition activities and practices. Help educators improve secondary and post secondary results for youth with disabilities that makes a measurable impact on their lives. There are two main goals for this website.

4 TR4Y provides a review of individual and/or team Transition Practices:
Transition Resources for Youth TR4Y provides a review of individual and/or team Transition Practices: Review and reflection of local post school results data (Indicator 14). Self-assessment and prioritizing of National Predictors of Post School Success. Self-assessment and prioritizing of transition requirements and enhanced practices (Indicator 13). Review of evidence-based dropout prevention strategies. The resources come from national technical assistance centers, universities, state departments of education, and disability-based organizations. Commercial products are included, because sometimes teachers need new materials.

5 Transition Resources for Youth Process
1. Review and Evaluate PSO 4. Assess, Revise, Update Improvement Plan 2. Self-Assess and Benchmark Transition Practices Transition Resources 3. Create and Implement Improvement Plan Transition Resources for Youth These are the activities provided on tr4y. Individuals and school teams can utilize all of the features on tr4y.

6 Premise IF Schools: Meet the Indicator 13 requirements at 100%
Implement the “Enhanced Indicator 13 Practices” Implement the prioritized “National Predictors of Post School Success” and Dropout Prevention THEN Schools: Can demonstrate, with data, improved post school outcomes and results (engagement): Further education or training High quality employment Adult Living Participation in the community While the ultimate proof of demonstrating a relationship between what is required for transition services and post school outcomes is based upon individual student data, one might be able to determine if there are trends between how well schools meet the requirements for transition services (I-13) and their post school results (I-14).

7 If the transition service requirements are met and embraced, young people with disabilities will be better prepared and will ultimately demonstrate fulfilling, meaningful adult lives, including participation in further education or training, high quality employment, and participation in their community. Guiding assumptions Are trends between how well schools meet the requirements for transition services (I-13) and their post school results (I-14)? Educators can make these connections and have a positive impact on post school results. So, the big question is, “Are the transition services we are providing to youth preparing them for post school engagement?”

8 Getting Started

9 Getting Started Go to
On the upper right side, click “Registration Form” Click on the picture of the category that best describes the role for which you will use TR4Y. Read through the “TR4Y Terms and Disclaimer” (they vary based on type of user) and “check” that you understand and agree to the terms. You will receive an stating your registration request has been received. You can also send a message back if you have questions or comments. Membership will be reviewed and confirmed, usually within 24 hours of receiving the registration request.

10 TR4Y Website

11 No Account Needed My TR4Y Toolbox Learn “About TR4Y”
Learn about the Predictors View/Search/Sort Resources Register for a TR4Y account As an individual educator As a school team Log into “My Toolbox” Create Your Teams Save Rubrics Individual Team Save Selected Resources

12 Create a TR4Y Account

13 Click on the “tr4y” logo any time to go back to the Home/Welcome page
TR4Y Navigation Click on the “tr4y” logo any time to go back to the Home/Welcome page Click on “My Toolbox” to: Access saved Resources Manage your account Add Designee(s) Add Team(s) Team members After you have successfully logged-in, this is the page you will see. “My Favorite Resources” stores saved individual and team resources.

14 After you log-in, you can: Manage your account
My Toolbox Log-in Page After you log-in, you can: Manage your account Your work can go with you when you get a new or change jobs. Manage your individual account here.

15 My Toolbox Page After you have successfully logged-in, this is the page you will see. “My Favorite Resources” stores saved individual and team resources.

16 Invite Key School or District personnel to be the lead in schools.
My Toolbox Designee(s) Invite Key School or District personnel to be the lead in schools. Assign passwords Edit/Delete After you have successfully logged-in, this is the page you will see. “My Favorite Resources” stores saved individual and team resources.

17 Sort by Individual Resource or Team Resources
As you review the Repository Resources, alone or related to a Rubric Assessment, you can Save what you find to review later. Sort by the title, date added to your resources, date added to the repository Sort by Individual Resource or Team Resources

18 Individual Educator Accounts
Any educator can create a tr4y account, even if they are also on a district team. Educators can create their personal "My Toolbox". With a tr4y account, users can save the resources they have located in "My Favorite Resources", and can complete the tools accessible to teachers. The individual educator is the only one able to view and access the tools completed in "My Tools". You must create a TR4Y user account to use and save the TR4Y tools and resources.

19 Teams The person who creates the team is the “Leader” and invites members to participate on the team. With a tr4y account, invited members “accept” the on-line invitation and then have access to view and edit team rubrics. Teams can save the resources they have located in "My Favorite Resources“; resources can then be sorted by “Team Resources”. Invited team members do not have to create a TR4Y account to be part of the team.

20 Easily set up the school or district teams Set up teams Invite members
My Toolbox Teams Easily set up the school or district teams Set up teams Invite members Monitor acceptance Edit/Delete members Start and manage team reports here.

21 Engage Transition Partners
Invite Youth and Families Involve Agencies Create a True Transition Partnership Engage Transition Partners Create a true transition process by engaging transition partners. “Transition” embraces movement from secondary education to activities of adult living.

22 Engage Transition Partners
“Transition” embraces movement from secondary education to activities of adult living. Implement your plan and Invite youth, families, educators and agency representatives to become part of school or district teams to help you implement your plan and become partners in the transition planning process. Create teams that include students and parents as well as other educators in your district. Engage team members and share in the work to accomplish the goals. Share resources and reports between team members. Benefit from being a member of a community geared towards learning and continuous improvement. Educators can invite youth, families, educators (e.g. general education, specialty educators, guidance personnel, and new special education staff) and agency representatives (e.g. DVR, DHS, ILC, ADRC) to become part of school or district teams to help them better understand and participate in the transition process and IEP planning.

23 From this page, you can: Edit an “In-Progress” Rubric
Rubric Management From this page, you can: Edit an “In-Progress” Rubric View PDF – the entire report with all tabs; you can print this report Delete reports Make sure to select “Who” is completing the Rubric or it will be blank Start a New Predictor Rubric Start a New Transition Rubric View Individual and Team Rubrics Edit, View, Delete all Rubrics

24 Select how you will be completing the Rubric
Start a Rubric Rubric Your district will be displayed on the top. Click “About the Rubric/Directions” to Learn More Select how you will be completing the Rubric Individual District / School / Building / Other Team – Select from the teams you have created

25 TR4Y is intended to help individuals and teams:
Identify current strengths, needs and priorities Develop a plan that can be implemented Show growth in Teacher Effectiveness over time gives you the tools and resources you need to make a measurable impact on the lives of youth with disabilities. Sign up for your own account now and let’s get started!

26 Next Steps What happens next?
What supports will you need back in your district? What parts of the website will you continue to use? Will you try to get others interested in using this site? Most applicable for: Colleagues Youth Parents/families Other agencies Evidence-based practices support students were more likely to be engaged in post school employment or education, live independently and have a higher quality of life when given the opportunity to participate in quality transition programming.

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