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APW1 Chapter 2 both Connections and Strayer Books

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1 APW1 Chapter 2 both Connections and Strayer Books
Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 3 Due USE THE 2nd to LAST PPT SLIDE’S CHART IN THIS PPT SERIES AS A GUIDE. PRINT IT OUT. ADD INFORMATION TO IT AS YOU READ THIS CHAPTER. THE COMPLETED CHART SHOULD BE IN YOUR HW FOLDER BY OCTOBER 12TH. You are to hand in your completed chart on Be certain to either type your answers on it or print in PEN your answers. due Strayer text, pp , Answer margin questions : (a) Change p. 86, (b) Change p. 91, (c) Change p. 94, (d) Change p. 96 MUST BE COMPLETED AND IN YOUR HOMEWORK FOLDERS ON THE 9TH. Due Strayer text, pp Outline these sections: (a) Hierarchies of Class, (b) Hierarchies of Gender, (c) Patriarchy in Practices. In outlines include the term’s meaning and cultural significance. You can either type your outlines or print in PEN your reading outline of pp Due Strayer Text pp Answer margin questions: (a) Comparison p. 97, (b) Change p. 99 THESE QUESTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED AND IN YOUR HW FOLDERS ON THE 12TH OF OCTOBER. WATCH THE INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION VIDEO. Just click on this url or type it into your computer’s url. Or look for it in youtube. It’s called “Indus Valley Civilization” and it’s 9 minutes and 24 seconds long. CLICK HERE Due by 8 a.m. on Strayer text pp Answer margin question (only 1 question): (a) Connection p. 108 SUBMIT THIS TO TURNITIN.COM BY 8:00 A.M. ON VIDEO DUE ON KEY TERMS DUE Video: Watch 13 minute video on Sumer. It is on one of the last slides in this PPT. As you view it, complete the questions that you are assigned. (They are on the slide). Bring answers to class. KEY TERMS DUE ON SUBMIT TO TURNITIN.COM: by 8:00 a.m. on APW1 Chapter 2 both Connections and Strayer Books

2 APW1 Chapter 2 both Connections and Strayer Books
Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 3 IN CLASS TEAM ASSIGNMENT--DATES HERE MAY CHANGE BUT MOST LIKELY ASSIGNED ON — DUE dates to be announced in class. Teams will be assigned a pre-essay writing team assignment. THE 1ST TEAM CHART WILL BE DUE THE NEXT DAY. THE 2ND THE PEER ASSESSMENT WILL BE COMPLETED IN CLASS AND DUE THE FOLLOWING DAY. Since both are in class assignments, dates will be provided in class. Students are to write the due dates in their notebooks. STAY TUNED…………………… TEST DATE TBA CHAPTER 3 TEST WILL MOST LIKELY BE ON REMEMBER TO STUDY YOUR VOCABULARY TERMS, MARGIN QUESTIONS, CLASS NOTES. ALSO, LOOK AT PPT SLIDE ON MY BRONX SCIENCE HOMEWORK PAGE ENTITLED: APW1 CHAPTER 3 Civilization and Evolution of Writing 2018 CHAPTER 3 HW CHART AND VIDEO SLIDES ARE NEXT…………………………………….. , THIS IS NOT A HOMEOWRK ASSIGNMENT—JUST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION—ADDITIONAL READINGS ON EGYPT—For those interested you might want to read the below link on Egypt. It could help to inform your team writing assignment. EGYPT’S 3 KINGDOM’S: Old Kingdom ( b.c.e.), Middle Kingdom b.c.e., New Kingdom b.c.e. Please click on the below hyper-link. Read the first 3 pages and keep reading notes regarding: contributions and challenges of 1st Wave Egypt’s 3 kingdoms. click here APW1 Chapter 2 both Connections and Strayer Books

3 REGION @ 3500 @ 3400 @ 2000 @ 2500 @ 2200 @ 1200 DATES of origin
(all b.c.e.) REGION CIVILI-ZATION BULLET OUTLINE FACTS FROM READING: Include features, background or relevant information about each civilization. @ 3500 Mesopotamia Sumer @ 3400 Egypt @ 2000 South America (Peru) Norte Chico @ 2500 South Asia Indus @ 2200 China Xia Shang Zhou @ 1200 Mexico Olmec

4 HOMEWORK How did the Sumerians evolve from hunter-gatherers to a civilization?
Assignment: Watch the 13 minute Discovery Channel video which is on the next slide. You can click on the link entitled “CLICK HERE”. Make sure you have the power point in “slide show mode” or you won’t be able to access the 13 minute Discovery Channel Video. If you have a problem, open the you-tube video in Goodle Chrome. The title is: Mesopotamia—from nomads to farmers. It was produced by Discovery. The Google url is: (If you’re unable to access this short flick, try to open it in Google Chrome. It’s a you tube flick entitled: “Mesopotamia From Nomads to Farmer”. It’s produced by Discovery. QUESTIONS TO ANSWER: Bring your answers to these questions to class tomorrow. Why does the narrator see herself as “modern”? Prior to “modernization” which type or types of agricultural societies did the people of Mesopotamia experience—Agricultural Village, Chiefdom and/or Pastoral. Explain. Describe the Ziggurat. a. Physical Structure: b. Purpose 4. Describe the role of the leader and of the priests.

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