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How successful was the Nazi wartime economy

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1 How successful was the Nazi wartime economy
How successful was the Nazi wartime economy? C aim – to explain how successful it was in different years from B/A aim – to explain how successful it was in different years from and reach an overall judgement What makes the Nazi wartime economy successful? What would make it a failure? Use your notes from last lesson, green book pp , and the table to fill in this chart. Year and what was happening to the economy Successes in the economy Failures in the economy How successful was the Nazi wartime economy at this point? 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

2 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Successes in the economy
Year and what was happening to the economy Successes in the economy Failures in the economy How successful was the Nazi wartime economy at this point? 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

3 1943 – goebbels and total war
Year and what was happening to the economy Successes in the economy Failures in the economy How successful was the Nazi wartime economy at this point? 1939 1940 1941 – todt 1942 – speer Technocrat, central planning board, ammunition up by 97%, tanks by 25%, total arms production up by 59% 1943 – goebbels and total war 1944 Peaked, 3 fold since 1942 1945

4 Economic problem that Goering was facing which was preventing him from producing enough
Why was he facing this problem? How did Speer solve this problem? How well did Speer solve this problem? Gauleiter empires – caused financial corruption Lack of control over Gauleiters by Hitler – central meetings were just an opportunity for an audience, competing. Threatened Gauleiters, got Hitler’s support against them Many Gauleiters stayed powerful. Inadequate standardisation of equipment – different branches of the armed forces used different equipment and standards No overseeing individual or someone with overall control. Hitler out of control. Competing senior Nazis. Devoloped Todt’s industrial self-responsibility. Speer standardised equipment. Rationalised transport production – e.g. Only 3 types of lorry now allowed. It was standardised and rationalised. Production of non-essential goods Hitler’s vanity projects and people ignoring directives. Speer banned resources being used for non-military uses. Ensured non-military metal was melted down for the war effort. Much improved. Prestige construction projects – Hitler obsessed with V1 and V2 rockets which never worked and effort wasn’t put into their best jet. Hitler encouraged grandiose public buildings. Hitler’s style of dictatorship and no-one wanting to question him Stopped construction of post-war projects. Inadequate mobilisation of Labour. Women not used. Nazi ideology. Extended labour force, using women, more shifts, prisoners and Eastern Europeans. Extended labour force, but skilled workers kept being conscripted. Competing demands of different sections of the armed forces and the army interfering too much – they emphasised quality and not quantity Intimidating and all-powerful military. Devoloped Todt’s industrial self-responsibility. Military had to submit requirments to Speer ‘s Central Planning Board with their number of supporting committees, who had the most accurate overseeing role of production. Industrialists had more freedom. Much better. Corruption and distorted figures Devoloped Todt’s industrial self-responsibility. Military had to submit requirments to Speer who had the most accurate overseeing role of production. Speer punished inaccurate data. Political infighting - ministry of armaments, economy, finance, four year plan, SS bodies, armed forces and labour all competed over the economy and the best ideas. Style of the Nazi dictatorship. Made his own ministry the most powerful by supporting Hitler. Didn’t get his man as Labour Deployment Minister – instead Lammers got who he wanted. Haphazard developments of new offices – e.g. The Armaments ministry. Shortages, bottlenecks, duplication and waste. Not producing as much as their enemies. Many projects to prepare for war weren’t due to be finished until 1942, but war broke out in 1939. Devoloped Todt’s industrial self-responsibility. Military had to submit requirments to Speer who had the most accurate overseeing role of production. Improved – but not enough to catch up with others. Anti-Semitism lost the Nazis their best Scientists and wasted rail resources He didn’t.

5 General – overcame bombing raids.
In what ways did Speer improve the economy from 1942? (include the problems, solutions and key words in your answer). Write a statement from these individuals explaining what they would have said about how far the economy was meeting Nazi Germany’s wartime demands. Goering Todt Speer – pp green book. What does the war economy show you about Hitler’s style of dictatorship? General – overcame bombing raids.

6 C – How successful was the Nazi wartime economy in 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945? List the years, with the judgement and a reason for that judgement. B/A aim – Draw a graph to represent how successful the Nazi wartime economy was. Across the whole period of 1939 to 1945 how successful would you argue the Nazi wartime economy was?

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