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The European XFEL Experience and Lessons Learned
(Being Learned) Nick Walker, DESY On behalf of many talented and dedicated people LCWS 2017 – Strasbourg –
The XFEL experience – with ILC in mind
1 XFEL is now delivering beam to first users 👍 This talk will focus on the 1.3GHz SRF 17.5 GeV linac a prototype of the ILC 😉 Focus on Production – from cavities, to modules, to accelerator all important Mega Volts per Metre Recent commissioning and operational experience Many lessons learnt! Mostly positive This will be just the highlights slide 1
The European XFEL Built by Research Institutes from 12 European Nations
Some specifications Photon energy keV Pulse duration ~ fs Pulse energy few mJ Superconducting linac 17.5 GeV 10 Hz ( b/s) 5 beam lines / 10 instruments Start version with 3 beam lines and 6 instruments Several extensions possible: More undulators More instruments ……. Variable polarization Self-Seeding CW operation SASE2 (= SASE1) 17.5 GeV SASE1, lu= 40 mm 0.2 – 0.05 nm SASE3, lu= 68 mm 1.7 – 0.4 nm
Accelerator Overview Injector L1 L2 L3 n.c.Gun 6 MeV LH, Dogleg, BC0
1.3 GHz module ≈ 150 MeV 3.9 GHz 3rd harm. ≈ 25 MeV L1 4 modules (1 RF station) L2 12 modules (3 RF stations) L3 80 modules (20 RF stations) SASE2 300 kW 1 Module A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A25 A1 AH1 SASE1 0.24 kW 5 kW SASE3 9 kW 300 kW n.c.Gun 1.3 GHz 6 MeV LH, Dogleg, BC0 130 MeV BC1 600 MeV BC2 2.4 GeV Collimation 6 to 17.5 GeV 300 kW 0 m 40 m 240 m 470 m 1460 m 2130 m 2440 m 3100 m 3300 m s.c. linac with GHz superconducting modules + 1 third harmonic module design gradient: 23.6 MV/m; pulsed with 1.4ms pulse length; 600 µs flat top 4 modules / 32 s.c. cavities are connected to one 10 MW klystron (“RF station”) 12 modules form a cryogenic string Down to app. 50m behind the last module the complete beam vacuum is “particle free” Slide 3
Parameters: XFEL and 500 GeV ILC compared
4 XFEL ILC max electron beam energy GeV 17.5 250 average Eacc MV/m 23.6 31.5 macro pulse repetition rate Hz 10 5 (10†) RF pulse length ms 1.4 1.6 # of bunches per pulse 2700 1312 (2625‡) beam current mA 5 5 (9‡) max. bunch charge nC 1.0 3.2 electron bunch length mm 600 300 norm. emittance (x / y) nm 400 / 400 500 / 30 average beam power MW 0.5 5 (10‡) cavities per 10 MW klystron 32 39 (26‡) Slide 4 † 10-Hz e+ production mode / low energy running ‡ luminosity upgrade
A 6% Production Prototype
5 XFEL TDR ILC Number of cryomodules 100 ~1800 Number of cavities 800 ~17000 Number of Klystrons/Modulators/LLRF 26 ~600 ILC-relevant lessons learnt across the board: Industrial production of cavities String assembly by supervised industrial labour High production rate testing and QA/QC Installation Commissioning and beam operation And of course COST $ (and managing IKC)
From Niobium to Functioning Linac
6 Niobium material Cavity fabrication Cavity testing Module assembly Module testing Installation Operation Performance Results Performance Results Performance Results In addition: Cold mass / insulation HPC Quadrupoles BPMs ... In addition: Klystrons Modulators Pulse transformers Vacuum LLRF (controls) Interlocks ... Cryogenics!
How to mass produce 100 cryomodules
7 Slide 7: Only to stress life is complicated in the IKC world!
Cavity Production (EZ, RI)
8 Entirely produced by industry and delivered “ready to go” Slide 8-1
Cavity Production (EZ, RI)
8 Entirely produced by industry and delivered “ready to go” Slide 8-2 Lesson learned #1: Yes you can do this and it worked really well
Cavity Production (EZ, RI)
8 Entirely produced by industry and delivered “ready to go” Slide 8-3 Lesson learned #1: Yes you can do this and it worked really well Lesson learned #2: Be prepared to invest a lot of effort into making it work
Vertical tests at AMTF
As Received Maximum Gradient in the VT
9 typical individual error: 10% Slide 9
As Received Usable Gradient in the VT
10 typical individual error: 10% XFEL retreated ILC Include operations spec Q0 ≥ 1×1010 FE threshold (X-ray) Usable Gradient Slide 10: Slide Although average is excellent, large performance spread is indicative of a process that is not well enough controlled -> Important for ILC -> R&D Cavities below 20MV/m mostly successfully recovered by additional High Pressure Rinse
Extrapolation to ILC – how close are we?
11 see talk by D. Kostin “European-XFEL summary: Cavities/Modules performance” in SRF session, Tue 24th AM No direct ‘correct’ comparison possible Cut off for XFEL retreatment ≤20 MV/m ILC is ≤28 MV/m Can try to use retreatment MC model based in XFEL results ✔ Slide 11 More retreatments - but mostly only HPR Number of average tests/cavity increases from 1.25 to 1.55 (1st+2nd) or 20% over-production or additional retreat/test cycles
Cryomodule assembly at CEA Saclay
Opening up the vacuum is always a risk Even in the clean room
The XFEL Village at IRFU / CEA Saclay
12 Slide 12
Cryomodule Test at AMTF
Cryomodule production rates
13 Slide 13
The First and the Last Module
14 In total 96 modules in 103 working weeks The initially projected rate was 1 acc. module per week. Variation in coupler availability was compensated by additional efforts at CEA / Irfu wrt. assembly rate. Gained experience with module testing was used to shorten test duration of module 40+ . Slide 14
XFEL Module Gradient Performance
15 Module performance well above XFEL specs. and visible improvement with time Tunnel installation used sorting of modules based on AMTF performance XFEL Spec 23.6 MV/m see talk by D. Kostin “European-XFEL summary: Cavities/Modules performance” in SRF session, Tue 24th AM vertical test (clipped at 31 MV/m) module performance Slide 15 Remarks: Clipping at 31 MV/m is done due to max. available RF power; limit given by waveguide distribution. XM98 is a scavenger module. Ncavs Average RMS VT 815 28.3 MV/m 3.5 CM 27.5 MV/m 4.8
Lessons learned: Accelerator Modules at AMTF & WATF
16 During the 2nd production year AMTF module testing was performed without any delay. During the end of production the major non-conformity was overheating at the 70k coupler window; all respective warm coupler parts were exchanged. Waveguide tailoring was done for all modules. Successfully repaired modules were retested at AMTF when needed. Not installed are XM8 (leaky cryogenic line) XM46 & XM50 (inacceptable cav. performance) XM99 (leaky beam line; meanwhile repaired) XM100 spare module & replaced by XM-2
Cryogenics is quite challenging
17 Complexity of cryogenic system asked for sufficient commissioning time; experts had to establish / optimize operation and to gain experience with new machines, especially the used cold compressors. How to deal with… 671 control valves >3,800 sensors (temperature, pressure, flow, level) 433 regulation loops >22,000 records and >220,000 properties and last but not least … >300 tons of material to be cooled down Required 2K pressure stability of 2% peak from LLRF requirements (cavity detuning) Tedious adjustment of regulation loops Inner-system heaters to counteract dynamic processes Slide 17: Same as last slide, although this is interesting stuff. LHC is >>300 tons.
First Cooldown of XFEL Linac during Dec 2016
18 Start asymmetrical operation of two cold boxes to speed up cooldown Fast cooldown at temperatures below liquid nitrogen (no more thermal stress) Entry of cold return flows in cold boxes to enhance cryogenic capacity No Cold Leaks!!!
XFEL RF System HV Modulators in surface hall
19 CM1 (8 cav.) CM2 (8 cav.) CM3 (8 cav.) CM4 (8cav.) KLYSTRON HV Modulators in surface hall Connected to pulse transformer via up to 2km long pulse cables Klystron and modulator below module
L3 RF Stations on the Status Pannel
20 in operation dito. but shifted off beam off Slide 20 All RF stations including CS8 are commissioned at moderate gradients. Operation automised and handed over by experts; energy goal for 2017/2018 reached. Detailed measurements will show the path towards higher beam energies. The last two stations (CS9) require still longer tunnel access.
Beamline Commissioning Progress
21 0m m m m m m m L1 L2 L3 13/01* 130 MeV 600 MeV * Beam permission on 13/01 600 MeV 2.5 GeV 27/04 Beam spot before dump 2.5 GeV 6 GeV 12 GeV Slide 21 27/04* * Beam permission on 26/04 keen on lasing…
SASE Operation First lasing (0.9 nm) reached on May 2nd/3rd.
22 SASE spot on YAG screen First lasing (0.9 nm) reached on May 2nd/3rd. Commissioning of the photon beam diagnostics and transport was next. Beam based alignment in the SASA1 undulator section followed. And gave good results. First laser light at 2 Å on May 24th. On May 27th we reached an energy of up to 1 mJ i.e. close to saturation. Safety authorities handed out the operating permission for the SASE1 hutches on June 21st. On June 23rd we lased at 1.5 Å . GMD intensity signal (calibrated) SASE spot on FEL imager
XFEL Energy Performance (to date)
23 L1 L2 L3 21 GeV (AMTF max) XFEL design 17.5 GeV 19 GeV (AMTF max, nom. BC) 18 GeV (as above w/o CS9) 16 GeV (current possible) 14 GeV (current operation) slide 23-1 CS9 not commissioned Operational spare
XFEL Energy Performance (to date)
23 L1 L2 L3 21 GeV (AMTF max) XFEL design 17.5 GeV 19 GeV (AMTF max, nom. BC) 18 GeV (as above w/o CS9) 16 GeV (current possible) 14 GeV (current operation) Operational limits identified (See SRF WG: M. Omet “Beam Commissioning for E-XFEL” Tue 24.10) slide 23-2 CS9 not commissioned Operational spare
XFEL Energy Performance (to date)
23 L1 L2 L3 21 GeV (AMTF max) XFEL design 17.5 GeV 19 GeV (AMTF max, nom. BC) 18 GeV (as above w/o CS9) 16 GeV (current possible) 14 GeV (current operation) 31.5 MV/m Operational limits identified (See SRF WG: M. Omet “Beam Commissioning for E-XFEL” Tue 24.10) slide 23-3 CS9 not commissioned Operational spare
Cavities: from VT to (current) operation
24 ILC 35 MV/m ILC 31.5 MV/m ILC 31.5 MV/m Single Cavity Vertical Test Single cavity CW <E> ~ 30 MV/m <E> ~ 28 MV/m clipped at 31 MV/m Cryomodule Test Single Cavity (pulsed) <E> ~ 27 MV/m Current XFEL operation (approximate) <E> ~ 22 MV/m Work in progress – expect to do better slide 24 goal
Lessons Learnt – Summary 1 of 2
25 TESLA technology has been successfully industrialised and can be mass produced No reasons why this cannot be extrapolated to ILC numbers Success requires DILIGENCE (and attention to detail) Close cooperation with industry Constant feedback, QA and QC Standard ‘TESLA’ recipe can almost achieve ILC specifications But improvement still needed 30 MV/m average is great But 7 MV/m RMS spread is too large (yield!) Production-line string and module assembly by industry without performance degradation is possible Again, requires DILIGENCE! Auditing, QA/QC, feedback, etc. Robots 🤖 ! slide 25 ILC will just need “more” of everything we did right for XFEL
Lessons Learnt – Summary 2 of 2
26 Tunnel installation rates successfully achieved Need to check ILC TDR installation rates against this and revise Early equipment commissioning (in tunnel) is mandatory XFEL could have done with a little more or this Better QA/QC would have helped during accelerator commissioning ILC will require order(s) of magnitude more attention Very good experience with cryo Long contiguous ~1km cryo string with large dynamic load Use of heaters etc – connection to LLRF Quickly achieved 12 GeV and moving up Slowly increasing to XFEL goal of 17.5 GeV Hoping to eventually achieve ~26 MV/m average (currently at 22 MV/m) ILC will need much more AUTOMATION to commissioning linacs in a finite time Don’t expect max energy from day one. Or even day >300. Carefully consider energy margins when making final design choices. Push to high currents / long bunch trains to come Controlling beam loss is the challenge! slide 26
Guest Scientists during commissioning
General Assembly of the European XFEL Accelerator Consortium Guest Scientists during commissioning THANK YOU TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EUROPEAN XFEL
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