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CHURCH at EPHESUS Acts 19:1-18 Revelation 2:1-7.

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Presentation on theme: "CHURCH at EPHESUS Acts 19:1-18 Revelation 2:1-7."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHURCH at EPHESUS Acts 19:1-18 Revelation 2:1-7

2 The Beginning Surely, a very encouraging beginning
Willing to receive & accept truth Acts 19:5; 18 Willing to sacrifice to be right Acts 19:19 Had influence Acts 19:24-27 Surely, a very encouraging beginning

3 The Mid-Period Demonstrated patience Had elders Acts 20:17-32
Worked hard through difficulties Revelation 2:2, 3 Had exposed false teachers Revelation 2:2 Demonstrated patience Revelation 2:3

4 The Latter-Period Had left their first love
Revelation 2:4 Cannot rest on past success Philippians 3:13,14 Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stop at verse 3 We can learn & profit from this church

5 What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Hear the gospel (Romans 10:17) Believe Jesus is Christ (Acts 8:37) Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30) Confess your faith (Matthew 10:32) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10)

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