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Opening Activity: March 12, 2018

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1 Opening Activity: March 12, 2018
I will stamp your Elephant DNA analysis work. Pick up two handouts, Comparing DNA Notes and Lab #14 Elephant DNA Lab from front – tape in. Describe how we might use banding patterns for our elephant work. Read through the big picture and Day 1 on Lab #14 Why must the comb be placed at negative end? What will place over the gel before we add DNA? I can… Practice making & loading a gel. Homework: Complete Elephant DNA Analysis Create Flowchart for #1 on Lab #14.

2 Today’s Goals Create an agarose gel in your gel electrophoresis.
While gels harden – discuss Elephant DNA work. Practice loading gels with practice dye. Clean up!! (everything put away and wiped down) Get the clean check from Ms. Fox and complete: Elephant Analysis Practice Flowchart #1 of Lab #14 to prepare for our work tomorrow.

3 How do scientists compare DNA?
Polymorphisms – Differences in DNA sequence duce to mutations or changes n the sequence.

4 How do scientists compare DNA?
Banding Patterns – A pattern visible on a gel after DNA gel electrophoresis. The pattern is unique to an individual or populations of organisms because they share similar DNA. Example of banding Patterns used in to solve a Crime, blood stain and 4 suspects. Who did it?

5 Pouring Gel (5-10 minutes)
Put your dams and comb in correctly, remember DNA is negatively charged so it will run to the positive end. Measure out 25ml of agarose from resource table – CAUTION HOT!! Use GLOVES. Gently pour agarose SLOWLY between the dams. LET STAND FOR 10 MINUTES….

6 Practice Loading Gel (10 min)
Remove dams and comb. Measure out and pour 125 ml of water over gel into gel box, about 1ml over gel. Use dye sample to load 10 µl into each well. Let everyone practice loading the gel. Clean up – water down sink, agarose in garbage.

7 Loading a Gel w/ DNA Hover tip of pipet over the well, do not puncture the well. Release all liquid, go to first and second stop. Remove the pipet then release your plunger.

8 Homework: Read day 2 of the lab
Create a flow chart for step #1 on day 2 Create a flow chart for step #2 on day 2 Go back and finish #3-5 on Elephant DNA Analysis page (hw from the weekend)

9 Opening Activity: March 13, 2018
I will stamp your flow chart for Lab #14. What two actions will you complete today as to prepare to run our gel electrophoresis? Where will you keep your sample solutions today as you work today? When you are measuring out 3µl, which pipet will you use? I can prepare…. A restriction digest for the Ivory sample. DNA samples from Africa to run gel. Homework: Biotech Café Article due 3/19

10 Today’s Goals Create a restriction digest for the ivory sample
Accurately measure out your control tubes for running on gel for Wednesday/Monday. Bring tubes to center cart to go into freezer overnight. Put tube #6 in hot water bath. Clean up!! (everything put away and wiped down)

11 Prepare Tubes (25 min) Keep all samples on ice when not in use.
Label 6 tubes with period, table number, and tube number. As you prepare tube, CHECK OFF each item to be sure all reagents are put in. Prepare tube #6, restriction digest first. Put tube #6 in incubator for 30 minutes. Prepare tubes #1-#5. All tubes and stock solutions to freezer in back room.

12 What did we do today? Explain a restriction digest, what reagents go into a microtube to create the digest. Explain why we did a digest today. Explain the purpose of the tubes 3, 4 & 5. Why will it be important to run these samples on a gel? What is a DNA ladder, what purpose will the ladder serve on our gel? Why did we prepare a tube of uncut DNA, explain the importance of this tube and what information it will tell us on a gel.

13 DNA Ladder DNA Ladder – a group of known DNA fragment sizes to serve as a ruler for a gel

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