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Spiritual Apathy Revelation 3:1-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Spiritual Apathy Revelation 3:1-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spiritual Apathy Revelation 3:1-3

2 spiritual apathy revelation 3:1-3

3 Average Yearly Attendance Attendance is an indicator of the heart.
Statistics Average Yearly Attendance 2011 AM Class = AM Worship = 120 PM Worship = 89 Wed. Class = 74 2018 75 114 65 64 43% less Attendance is an indicator of the heart.

4 what goes out when apathy comes in?
Spiritual Life True Worship Evangelism Salvation God spiritual apathy

5 what opens the door to let apathy in?
Satisfaction Hopelessness A Carrier Handed Down Faith Forgetting The Judgment spiritual apathy

6 What will drive apathy out?
Remember The Gospel Remember Your Position Remember Your First Love Remember The Lord’s Death Remember Your Own Death Repentance spiritual apathy

7 Will you zealously serve god?

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