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Black holes of all sorts

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1 Black holes of all sorts
By Kelvin Kasten Teacher Mrs. Butzin Main Idea Black holes of all sorts

2 Exploding black holes Every black hole eventually explodes.
quasar Exploding black holes Every black hole eventually explodes. A distorted galaxy will turn into a quasar, the biggest black hole known to man. The quasar will rip the fabric of time and space when it explodes, creating a new quasar. Black holes that are exploding right now were made 100 years after the big bang.

3 Forming a black hole To make a black hole you need to have a distorted galaxy, or a dying star. Then you wait. After 1,000 years or more a black hole will start to form. To dispose the black hole, you need to wait 3,000,000,000 years or more for the Black hole to explode!  Supermassive Black Holes: The Black Hole : Video : Science Channel

4 Time travel Time travel seems imposable, but creating a worm hole to a space ship and sending it to space for ____ years will create a black hole to the past. Travel to the future, is not possible. Worm hole

5 Entering a black hole Going into a black hole is both dangerous because you don’t know where you are going, but it may explode any second. You would get more red as you enter. The more red you get the farther you are away From the sun. Once you are in the other galaxy, you can’t go back, the black hole you came out in is now a white hole .{the opposite of a black hole} A white hole spits you out, but you can’t go back threw the white hole. Finding a black hole back to your solar system would be unlikely. A journey into a black hole. [VIDEO]

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