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Disaster Assessment Management Network

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1 Disaster Assessment Management Network
Jeremy Hanni Ronald Romain 1/11/2004

2 Operational Concept Provide an architecture for coordinating eye witness information with relief efforts in disaster situations. Utilize PDAs, Cellphones, and mapping environments to provide a coordinated system.

3 System Requirements Mobile Client #1: General Users
Be able to quickly assess conditions based on the type of catastrophe and previous user responses. Be able to locate the user’s position within a reasonable radius of approximately 150 meters.

4 System Requirements Mobile Client #2: Responders and Relief Workers (RARW) Receives information delegating where they should focus relief efforts, and how they should distribute resources as dictated by the Relief Organizers. Responders should be able to status conditions after reports have been received.

5 System Requirements Relief Organizer Client
Assesses information provided to the server by General Users and RARW to determine what the current conditions are. Schedules further relief efforts and resources distribution based on the above. Uses a geographic interface to perform all their tasks.

6 System Requirements Server
Keeps track of information provided by the General Users. Allows RARWs and Relief Organizers to status user assessments. Keeps track of geographic data to provide a comprehensive map of the disaster area. Keeps track of resources available and resources that have been distributed and where each of these resides.

7 System and Software Architecture
Hardware Involved: PDA with wireless support and an intuitive development environment. Cellphones with E-911 and JVM or .NET support. IISQLSRV Database/Web Server.

8 System and Software Architecture
Software Involved: Microsoft MapPoint Server and Web Services SQL Server 2000 IIS 6.0 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Internet Explorer 6.0 for Relief Organizer Clients J2ME or .NET Mobile Framework support

9 System and Software Architecture
IIS Server/Map Server Mobile Client #1 Mobile Client #2 Relief Organizer Clients DB Server

10 Lifecycle Plan Who Wants It Now? Governments Relief Organizations
The Red Cross USAID Red Crescent

11 Lifecycle Plan Who Will be Affected Later?
Future cell phones may be forced to use our application by the aforementioned Governments Relief efforts will be coordinated, saving people who care to use our system

12 Lifecycle Plan Who will support it?
DAMN International Technologies will support the future development and maintenance of this application.

13 Feasability The most considerable efforts will probably be focused in the following areas: Constructing a data architecture that is sufficient to analyze the user inputs, and is scalable for further system enhancements. Learning the API’s and coordinating interfaces between the clients and server side applications. Testing the application to see that it performs within the bounds of the System Requirements.

14 Patents Pending

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