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Africa Kingdom of Aksum Geographic Contrasts Early African People

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1 Africa Kingdom of Aksum Geographic Contrasts Early African People
Other parts get ______ inches of rain a year South Africa has __________ soil and _____________ Can be land of lush, green _______________ _______ over many important areas and became an important center of __________ Traded with Egypt, Arabia, __________, India and the _________ Empire at Aksum’s key sea port called _____________. Located by the Red Sea = modern day _____________ Religion included ___________ – a religion where people believe that __________ are present in animals, __________, and other natural forces. First ____________ appeared in Great _______Valley Nomadic lifestyle until they learned to _______________ animals Lived in ________ Geographic Contrasts Early African People Kingdom of Aksum Africa Some parts have constant __________ Example: ___________ Desert in North Africa Can be land of _______ dust or desert ___________ largest continent in the world.

2 Aksumite Architecture
In 451 A.D., Ethiopia and Egypt with become _____________ and split from Roman Catholic God called ___________ and their king __________ was a direct descendent of him. King Ezana __________ to Christianity Offered sacrifices- animals Traditionally monotheistic Developed unique architecture using ________ instead of _____ bricks to build palaces and buildings Built huge stone __________ called __________ to celebrate king’s conquests Instead they _________ stones to fit together _________ Used NO ____________ Aksum lasted for ________ years Fell to invaders who practiced _________! Trade in Aksum Aksumite Architecture Fall of Aksum Aksum Religion Items traded: salt, ______________ horns, tortoise shells, ivory, _____________, and gold Imported cloth, glass,________ _____, ________, brass, iron and copper

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